Political Opinion

my bad dennis i didn’t know we was talking about the federal budget being balance by the republicans party, i thought we was talking about how the democrats destroyed America and what actions have the republican’s done to stop, change or come up with their policies to stop the madness and make america great when they got into office

(of a country, person, or system) having adopted or been influenced by the cultural, economic, or political systems of Europe and North America:“the more westernized parts of the city”

The westernized system was never meant to stay the same. it is suppose to change as a country cultural, economic, or political systems changes

I post in wrong thread

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One week after GB News started - suddenly we are allowed to know the truth - “Check your White Privilege”

This is in addition to the one million white English girls raped and trafficked in their own homeland


Viva GB News ! - Defund the BBC

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16% of “White privileged” boys go to university - but 59% of “BAME” from same socio-economic background do go there !

What does that say about a lot of issues - clearly the headline is to put “White Privilege” in it’s place - but for anyone able to do simple statistics - What does it say about the IQ - Which equates closely to “Educability” of those who DO go to UNiversity ? - and therefore what “value” - does a University degree have nowadays ?

And thirdly and perhaps more importantly - Are these “dumb” White boys actually doing the right thing by ignoring the “Education System” ?

Some - Myself includeed - do believe that “University” is now so dumbed down that a degree - is in reality a simple flag AGAINST employing anyone with one !

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Very sad to hear Falstaff i didn’t know this, i’m glad you brought it to our attention, how can i help?

You must watch this - ! :grinning:



If there is a war, Australia is ‘frankly stuffed’: Andrew Bolt

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OMG Falstaff - We watch the same stuff. By the way when are you getting your Bentley Continental R or do you prefer the Continental T ?
Or is it just YouTube putting my stuff up after yours - the wonders of AI perhaps ? :sweat_smile:

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if you’re in this position you should un clip your gun and lay the gun down and you might also wanna lay down, the last thing a cop wanna to see responding to a person with a gun, is a person with a gun .

A “heroic” civilian bystander who intervened in an active shooting in Colorado this week was fatally shot by a responding officer,

Racisms have always been a mental illness that the higher power have curse for life, no racist have every live a full happy life or after life and never will as we can see here in this thread

US ‘white supremacist’ shoots two black bystanders

Along with double-digit inflation, biden can also take credit for record gun sales

A divided country, driven apart by social media and possessing a record number of guns cannot end well


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gun sales hit record 2020

U.S. gun sales surge to record high in 2020

With nearly two months still to go in 2020, sales of firearms have hit a new high in the U.S., already topping the prior record set in 2016, according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation.

Maybe easier gun purchases are adding to the mix. Gun sales rising under a Democrat president or during an election year is common.

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Gun Sales Hit Record 16 Million. Here’s Every State Ranked.

Growing civil unrest may have prompted people to buy guns for personal and family protection, many social scientists have posited, although this remains a matter of debate. Another theory is that chaos brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic is a major cause. A new UC Davis School of Medicine study about fear of violence reports: “The coronavirus pandemic has exacerbated persistent structural, economic, and social inequities in the conditions that contribute to violence and its consequences.”

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@SmallPaul, Andrew Bolt is right… China could land on our Northern or Western shores and we wouldn’t be aware of it until a few Outback Pubs didn’t receive their weekly beer keg deliveries…


why would Australia put themselves in that position

It’s just too big a continent to defend… We have a similar land mass to the US of A and population of only 26 Million with 23 Million spread down the Pacific coastline…


Sorry, I’m laughing at this. :rofl:

Riots in the streets certainly add to this.


people purchase a record number of guns in 2020 and that trend continue into 2021 and you think riots have something to do with it? maybe a little in 2021 but 99% Americans don’t experience riots and never will, if those people are scared of riots then they have bigger problems

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