Political Opinion

Is this man fit and capable to be LEADER of the free world ???

Biden shows his ability is well matched to the CRAYON CREW ! on BBPs !


LOl - can you believe that either U-tub or BBPs is censoring this stuff ? - What a complete shower ! - ok try again !


Nigel Farage: UK 'can't believe' Biden 'not allowed' to answer questions - YouTube

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Come To London! (1966)

Lefty Snowflakes Hate AIs !

I just cried laughing ! - This just gets better and better as the podcast continues !

Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Islamophobic AI

Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Islamophobic AI - YouTube

100% Diversity. :slightly_smiling_face:

A photo of the 100% “Diverse” Board of :joy: :joy:HUFFINGTON POST

So WHat’s wrong with that ? BIGOT !

Falstaff, you really feeling some type of way? remember don’t stop enjoying your daily life, have fun and live a little.

here is something to make you feel better

Biden’s envoy to Haiti resigns over ‘inhumane’ treatment of Haitian migrants

On Thursday, the U.S. special envoy for Haiti resigned his post over what he called an “inhumane” decision to send back thousands of Haitian migrants.


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How Denmark took a hard line on Immigrants

Germans at the end of Merkel’s grand coalition

GB News’s Neil Oliver interviews Helen Dale about the violent scenes in Australia, exposing a characteristic of the whole country that those OS have never seen.

Helen Dale’s evaluation of this situation is absolutely spot-on and will hopefully give some insight to those OS into the issues that this pandemic has dragged into the daylight.

I’m at the coal face of this situation living in Victoria! The Victorian State Government has effectively dissolved State Parliament sitting using the pandemic as the excuse… So they are issuing legislation, rules (NOT Law) and fines under the cover of state of emergency without any democratic over sight.


They’re Watching You!

GB News, never heard of them. Are they new?

So $778 billion defense budget. So $8 trillion over the next 10 years if we maintain the yearly budget. That’s a big wow.

Biden’s Handlers Beware !

JEEZ - This Freakin’ censorship of Free Discourse is just


Neil Oliver: Government leaders are frightened of their own people - and there's a lot of us - YouTube

So do you think the atrocious behaviour of the Police in Australia lends credence to Oliver’s Premise that “They” are scared shyteless of YOU ? @Trendswithbenefits

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Hey @Falstaff, no, it’s not the Police that are scared, it’s our left leaning state Government! The Victorian Police Force has become the Governments enforcers under what is effectively martial law here in Victoria.

The rank and file Copper is horrified at being forced to fight everyday Aussies, arresting people for walking in parks, being used as a border force and crowd control… They are leaving the force in their hundreds…

As has been demonstrated globally, the left’s way of dealing with opposition to it’s agendas or dissent is to censor or quash the perpetrators… Same here in Australia.

The Victorian Labor Government has been in power here for 11 years. Plenty of time to ensure it’s tentacles reach out and cover every public entity in the state. The Police force and even more sinister the regulation and legal apparatus in Victoria is lead by lefty labor staffers, sympathetic to any demands placed on them by our current Government.

We used to believe in a separation of powers here in Australia, meaning that State Police forces should act independently of the installed Government… That unfortunately is no longer the case… The Police have become under the health induced emergency powers the strong arm of the State Government.

Protesting has never been illegal in Australia… Now it is, under public health orders…

BLM marched last year and the Police walked alongside… No arrests, Teargas, Rubber Bullets… Zip.

This year the protesters, who are against vaccine mandates and lockdowns. Have been trying to march peacefully through Melbourne’s CBD by moving away from Police confrontations and are being deliberately cornered by Police and Teargassed, Shot with Rubber Bullets and arrested in huge numbers… Only violence is between Police and protestors attempting to evade arrest… For walking in the CBD!

People OS have to understand these protests aren’t like what happened in the US… No looting, no burning, no crime other than to be involved in a protest against the Government… I was in the CBD during a protest earlier in 2021 (before the chaos)… Nothing to fear, just give them a thumbs up and stand back and watch.

The latest chaotic protest was just over the vaccine mandate for the construction sector workers…

Today they have just mandated vaccination for all essential services here in Victoria… Police, Firefighters, Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, Heath Care, Retail, Distribution, Transport staff… Hundreds of thousands that were pro choice (not antivaxxers)… This is huge…

It has come to a head… Watch coverage of Australian News… Shytes really going into the blades…


Melbourne has been in the worlds top 10 most livable cities for the last decade… WTF went wrong…?

CBD is a ghost town… Now you can understand why I’m calling it a Failed State… A Police State.

Nigeria’s mafia in Germany

Yeah, didn’t take that much in money terms, though their founding chairman quit after a few months.

Discovery have a stake, so too a company in UAE and also an English guy with Lib Dem connections in the past.

Likely trying to emulate Fox in US and Sky Aus although British audience may prove a little more discerning - will it survive? - jury is out.

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UN Praises China’s Dictatorship - YouTube

No real evidence for that - most of them (Around 30% !) actually believe the BBC is telling them an unbiased version of factual truth ! :rofl:

Sometimes it takes a while but the British have a habit of digging up the truth however unpalatable it may be - Princess Di and the BBC interview is one that springs to mind.

Then again media is a business and is in competition - Di’s butler had a story to tell and all the tabloids chased it, while he made up his mind they waited - no paper would run a bad story - he chose the Mirror - the Sun then called him a ‘blabbermouth’ .

Are the rest of media any different from BBC in truth - smoke and mirrors I’d say.

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Then again are politicians guardians of the truth?

Hidden wealth of leaders highlighted in Pandora Papers (rte.ie)

I’m a survivor of cancer and give thanks to God for that, also I am thankful for politicians who cared about people and created the NHS - those are politicians that sought truth - right now truth is to be searched for elsewhere:

Boris Johnson: “Never mind life expectancy, never mind cancer outcomes, look at wage growth.” - YouTube

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