Political Opinion

No matter how much you hate, i still love you, may god bless you

The thing about liars is that there comes a stage when they do not even know themselves - that they are lying ! :rofl:

No Bot - Not “Hate” - Contempt yes, Disgust Probably, but “Hate” - No !

Whatever you are - you are not worthy of “hatred” :slightly_smiling_face:

i would hope not, :+1:

as long as you continue to promote hate and division i will always call you out. :ok_hand:, But i still love you Although you have a sick mind

Proponents of Post-Trump Curbs on Executive Power Prepare New Push

Great explanation of what’s at stake with the California Governor Recall election happening tomorrow.

Elder doesn’t have a chance but it was a nice try.
He gets called a White Supremist. Then a white girl in a gorilla mask throws eggs
at him and screams racial epithets. THAT should be the end of some uppity R trying to
take over the state!

Note the Small useless Fool continues to LIE ! and post verbal Diahorrea - unrelated to the conversation in progress !


Everybody Hates Biden - YouTube

Meanwhile back at the Ranch

Everybody Loves Trump - YouTube

there was no conversation to have, you had like 20 straight post going at me so i had to put you in your place, doing that time you was posting about me you could have been posting about worthy topics, but you chose to go at me, so i put a coward in his place where he belongs

I don’t know what is scarier, the vaccine or the fact that there is something called “Morgan Stanley Global Healthcare Conference” It seems to be all about the money


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This is appalling - They want to destroy human immune systems and make the human race vaccine drug dependant.
Just Google 'BigPharma criminal history’
Drug barons the lot of them!
I believe that there are some cute lawyers who are looking at the Nuremburg Code.

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Dennis - Would you please, kindly put this post over on @Trendswithbenefits
thread COVID Analysis.
Thanks J



There was also a good conversation on this subject s a few days ago on Joe Rogan, if no one has done so I will also post that


Woman with a Brain speaks out

Watch this peeps, have a good laugh and learn at the same time

Dedicated to our very own Crayon Crew


Nicki Minaj Destroys Hasan Piker - YouTube

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Cheers @Dennis3450, much appreciated.


Gotta hate it when footage of the actual reality at the US/Mexico border gets out…

This Democrat Administration is getting belted… Everywhere!

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That’s been taken care of. FAA has issued a “no fly zone” over Del Rio, TX, effective immediately.
The ONLY thing flying over there for 7 months is a drone operated by Fox News that shows those types of pictures. No more. Full blown authoritarianism?


Would this not qualify as a war crime, And what do you suppose would be the response of the US had American civilians been attacked by another country.

This is how you breed future terrorist

Breaking news

Pentagon says drone strike in Kabul was ‘tragic mistake’


Pentagon admits drone strike killed Afghan civilians

CBS Evening News

9.7K views1 hour ago


John Kirby Acknowledges His Statements About Drone Strike Have Been Proven To Be Incorrect

Forbes Breaking News

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Pentagon says Kabul drone strike was a ‘tragic mistake’


145K views3 hours ago


U.S. Admits Deadly Drone Strike in Afghanistan Was Mistake

Bloomberg Politics

107K views3 hours ago


Why we’re always at war

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This is what $2 trillion buys you in Afghanistan