Political Opinion

i hope you didn’t think my post was coming at you. all empires are a disgrace to mankind / loss of reputation or respect as the result of a dishonorable action :v:

I read what you write !

To which I responded with my evidence - and the fact that you cannot refute what I said does not give you the right to imply that I was wrong to respond to you !

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China created this mess, they need to deal with it. My concern is the US Fed is some how going to get involved, It would not surprise me to see the US Fed bail out China, with some back room deal that they will hide from the public. Kind of like the CDC involvement in Wuhan corona virus research.

The US government just can not keep their corrupt fingers off of anything

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there is nothing to refute, all empires have cause atrocities. i was only stating the facts of empires

If you don’t like the nature of mankind, then perhaps you need to learn that some things are “just the way it is”

And IF you and your kind DO manage to de-masculinise the Western male so that he cannot fight back - there are at least 3 other hordes of Barbarians waiting in the wings to move in and take over your land, your assets and your women !

and how does such things happen when your kind are in control?

Once again the Small fool cannot keep any pretence of intelligence alive for more than a post or two ! :roll_eyes:

you said my kind might de masculine the western male i just ask how can that happen if your kind is in control? maybe because it’s your kind that are de masculine the western male, self-destruction

you have to understand self-destruction behavior.

I don’t think that’s anywhere near probable. The CCP wouldn’t let that happen. But more importantly, the CCP doesn’t need the US to help save that company. They could just take it outright. But this isn’t a completely new situation with Evergrande either. Something like this has happened in the past. Not to this scale. Too big to fail, I think. They have 120,000 employees. They’ll get a bailout/debt restructured.

But you have to think, if this big guy is in trouble, how about a medium-sized or smaller Evergrande? Could be more defaults in the future, which the CCP might not be willing to save.

Notice how he doesn’t bother to think between posts - just any old garbage so as to “Have the last word”

Ok Fool - I’ll be back when somebody has something to say ! :roll_eyes:

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okay bye, have a good day

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saying bye and have a good day is now consider garbage talk, in what world do you live in :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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keep posting


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France is furious after Australia scrapped a submarine deal to partner with the US and UK. Here’s how American, British, and French subs stack up

Remember this guy

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This reminds me of how the Insurance industry wrote most of Obamacare


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I was on a roof that day ! - We just finished a strip and re-roof of an old slate roof and made a lovely job of it if I do say so myself ! :slightly_smiling_face:

When Interest Rates hit 16% (later not confirmed - but held at 12%)

The contract said we get a cheque on completion - around £2000 if memory serves and as I said we finished sweeping up and I knocked on the door for teh cheque - when the woman says

“I don’t know whether to pay you or my mortgage !”

“WEll” says I …“Just remember - I can soon enough take the roof OFF Again!”

(We got the cheque…)

One criticism of your little video there -

Nobody ever told teh citizens of the Countries of Europe about this “Plan to End wars …” - The whole EU thing was sneaked up on us by lies and deception ! We in the UK would NEVER have stood for it - in fact when we finally DID realise what was going on we told them to shove it and got BREXIT done !

He is absolutely right about one thing - the countries of Europe needed the flexibility to run their own Economies and the ERM destroyed that flexibility (Which is the basis of what they now call “MMT”) However when SOROS And Germany Attacked the central BAnks of the UK and ITaly (Note he doesn’t mention Italy) the facts of this need for independent flexibility became obvious to anyone with any ability to think for themselves!

Clearly the joining together of the countries of Europe into the “Euro” only makes matters much much worse for the individual (poorer) countries of the EU and is simply a mechanism for Germany to suck the wealth out of the European countries such as Greece and Italy in the same way as the IMF / USA Bancrupted small nations which it converted into “Banana Republics” - ie debt slaves !

A much better and fascinating explanation is one I have already published several times on BBPs and one of teh last great Documantr=aries made by what used to be the greatest Public Service Broadcaster of all time - before it got hijacked by the postmodernist neo-Marxists ! - Yes I speak of the BBC - take a look at the quality they USED TO MAKE !

Also - take a look at what Trading rooms used to look like !

Hear how the Bundesbank told SOROS what to do - from his own mouth !

Hear exactly how Maggie wished Major - “All the luck in the World …” and read into that what she Didn’t say - “He’s going to need it !” :rofl:

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