Political Opinion


so what part about about Russia testing a nuclear torpedo in the Arctic is a lie when The Pentagon said it was watching developments “very closely.”

BTW every U.S. president is a puppet to the people who control the system, that’s why no U.S… president can stop the process :v:

dennis you are confusing the people who control the propaganda system and the system that control the behavior on how people think with some government entity and not private people who put this system in place in the 1900’s

these people have lobby for laws that made sure the government can’t stop them. blame that on the government who allow that to happen

EDIT: You must think over 100yrs of both parties in office that we are where we at today because of some political party :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I don’t see how but then again I am probably missing something.
In general the biggest threat to the world is China.




what is china a threat of doing that the western world power countries haven’t done already?

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There sure are a lot of pro-China post on this thread, and it is the same people who refused to hold China responsible for the corona-virus

As Mrs. Duck correctly stated, “the biggest threat to the world is China”

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If a somewhat “SMALL” one



Feeling are still hurt i see, take another week off you might get over it :v:

the biggest threat according to who, your propaganda media :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You see it’s only propaganda when it doesn’t agree with your way of thinking

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dennis there is only one way you feel china is a threat and that’s info you get from media outlets the same type of media outlets you say is promoting Americans to hate Russia, :open_mouth:

You see how the system works bucko

Just how stupid are you? Really!! You must be a supporter of communism?



How little you know. The USSR used proaganda brilliantly when they established the gulags that kill 60 million people. Moa used proaganda brilliantly when he too kill in excess of 60 million chinese.

Communism and the woke left thrive because of propaganda.



well if i support communism the world support communism, 80% of american products are made in china, china is also building their slick road thru Europe and started building 5g network in Europe, how the heck you think china became a threat :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:



so the world industrialize countries decides to do business with Communist China and put them in the position of power and now crying they are a threat

So who’s really supporting communism




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yeah WHAT, that’s what i said

a serious question are you mentally retarded?

Duh doo duh gar goo bla bla



One By One



Propaganda is all around us including in the polls which I have urged everyone to ignore

We live in a real-life version of the Matrix, and you have a choice to take the blue pill and keep believing the lies or take the red pill and see beyond the lies

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Mrs. Duck , you would have a better conversation reasoning with a brick. Just like we must ignore the propaganda we must also ignore those who parrot it