Political Opinion

people seem to forget quickly… the british enslaved indians(from india) and i assure you that india did not forget this.

the entire world hates the color white and they intend to erase the color white from the earth.

now, indians own massive assets in the u.s. and europe and soon they will enslave the whites.

in modern slavery, slaves dont need to wear chains… no… slaves are restrained using starvation and poverty.

In 1914, Europeans had colonised more than 80 percent of the world. Here are six of the worst Colonial atrocities committed in the 20th century.

The United Kingdom has seen a surge in non-EU immigrants, as companies work to fill the gaps left by EU citizens departing the country ahead of Brexit. CNBC’s Timothyna Duncan reports on why that’s been both good and bad news for businesses.

A government review has warned that Britain is becoming more divided as the country grows more diverse.

i prayed with wahabis for more than a decade… i am familiar with the agendas… the intent is to out number others and then to either convert or enslave or execute all people of the world.

really, it aint no joke.


non muslims will be given three options:

  1. convert willingly

  2. pay a tax to islam and be silent.

  3. die.

we are moving into a new era that will become the new system of things.

prepare thyself carefully.

I don’t see it happening, you think European governments are going to let that happen in their own country that they control?

you think European governments are going to let that happen

the government really doesnt control things any longer…

we used to have a phrase that said that the man with the gold makes the rules…

but there is new wisdom… he who controls the food will control the slaves.

did you know that islam controls your entire food distribution network? i dare you to walk out of your house and go to a corner store… now come back and tell me who owns and operates it…

like that.

but again, you are most likely unable to see.

i would so enjoy meeting brother anjem choudary.

you are talking about stores, not where the food is coming from, ie. the company that send the food to those stores, it like that in america but where the food comes from is a big food company that is not own by Muslims


How 4 companies control the beef industry

How this Company Controls World’s Meat Supply Chain

without my intending to be offensive to you, i find it interesting that adults can have a short vision that is child like.

here, i am quoting what you wrote:

The United Kingdom has seen a surge in non-EU immigrants,

A government review has warned that Britain is becoming more divided as the country grows more diverse.

i have a similar problem when discussing complex trading issues with others… they always want the easy way out… the short route.

Although I respect your opinion, what you post simply isn’t true

Many of the large corporations that control the world food supply are American-owned, as well as some European-owned

i appreciate that… hey, because i educated myself about pretty much everything about islam, i encountered things that i wasnt expecting…

this is a “not so well known” sect of islam, where they gouge out their eyes with large knives.

hint: do not offend these people, because they will decapitate you and quickly.

i don’t understand your point, a lot of countries got weird stuff going on

i remember when i first became aware of covid… everybody seemed to think that it would all blow over in a week or two… oh no, i said… i took a quick look at the situation and i said that this virus scare thing was going to be a thing until your children’s children have their own children.

i also see that it isnt really as much of an airborne virus as many like to believe that it is…

first, i eat at a chinese buffet a couple of times per month… nobody wears masks… tell me, how do you eat food while wearing a mask? answer: you cant.

i also attend a twelve step group and nobody wears masks and nobody is getting sick.

it is BS. period.

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Islam has some weird practices… 1) when entering a restroom, enter with your left foot first… when exiting, right foot first…

  1. no talking in the restroom… angels record our every spoken word… and you wouldnt want them to need to enter a dirty restroom to find out what we just said, right?

  2. no LONG PANTS. if you pants hang below your ankle, and you die in that state, you will not go to judgement day but instead you will go straight into the hellfire and you will drink buckets of boiling lava for perhaps eternity… all for wearing pants that are too long. this is why you will see muslim men wearing pants that are very “high water” where the cuff is way above the ankle…

i could go on and on all day.

i have never heard of a virus that pretty much hit every country and city in the world around the same time, some of those city was isolated from the world and somehow covid got there too so i don’t know, there are more questions than answers

ok what you talking about is above my pay grade and i’m gonna see my way out of this conversation, enjoy your day/night

islam really does allow child brides… in this video, does she look at him as tho he is an older brother or an uncle? no, she looks at him with the love of a bride.

to me, she looks about ten years old maybe twelve.

Did you ever wonder in watching that propaganda from the BBC - exactly why millions of happy contented Indians were so enamoured of tehir lives in their native country that they willingly signed up to go and work in a foreign land for people whose language they did not know ?

Nah ! I thought not !
