Political Opinion

Not as certainly as “Democrats” will :rofl:


Drew Newman, fourth-generation cigar maker at J.C. Newman Cigar Co. in Tampa added:

“From Tampa’s Ybor City to Miami’s Little Havana, handcrafted cigars have been an important part of Florida’s cultural heritage for more than 150 years. Today, Florida’s historic premium cigar industry supports thousands of jobs, from farmers to cigar rollers to retailers. We are tremendously grateful to Sen. Rubio for his continued leadership and advocacy in support of small, family businesses in Florida.”


That’s lovely - but doesn’t solve my problem !

If you or anyone happens to know of a producer who can er send me some "Vegan Herb samples " - please do pm me ! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Touche my friend.




Love you x


A little bit of trivia. Two years ago I visited Budapest Parliament and I was amazed at the numbered cigar holders made of brass on the teak railings of the parliament hallways for the pollies to put their cigars.




Awe you are so sweet.

I’m blushing.


I think here are some who might disagree with that ! :wink:

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Sometimes my response is better imagined than stated x

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both parties are all brought for and paid for by the same system that is destroying america and both parties are powerless to stop them, cheers mate

like i said the average american really thinks politicians have their best interest at heart, in reality politicians cater to special interest group who get laws past to future their own agenda, a system that makes the president powerless to change it

understand how america works and who control what they think america needs without any input from the average joe only then will you realize it’s a waste of time, the system is bigger and on a higher level then what the small thinkers think he knows

define “the average american” - Dumbfry !

lol, the not so rich americans like the vast majority of america.



Define your personage !

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it is what it is Falstaff, you are who you are.

This fool is not even capable of answering a simple question !

So what are we supposed to do with him ?

Sod off - Jerk !

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dude clearly you have no understanding how america works, no need to answer your question


If the news of the day is about a Yellow Vest protest in Paris would you not want to get the inside scoop from someone how actually lives in France

Well now it seems to be an issue for you so I guess that makes us even

Nobody is asking anyone about their sex life, just what country they are from, Baby Pips even has a thread where new members are encouraged to introduce themselves. Do you have a problem with that thread too?

The rest of this is just your classic Strawman argument, You make up a story that fits your bias and then try to pin it on your opponent

I could say more but I think Blackduck has covered everything else

Come back again sometime


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Jeez - is that what I’ve been waiting for ? :roll_eyes:

Keep those thermisters cool ! :rofl:

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