Political Opinion

Camping, that is what I will be doing this time tomorrow, but I will be doing it legally and not infringing on the rights of others

Those homeless in California will Sh-t right one the streets, it is a mess

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Don’t tell me what I am not a fan of, Watch this short video and lets talk, I also started a thread a while back on this subject

I saw this story on The Morning Brew

Canceled. The pipeline’s developer, TC Energy, said yesterday it was pulling the plug on the project after a decade-long game of tug of war over the pipeline’s environmental impact.
Keystone XL wasn’t exactly an active construction site. biden rescinded the pipeline’s construction permit on his first day in office, reflecting his administration’s commitment to fighting climate change.

That is total Bullsh-t , cancelling that pipeline does nothing for climate change, in fact, it will make it worst as bringing that oil to market by other means will leave a much larger carbon footprint. Then there is the 50cents per gallon increase at the pump we in America are paying as a direct result of this action

Conclusion: Everyone is a loser


i’m not familiar with the pipeline, can you tell me what was going on in that decade tug of war, did the company build any of the pipeline and if so wouldn’t they be out a lot of money or did the u.s. goverment payed them as the project went along

Heard that on the radio this morning, Dennis. Said it was totally expected because, as you said,
it was cancelled on the first day of the Biden Presidency.
Was that around the same time he overrode Trump and lifted the sanctions on the Natty Gas pipeline from Russia to Germany?
Boy, sure seems like a lose-lose on those two items. Or a win-win, depending on your perspective, I guess.




Welding is something I have never done, maybe that should go on my bucket list, It would be a good skill to have during the coming Zombie Apocalypses


It’s a great skill for a Man to have ! - You’d get started with something like this - see if you like it - plus a couple of pairs of locking grips to hold the steel in place and an angle grinder for cutting and cleaning the pieces - Plus some old scrap steel - you could knock up a wood gassifier to run your petrol engines off - in no time ! :wink: (JUst to really annoy the “Cars must be electric” fools ! :rofl: )

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Good thing we have freedom to protest our goverment

Saudi Arabia executes 26-year-old man for protesting against the government when he was a teen, human rights groups say

Our new news channel has a few words to say about Woke tyranny - (See freeview ch 236)

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Sadly the situation is far more complex than that !

And that !

The real problem is identified by Jordan Peterson some years ago and it is incumbent on those who wish to “Cure the problem” - to address the issues he raises !

“That’s 15% of the Population !”

Note how the “Interviewer” simply cannot comprehend what Peterson says here !


so there is the woke tyranny and the people who are complaining about the woke tyranny, so whos wining?

The Woke Culture:

  • In its contemporary use, “woke” means social awareness, being alert to social issues, racism, discrimination and injustice . Some of the goals of the woke culture are: dissolve the nuclear family, abolish capitalism, eliminate religion, re-write our constitution and raise children gender neutral.

How can any sane person read this and not be opposed to woke culture, it is political correctness on steroids

It is also an Oxymoron as these people are the most closed-minded you will ever meet


I have found in life that simple solutions to complex problems yields a far better result then the usual government solution of just throwing money at it

i have no problem with this part because no person should be nieve to what’s going on in their country

but i’m with you dennis on this part

btw do anybody know if woke culture is a organizations that promote these ideologies or are we speculations that’s what they stand for?

It would be laughable if it wasn’t such a deliberate and insidious movement designed to control the language and designate any alternate viewpoint as ‘hate speech’. Unfortunately there are far too many simple-minded, gullible morons who fall for the whole ‘woke’ agenda ‘hook line and sinker’.

All rational people discriminate, you can’t make a decision without discrimination. Imagine trying to trade without it.

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