Political Opinion

Why does it matter where someone comes from, Dennis? This clearly seems to be an issue for you, but if someone does not want to discuss their private life on here then why should they?
I can see why someone with a different political viewpoint to yourself might not wish to disclose this, its pretty obvious that you are just waiting to say ‘What do you know about this, you’re from XYZ-land’.
And how do you know that someone who has already told you they are from the USA isn’t?

Enjoy your day


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Doubtful mate - they won’t answer ANYTHING - Just blindly and void of actual reasoning want to express their moral superiority and “preach” their hate ! :rofl:

Anyhow I make no secret - I’m from Uk - England and proud of it ! - My Eldest Daughter has a Full American Passport and is a US citizen since her mother (my longest lasting - actual “Wife” - is American and Part Seminole Indian )

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Seems the “Secret crayonners” are only too ready to ascribe their own guesses as to the motivation of others - without any intention of entering into any honest dialogue ! :rofl:

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And indeed their “improvement” to “socialism” turned out to be the worst possible thing the “proletariat” could have acquiesced to ! - what 40 MILLION murdered in one way or another - But as Uncle Joe Himself said

“one death is a tragedy - a Million deaths is a statistic”

Then there is the Chinese disaster

Their move to “equality and utopia” under Marxism lead to 60 Milion plus murders and that does not even tke into account the vast numbers of Infanticides made compulsory under their “One child rule” - which all of our Robot indoctrinator’s links sanitise away without apology - or evn acknowledgement - but hey

They own nothing - and are HAPPY ! :rofl:


This was exactly what Karl Marx wanted and is in his book “The Communist Manifesto”. A book you can still buy.




Whow!!! One Honorary Member attacking another Honorary Member. Is there no honor between Honorary Members??




Hardly, Blackduck. I was simply asking a question, no malice intended. (I would hardly have signed off ‘namaste’ if that was the case)

Enjoy your day.


So - I’m not from the US but it seems that most of us are governed by politicians regardless as to what country that we were born and something that we had no input in the first place.

But we have opinions on politicians and more importantly their policies and actions.

So what do you guys think about increasing the minimum wage (Proposed in US to $15.00) - should there even be such a policy as a minimum wage?

Lol- wee duck - see the title they’ve given me - never stopped me getting called names :slight_smile:

so you think trump has the power to stop the current political system, lol lets be clear trump hasn’t done nothing to make america great, . i know for a fact a country divided will fail sooner or later, and where still divided and we still failing, some people was hell bent, i just made fun of him after he lost.

getting mad at trump is ignoring the fact that he didn’t win the first election, he was put in office not by the people. so the people should be mad at the system

BTW Dennis from your responds on joe biden look like your hell bent on getting rid of biden, maybe it’s just your political association that makes you feel like that

Oh I see. So how else would you have signed off should you be attacking @Dennis3450??

Your post seemed to be aggressive. But the question is why have you, all of a sudden, decided to get involve now when there has been serious conversations happening between several parties on this thread for quiet some time?? Why have you singled out Dennis when there has been serious questions asked by myself and others about the legitimacy of some of the contributors to this thread?? And seriously is it really any of your business??

What angers me are those who feel they have the right to police what others say. Especially when there has been some nasty things said to all parties by some people on this thread that have gone unchallenged by you or any other high profile member of this community. It is a free country and as far as I am concerned free speech still exists.

I hope you get my point.

Happy trading

Or should I say Namasta



Hello Blackduck

Since I wasn’t attacking him, that question is irrelevant.

That was not my intention

Because Dennis was the person asking. Had it been someone else, I would have addressed them

I would hardly describe myself as that.

I agree wholeheartedly, and as I’m sure you are aware, free speech here is afforded to all regardless of race, religion, or political persuasion.

I haven’t been spending much time here recently, I just drop in occasionally to catch up on messages and have a browse.

It’s as much my business as my post to Dennis is yours. This is an open forum, every post may be read and/or addressed by other members.

I hope you get my point.



Join the club. However name calling of me is water off a ducks back. :joy:

Ghost it’s good to be a little Black Duck :joy:

As far as a minimum wage I believe that there should be. Whilst I am a believer in capitalism there needs to be some form of protection from those employers who not willing to be fair to their employees.




I get your point. However to make a comment to just one individual on this thread when you are just a casual observer is like making a comment about a conversation when you have not been privy to all that has been said. You only know half the story and therein lies the problem.




Who Rules America: The Rise of The Military-Industrial Complex | Corporations, I think by now we know the people who rules america are the people who control the policy makers to get what they want

Not all cigar smokers are corrupt…:wink:


that’s a shame - I was hoping to do a deal on a few cartons - “Tax” over here just means I can’t have one when I want and our climate means I can’t grow my own ! :cry:

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I know your taxes on them are horrible. Florida is a VERY friendly state as it’s big business here and the politicians have chosen to support business.


Cigars. Them things will kill you. :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

