Political Opinion

dude i already label you, at this point i’m just, never mind. enjoy your thread

I think you ight benefit somewhat from a jaunyt to the real world :slightly_smiling_face:

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lol, good one and your starting to get more manly, let’s see how it turns out in the end

I agree, Rush Limbaugh was a big Cigar man, and now he is gone

so shall we try and translate that verbal Diahorrea into some form of recognisable language ?

Please do let us have your first attempt @SmallPaul

yeah he was let’s hope he have a good after life

you can have the last words falstaff, i concede, the platform is all yours

More proof you are not American,


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Yes that’s what I thought -

Nothing of any relevance !

Yawn !

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truth be told nobody is truly american excpt the original people that was here before the invasion

yes you the man around here :muscle:

Pouffe !

Bye candle !

shouldn’t you go back to complaining about the american way of politics that you have no control of and somehow you gonna change how things in done, lmao dude i concede for all to see

You lose again


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yeah and you think your the original people of this land , :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

dude, I already label you, at this point I just, never mind, enjoy your thread

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i’m cool with that and not trying to change your opinion on what you think about me. :muscle:

Yup [ “Democrats” All :unicorn: :plate_with_cutlery: :cocktail: :tropical_drink: :wine_glass: :candy:

Nay Lad !

Canst not be ! Eviscerate the fool !

oh denise you’re really lost, to each its own

hey boys i gotta go, i just wanna say denise and falstaff that your next president is gonna make america great and than he’s gonna make america great again, i believe it i really believe it, :grinning: :point_left: