Political Opinion

I have no doubt in your mind everything in the post is true,

All that I am doing is defending myself from your attacks, remember what started this exchange is your post against me,

look at it this way, you made a post complaining about me complaining, then I post complaining about you complaining about me, complaining, and now you are complaining about me complaining about you complaining about me complaining, and here I am complaining about you complaining about me complaining about you complaining about me complaining.

You got to admit, this is Laugh your ass off funny

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Any details, is there a story attach to this, and exactly what does “what he is” mean

can we expect a news conference soon to address the " what he is" as I am sure you would not be posting it if not of serious consequents for world peace

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I don’t know who this guy is nor do I care, but this is the root of what is wrong with the Corporate News cartels ( FOX , msm, cnn,msnbc, NYT … etc) they are all guilty of staffing their news shows with political insiders.

What I would like to see ( yes I know it will never happen) is a law to forbid these political insiders from holding a paid job at any news outlet for at least 5 years after leaving their political post, Same law should apply to lobbyists.

Does anyone have a better solution, if so please share it


I’m sure that you are aware of the story behind this, its been widely reported.
After an intelligence assessment that Russia had tried to influence the 2020 election, President Biden said that Putin ‘will pay’ for their interference. When pressed if he believed Putin was a killer, he said ‘I do’. He also said that in 2011 he told Putin he believed he didn’t have a soul. The administration is expected to announce sanctions some time next week.
After years of ignoring or doing nothing about things like Moscow’s 2014 annexation of Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula, election meddling, hacking attacks and, most recently, the jailing of Russia’s opposition leader Alexei Navalny that followed his poisoning, its good to see an American President standing up against the Russians, and Putin in particular.

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Again I see no evidence, and these intell people are the same ones who told us Iraq had “weopons of mass destruction” so I have zero faith in what they say

and at the same time we have actual “influence” of the 2020 election carried out by what Time Magazine calls a “cabal of powerful people”


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Again where are you getting all this from, what is your source , we are still waiting for biden’s first press conference so how do you know what biden said.

so far you are parroting CIA propaganda, if there is substances and evidence I sure would like to see it

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Try a google search dennis or go straight to your own preferred choice of news. Im not wasting time listing news outlets for you just so you can say you dont trust them

It is common courtesy to list a source, without one then you are the one wasting your time posting here.

You say I " don’t trust them" which begs the question why do you trust them

Did you watch the Max Kaiser interview,

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Here’s a source, one you used a few posts ago

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Not much room for diplomacy when you start out calling someone a killer

wait, did not biden just kill a bunch of people in Syria, talk about the kettle calling the pot black

Thanks for the link, scary times we live in

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it sure would be nice if we had someone from Russia, here in our little group to give us their inside prospective about what is really going on in Russia, Western media especially in the US is controlled by the CIA so you cannot trust what you read

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your doing a good job, you every thought about moving to russia. i’m sure they will except you because they love americans over there

I think most fo “Our generation” have encouraged kids to “get a degree” - almost at any cost - because in our time degrees were a badge that the wearer was capable of thinking critically and assimilating knowledge.

Then came Obama and Blair saying "half the population needs degrees. We did not object and now those figures have come to pass.

What this means, we know is that twice as many girls as boys go down this path and that on average boys and girls have the same IQ levels - But IQ is NOT interchangeable or increasable in any meaningful way - ergo only the very bottom 1/3 of IQ level kids are deemed “not suitable” for UNiversity education. So kids are getting “Degrees” who are significantly BELOW Average IQ - AND expecting high paid desk jobs - despite their being dumber than Average !

So there is in effect nothing of value behind a desk they are competent to do ! - Yet they have degrees ! - Why do they have degrees if they are dullards ? - Because degrees have been de-skilled to the state of being largely worthless - and even worse than that - those kids are just going through 3-4 years of indoctrination in the name of “Education”.

They actually believe that there is something “wholesome” about discriminating against competence and in favour of (a class of disordered people Freud had a name for) - “People without penises” (Whether by accident of birth - or by amputation) and in favour of those who happen to have high melanin levels ! - irrespective of the comparitive brain capacity of any of the individuals in any of the “groups” !

1976 was the year in the US when anti male discrimination was first mandated in Law - You’d have thought that if the logic was rational, and the “education” worthwhile - that this discrimination would no longer be deemed neccessary - but no - apparently the more they discriminate against us the worse we get :skull_and_crossbones: - JUST AS THE JEWS DID in Historical Germany !

