Political Opinion

and here we go

Republican lawmaker invokes a saying glorifying lynchings at congressional hearing about racist violence

Why Do Republicans Hate America?


now you are talking about my blood brothers, be careful where you go with that

really, someone 20 years old at the time of Germany’s surrender would be 96 today, so what are they doing looking in nursing homes

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That’s gold. Love it.




rising with Krystal and Saagar is one of the last commentary news shows that actually bring real news about real people, American Uncensored is another good one, that is about it

Fun how Krystal and Saagar says the exact same thing I have been posting about and you never hear you no who complaining about them


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yes sir they still busting them, you haven’t heard

yeah ok i hear you

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Convicting a prison guard who was 17 at the time, is hardly serving any justice, this kid would have had 10 years of nazi brainwashing before entering that prison,

and it was all a show trial anyway as he was given a two year suspended sentence

what a waste of time and resources

This was from July of last year, does anyone know of a more recent one



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hate crime is a terrorist act regardless what race does it, America we stand together

Man who killed 2 at supermarket pleads guilty to hate crimes

lets mourn for the victims of this terrorist act

Biden orders U.S. flags be flown at half-staff in honor of Atlanta victims

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it’s ok if you flag me, we know where you stand. America first for me


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what no flag at half staff for these victims, selective outrage to match a political agenda


lol i figure you will go there. like i said we know where you stand. wish you the best :laughing:

I’m not going to flag you

  • BUT
    I will ask a question !

WHY is this entity - which appears to be a Bot - allowed 4 consecutive posts - when everyone else is cancelled after 3 ?

@pipstradamus ?

are you sure it’s 4 posts in a row?

i don’t understand why men complain about authority and than go to authority for help

I have seen it post 6 in a row before, and I asked the same question to the same person who might also be a bot. Let’s face it, this forum is being run by bots so no surprise they would give special privileges to one of their own

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then the question is why do you not, do you ignore hundreds of murders just because the victims are black.

“Truth is like a coin, it has two sides, if you are only telling one side, then you are telling a half truth, which is no better than a lie”

but what do I know after all I am just a Sick Minded Zombie

you are trying to compare criminal activities to terrorist attacks

Ask the CIA and FBI witch one they see as a threat to the country


Yes you are correct, the CIA and FBI are a threat to the country, but which is worst, I would say the CIA as they can threaten the world

And let’s be clear, The rank and file agents of both do outstanding work and are True Patriots, but the political appointees that run these organizations have agendas that are not always in the best interest of the US population

When the FBI stops protecting us from terrorism and becomes the terrorist


80 Dead including 25 children, and you call these the good guys

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