Political Opinion


This is how congress spends their time these days,

Someone tell me how will this improve anyone’s life, will it lower healthcare cost, reduce college tuition or address the double-digit inflation we are seeing this year

Maybe behind all those laughing faces, they are really saying, " We just F- over the American people again and they have no clue"

There would have been NO way anyone could have voted no.

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How do you guys feel about the new juneteenth holiday.

“The core of your

true self
is never lost.
Let go of all the
pretending and
the becoming
you’ve done just
to belong.
Curl up with your
rawness and come home.
You don’t have to
find yourself;
you just have to
let yourself in.”

― D. Antoinette Foy

A wolf in sheep’s clothing is symbolic for someone who outwardly looks harmless and kind with good intentions but inwardly is full of hate, evil and deceit.

And I am not saying anyone should have voted no, nor am I opposed to this holiday.

But if they can all come together on this why can’t they do the same for healthcare, the average American not receiving a subsidy is paying over 12K a year out of pocket for government-mandated health insurance

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even the liberal press is calling out biden’s corruption

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and why can’t they come together for a better America, i mean is it that hard to look after the average american, what’s in the way

why is it when a president gets into office regardless of party lines he immediately get hate from the media and the American people, being president have become a joke in America and no longer respected


June 19, a celebration of the end of slavery in the United States, commemorating the emancipation of the last enslaved African Americans, in Texas, on June 19, 1865.

Are you proud of your new “leader” ?


incoming a barrage of sth

The Democrat party would gladly see America reduced to a pile of ashes as long as they get to rule over those ashes


Political humor at the expense of congress and the person in the White House is nothing new and has been going on 200+ years , what has change is the degree of partisanship

The thing I find humors is it was a Republican President and Republican lead congress responsible for the 13th amendment , the Democrats opposed it, then when they could not stop it they installed Jim Crow laws to undermind it

not a problem either way as long as they do what’s right for america or the right side of the argument wins the argument, now if the republicans put that same energy into doing something when they get into office and change what the Democrats so call destroy

if we gonna play the blame game then i blame the republicans for doing nothing we they got into office, that would make them worthless

14 House Republicans Voted Against Making Juneteenth A Federal Holiday

you call what you post as humor :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


“They call Themselves - The WOrld Health Organisation !” :rofl:

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“Whites Need Not Apply”

Is this even Legal ?

Note to Moderators after flagging - PLease ask the flagger exactly what prompted him to do so - this post is a purely factual report of advertisements by BBC and others

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Why Donald Trump Deserved to Lose

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why would your video get flag. now to your video, i will say the universe is undefeated

EDIT: let me explain, if you look at westernize countries pass to present you have to ask yourself why will they allow what falstaff pointed out, you would think base on the history of those countries they wouldn’t allow such things to happen, that’s where the universe / higher power comes into play

History will tell us the above statement is untrue


Ahhhhhh, the good old days…
Where’s Newt when you need him? And Jack Kemp! And what in the heck happened to John Kasich?

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