Political Opinion

'bye :tropical_drink:

It will cost jobs, Walmart and Amazon will just automate. Last increase was in 2009, so you can argue a increase is needed but is doubling it the correct move. I donā€™t think Social Security benefits have doubled since 2009. No increase under Obama,

I am retired so it will not effect me except for inflation and dealing with self serve checkouts at Walmart.

I am also seeing a lot of McDonalds installing self serve order placing machines eliminating human order takers

getting rid of the min wage and let the market dictate wages is favored by some,

My solution is UBI, Universal Basic Income, it would slow down Automation and when Automation does eliminate your job you would have the UBI to hold you over while finding new work

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I am just a Sick-Minded Zombie , you have a problem with that


While President Biden visits storm-torn Texas, Sen. Ted Cruz will be giving a speech on ā€˜cancel cultureā€™ in Florida

you are correct the democrats will kill you but somehow the republicans are gonna come along and save me, :point_right: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :point_left: is that how it works.


An endearing, fat, aging rogue who appears in several of the plays of William [Shakespeare] He is prominent in the two parts of King Henry the Fourth, where he is the jolly companion of Prince Hal, the future King Henry V. Falstaff is a lover of wine, women, and song; although a coward in practice, he loves to tell tales of his supposed bravery.

now i see why you make me laugh at your posts

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you ok with me dennis, we all have our personal opinions, me getting mad at your personal opinion when your opinions have no direct effect on my life is a waste of energy. :muscle:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Right-wing extremists ā€˜want to blow up the Capitolā€™ and ā€˜kill as many members as possibleā€™ during Bidenā€™s first address to Congress, police chief says

See how he is unable to understand nuance ?

Thereā€™s nothing (much) wrong with democracy - itā€™s the Bloody Democrats that are the problem.

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See how this one actually bothered to look me up :rofl:

Then the one dressed in the Diaper comes along and with his usual perspicacity and aplomb - shows precisely why his attire is so appropriate !

I mention this as an illustration of much that is wrong with the neo-Marxist Sophists - Given a reasonable expose of a situation, set of facts, or account, their onlly care is to find a few words to latch on to, take them out of context and use them as a weapon to try to discredit or ridicule the whole person they are intent on attacking

This is a prime example of exactly why they really are not fit to try to engage in conversation or discussion - yet they persist in intruding into and disrupting the conversations of the Adults.

Perhaps their fathers were lax in their upbringing and should have learned from historical wisdom !

ā€œSpare the rod - Spoil the childā€

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OOh ! Filosify ! :smiley: :heart_eyes:

Letā€™s take a look at that one shall we ?

= "my teacher sez "

Which is true inasfar as it goes - as we know the human race originated in Africa and walked from there to colonise the other land areas of the world. However this Filosifer then goes on to show that his teacha did not know what she was talking about when he says

But he just told us correctly that there were no ā€œoriginal peopleā€ - Oh does he mean the genetically modified Africans who walked through Asia, Russia exterminating other kinds of human as they went and then walked across the Northern Ice to Canada and down through the lower 48 into South America - All the while planting little flags of varying hues and writing names on maps, slowly mutating, changing skin colour and changing physiologically and in other ways such as IQ.

  • Perhaps he will go back to skool and ask his teacha - if that is who she means ?

Weā€™ve done that one already but perhaps he could ask his teacha about ā€œGrammarā€ at the same time. and tell her - No he doesnā€™t mean his Mumā€™s mum ! - get her to look the word up if she doesnā€™t understand.

So we have this piece of land with scattered groups or tribes of ex-pat Africans making war on each other, with their wooden, bone and stone tools, taking members of other tribes as Slaves and sometimes eating each other living on it. Then another group or groups of ex-pat Africans who have the intelligence to build boats, smelt, cast and work metals and have learned the secret mixture of Charcoal, Sulphur and Saltpetre which explodes when ignited, come sailing over the horizon and decide to settle there

  • is that what his teacha means by ā€œinvasionā€ - or is it some other ?

if it was these people Iā€™m afraid I have a problem with his argument - to wit

taking it as a whole;

since it was these people who came sailing over the hoirizon and settled, who or whose descendents actually produced the name America - there can by definition - have been no previous ā€œAmericansā€

  • If heā€™s going to do this Filosify stuff - at least lets get the discussion on a proper footing
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And, George Burns, too!


The proposal for a $15 an hour minimum wage is all but dead after the Senate ruled it cannot be passed under Budget Reconciliation provisions, so in all likelihood the Republicans would block the stimulus package if this remained part of it.

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Aye, looks short term dead - would need 60 votes going that route - Speaker still not giving up.

After yesterday and the bond and stock selling at least things settling down right now - for now that is.

Wonder will the Fed have something to say before the weekend.

There are still ways to watch and listen to reality - even when U-Tub decides that knowledge is hateful - Well worth the watch and quite a lot of levity amongst the condemnation of vice and the expression of the virtuous !

Make a note of the website !

Oh and apparently the Pareto principle actually applies in the OFFICIAL statistics - in a way you will find horrific ! :broken_heart:

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Sorry mate I didnā€™t see that one - but the logic is pretty much incorporated in my ā€œFilosifyā€ post - sorry for not acknowledging :slightly_smiling_face:


Phone Records Prove House Sergeant-at-Arms DID Ignore Pleas for Backup: Capitol Police Chief

This cracks me up. Love it.

:joy: :joy: :joy: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:




Dr. Seuss quotes

ā€œBe who you are and say what you feel because those who mind donā€™t matter and those who matter donā€™t mind.ā€

Wot yer sayinā€™ ? :thinking: