Political Opinion

Yes she has a better chance talking that BS to a brick.

she’s talking about supporting communism and i gave her info on how industrialize countries made china who they are today and all she came back with :sob:

i also gave her a video link on what china is doing to her so call country, she prefer to stick to her BS agenda and i’m poking holes all in them :v:

if you gonna call a country a threat then you shouldn’t be relying on them to hold your country together

that’s like calling a man a rapist but he Lives In Your House

this is not about supporting china this is about chastising the countries that made china who they are today and now crying about it. they knew China Was Communist

The UK Govt, in the defence review concede that China represents a threat , however they say that that it is possible to mitigate through investment and trade. No such concession is mentioned with regard to Russia,

It’s a very long and difficult to understand review - they have committed to a smaller army and a larger nuclear arsenal ( 40% increase) among other things - a huge spend of borrowed money on a weapon that they say they hope to never use.

Edit: UK is heavily committed to Chinese investment and intended trade but not so in the case of Russia.


What Paul alludes to regarding the West and China - the headline in the UK mid march:

The UK will maintain a positive trading and economic relationship with China while recognising Beijing represents the biggest state-based threat to the UK

The words of the song are perhaps loud - Money talks.

Btw. the UK Foreign Sec insisted that the UK is not seeking a FTA with China right now when challenged by journalists.

And of course being naive I totally believe that is the truth :slight_smile:

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Truer words were never said.

Some people pretend that they are intelligent. Sadly they only make themselves look foolish.




Great quote.

However eventually will attempt to take over Taiwan and there will be a major conflict between China and the west. What of that money then??




i agree 100%


stupid is as stupid does, the west needs china more then china needs them, where will the west get their products from, you think the west can switch to another country that don’t have the manufacture technology, infrastructure and the ports to deal with the world demands like china :open_mouth:

The west made themselves economy slaves to one country


Irrespective of this claim what does this have to do with the violation of the sovereignty of the nation of Taiwan??

Do the economic needs of other countries out weight the responsibility to protect a weaker nation from a tyrant country hell bent on world domination??

As a communist you would say that Taiwan needs to become part of China.



You obviously have not been following Australian politics. Australia is one of the only countries that has stood up to China. We have removed Chinese spies from the country as well as virtually told China to go to hell as we won’t bow down to their bullying tactics. We have started to reclaim property that China owned. We are expelling Chinese teachers in the Confusious Centres in our Universities as these were nothing more than a way for the proliferation of Chinese propaganda. We are also strengthening our border patrols and our armed forces in the event of a military confrontation.



It’s better to say nothing and have people think you are an idiot than to open your mouth and prove them right.



yes, prime example is Russia invasions of Crimea, those sanctions sure did hurt russia :rofl:

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Sanctions should never have taken place. That take over should have been defended with military force by western alias. Even though Crimea and the Ukraine were once part of the USSR.


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a few of countries was part of USSR that are independent Russia didn’t invade them

that’s the agreement they had with the west and the west folded the same will happen if china invades Taiwan and the U.S.

That shows how little you know. You post a video from 2019 that is more of a history lesson than a political statement to attempt to prove some sort of point. Since this video China gave the world the Chinese virus and trade tensions with China and Australia have risen. All that I stated in the last post has happened since this video. Man you are a goose.

Oh and by the way watch this video that was recorded just 1 DAY ago. It’s only 4 minutes long so even you with the attention span of a goose will be able to sit through.


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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:’ just for that i comment i will watch the video

this stared by you talking about china is a threat and i supported communism and i gave you info on how industrialized counties been supporting their own threat and communism, directly or indirectly

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I sure am glad you are banging your head against that brick wall as it is giving my head a chance to heal, and still his responses are giving me a headache so I tend to not read them. But as you have said, it can be fun just seeing what crazy thing he or it will post next

take care and ware a helmet

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