Political Opinion

Biden gets confused, can’t remember detail from his daughter’s wedding: ‘My mind is going blank now’

An interesting take on the defeat of Western Forces by Islam

There is an old saying which may be appropriate here ?

If you can’t beat 'em - Join 'em !

ANd good ol’ “pips” duly censors anything interesting ! :roll_eyes:

Well just click this link :slightly_smiling_face:

The AMAZING SECRET Behind the Taliban’s WIN! - YouTube


Worth a thought perhaps ?

NewsFlash !

Smallbrain Paul catches up with news - ONLY 18 months out of date !

Texas makes it illegal to kill babies with a heartbeat !


Ok I give up ! Just follow the link below to bypass the censorship !

The Left's Texas Abortion Outrage - YouTube

NewsFlah i just posted biden recent incident.

dude you are to easy to defeat, i mean you can’t be stupid can you :rofl:


Capitol Police Officer Who Killed Ashli Babbitt While Defending House Chamber Speaks Out


The gangs who trade in people

To which we get the thoughtful and erudite response thus ;

Once again - complete verbal Diahorrea without any logical thought or evidence of understanding of the English Language !

Smallbrain Paul once again demonstrates his uselessness ! - Far better than I could :slightly_smiling_face:

[ Interesting though for those who find the Fool difficult to deal with - that he simply spouts garbage and personal attacks - with insults or memes intended to deflect the discussion away from Logic and reasoning ! ]

posting about me again :rofl::rofl::rofl: when you could be posting something meaningful

Whenever your ilk decides to communicate in English - we can instigate a conversation - Whilst you talk liquid faeces - you can talk to yourself ! :slightly_smiling_face:

When we wonder - would anyone seek to take advice or meaning from "il Castrate " ?

The Fool has nothing to offer

still waiting on your offering

Once again it writes random words - not related to anything and without logic or meaning !

Just talks Shyte and expects us to accept it as some sort of communication !

Small Idiotic Fool

still waiting on what you have to add to this universe, Hate Or Love, The chose is yours

Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated.


Once again it goes for the “Philosophy Option” - Pretends it has something to say when it cannot even SPELL the words - much less understand them !

Yet once again it chooses to avoid any real conversation at all - simply attacking those who try to engage it in discourse - Simple garbage again - as always - Attack from any random point of view whether backed by reason or just picked out of the air !


Yet we must thank it - whether it is in fact a human or as so many suggest - just a Bot !

Simply for tirelessly giving us examples of the way the Postmodernist Lefties use words and language as weapons - Nothing of any value except for the manipulation and destructive use of Verbal Diahorrea !

the universe is done with your ilk



OMG - It has NOTHING to say - so it throws a tantrum and sulks ! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Go to your Room and dream of the day you will actually experience a woman - INCEL !