I don’t think it is fair to blame the thick kids or even the parents who encourage them to “Better themselves” - In the society we subsist in Everyone acts in their own perceived self-interest whether they be boys going MGTOW or prettyish girls going “Only-Fans” -
Manipulative and cynical people “Pushing narratives” for money, teaching “courses” or writing books and articles they only profess to “Believe in”

Like the “Second sons of nobility” in feudal times who were sent to University to - “get religion” and become Clergy - nothing to do with “God” - just a way of reinforcoing the status quo of the Elites, Keeping the Serfs in their Place and receiving a reliable income in a “Respectable way”.

That was before “Democracy” and “universal Suffrage” will put us back in the same place - but in a slightly different way - with Gimmedats indoctrinating "Oppressed Minorities that they are forever being picked on by the Competent - So instead of “Keeping the Serfs subdued and content” - The modern philosophy is to “empower dependency” by Disempowering competence - fostering a feeling of discontent and victimhood which can only be addressed by voting for the Gimmedat Party, at the expense of self-reliance and competence.

Given a progression of discontents and those dependent on “State Charity”, Pretend jobs as a kind of “docking station” for those unable to demonstrate competence to do “Real work” - it becomes apparent that there are no longer enough people doing productive work to support those “essential jobs” which we see multiplied every year to absorb the expense of the “worthy degree holders” and in addition those who choose to simply become “state dependent” for any income at all by Gaming the benefits systems of our countries.

Thus Tax- take cannot hope ever to become self-balancing and ever increasing Government expenditure has to be supported by “Borrowing” or simply by printing pretend money and reducing Interest rates to impossibly low rates for the “Government debt” - but Not for the private borrower or those wishing to invest.

In the finality - the same fate will befall this system as befalls EVERY “Socialist” / Communist system.

  • The competent will simply take the attitude “well if you can’t beat 'em join 'em”
  • The competent will simply stop paying tax at all - by withdrawing their labour from any but jobs which enable a very basic lifestyle
  • They will withdraw from society and stop having children - purely because there is no point - no advancement to be had through competence or initiative without someone else steals the fruits of your labour.
  • Men have already started to do this - since there is No positive side to a traditional “American Dream” lifestyle, when everything you worked for is either taken from you by an abusive legal system or burned to the ground by some “Peaceful Protestor gang”
  • When there is no hope of advancement in any form of employment for you because you happen to be born male and low in Melanin. (Many MGTOW are in fact Black men - so we need to acknowledge that the “education” is not contaminating all)
  • AND a great many women and girls really do not want to have any truck with this foolishness - but hey as I already said
    { In the society we subsist in Everyone acts in their own perceived self-interest whether they be boys going MGTOW or prettyish girls going “Only-Fans” -
    Manipulative and cynical people “Pushing narratives” for money, teaching “courses” or writing books and articles they only profess to “Believe in” }

So I really have little criticism of anyone be they People of colour, "Students or Females for acting for their own advantage, according to the old rule of Gamesmanship ;

“dip yer bread in Say nothing and Don’t buy a Programme!”

Yes we could as both those I quote say - “Fix it” at the cost of some pain

But in a world where there are more parasites than there are hosts and the parasites have the same value of vote as the hosts have why should the parasites vote to reduce the amount of blood they suck ? - Even if, in the finality, failure to reduce their blood drain means that both the hosts and the parasites die ?


You did get one thing correct, the Russian people do love Americans, just ask Edward Snowden

and at the rate my government is going, we could see a brain exodus from the US to Russia as the US becomes more like the old USSR and Russia becomes more like the America I was born in.

by the way what country were you born in


with all your complaining you should do just fine in russia.

born and raise Putin

I have zero belief this is true, but I am not going to press it after all we live in a world were you can be any sex or race just by saying so.

by the way, I am officially identifying as African American, this will make me eligible for Reparations

Just playing the game by their rules

You have a good day

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N. Korea
Saudi Arabia
USA(by some)


Dennis you are a Sovereign Citizen

you must feel the same way about native americans, Reparations doesn’t right the wrong that was done

good thing jews got their Reparations from Germany and the swiss banks and continue to lock up holocaust participants


A quick snippet you won’t hear from our own London based “Democrats”

“Kinda expensive bombs - from a dude who owes me two thousand dollars !”

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