Political Opinion

I have already decided that I WILL Convert - readily !

After All it is well known that

“Islam is right about Women”

It always amuses me when the lefties are blathering on about their Wokeism - thatthey totally ignore the rest of teh world as being of any relevance - The Chinese, The Ruskies, And of course the followers of Islam and Sharia !

We are currently observing the demise of Western Civilisation - No Doubt !

I’m just interested to see if I can stay alive long enugh to see what is coming next :sunglasses:

Lol - WE had a Guy here from France until a few weeks ago - when he got barred for talking about this stuff.

Your own “Oldham” video - combined eith my thread

Contradict your “Thoughts” on this one !

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btw, less than intelligent people make their way thru the world by arguing and debating every thing… they dont have any original ideas… none…

you are perhaps one of those people.

so sad.

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Hang on a second MUSH !

You seem to have demonstrated a certain amount of thought ability over the last few posts, which you had not shown before ! - Don’t jump to such sweeping conclusions so readily !

[OR - Are you trying to Evade any mention of India’s despicable Caste system - which has inflicted such misery on so many throughout the Centuries ? - so much so that according to that BBC Propaganda - Millions were prepared to sell themselves into Indentured Servitude - to escape iT ? ]

Anyhow I’m off to my Pit now - c’ya later ! :slightly_smiling_face:


indians, across the board, are very intelligent and extremely patient.

they pretty much own every motel from coast to coast, which is omg one of the most powerful streams of revenue in any economy.

the indian did not forget.

Some are - which is why the Raj took many of them to Africa - as overseers to keep the indigenous peoples in order.

ANd why we in the Uk were so happy to welcome the Kenyan and Ugandan etc Asians into Britain when Africa gained “Independence” - Mostly over here Indians Run “Corner Shops” and are over-represented in the Medical Profession.

One of teh racial charactteristics of Indians seems to be that they will happily work very long hours - but not so much heavy work - I guess that corresponds with your “Motel Owners”.

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the owner of a small motel(100-200 rooms) he has the slickest setup on the block…

he basically has a credit card swiper attached to his living room… people ring a bell, he collects money… cheap labor does all the work…

whoever owns the corner store and the motels has the power to enslave every last person in the neighborhood.

just wait.

how? please explain to me again

If you say my country is being flooded with immigrants, I understand because the world can see that, but to say those people are capable of enslaving your people is not accurate.

for me to explain to you these things, you must want to understand… and i dont think that you really want to understand… you want to reject my message is what you want… you want to debate my message… so i would be pissing into the wind by trying to teach you… and that is not my idea of a productive way to spend my day…

it really doesnt matter to me if you reject what i say…

i know what is coming… i know the agenda of islam… the agenda of islam is to rule over the entire world… and to either convert you or to tax you and enslave you or to execute you.

and here you are, the majority of the world, you have been told to quit your jobs and to go home and hide and to wear a mask and dont talk to anyone…

you are being bankrupted intentionally.

if i tell you that there is a tornado coming and you argue with me and you tell me that you dont believe that a tornado can hurt you… i dont care… it is you that is going to die from the tornado, not me…

this is a bit like trying to explain to a child that it is not really a good idea to eat chocolate candy for breakfast and lunch and dinner… it sounds like a very good idea to the child, but not to the adult that knows the truth.

let me try quickly to explain… if i own your food supply… then when you get hungry(which happens every day several times) when you get hungry, you must give me money… i become richer and you become poorer… and if you have no money, oh my, now you have a problem… i dont have a problem… you have a problem… and you must do whatever i ask of you if you want food…

have you ever been without food? i have… i once went with almost nothing for ten days, and i want to promise you that you will do whatever is asked of you to acquire food.

you will willingly enslave yourself.


It is hard to imagine that some European country that has a powerful military will allow that to happen. Every problem those European countries are experiencing they are creating themselves, since they control the immigration system and the system itself.

as i said, you want to argue… you want to debate…

who do you think controls the military of both the united states and the u.k. and france and sweden, etc, etc?

you will most likely never understand.

did you notice that when we left afghanistan that we for some reason left behind beautiful very expensive helicopters and other extremely expensive equipments?

they are running the show now.

islam owns your genitals.

you could just surrender and convert willingly.

i can help you take your shahada, when you are ready.

Islam is the final chapter in the book of life.

My argument is not against you. I’m putting the blame where it belongs, and that’s on the European governments if they allowed what you say to happen.

have you ever seen a tsunamai? either in person or in video? it is a serious wave of water that is very destructive…

who can you blame for a tsunamai?

who is fault for tsunamai?

do you know that i am a white man and my people stole the united states from the native indian? would it do the native indian any good to complain now? who would they complain to?

well, the united states is being stolen again, as iis all of the entire world.

i know that you dont understand this, and i dont care if you understand it, this is not my problem.

in this case the goverment would be looking at the tsunamai before it happens and can Clearly stop it

weather i believe what you say or not i still have my opinions, and you are right that is not your problem and same with me

ok, the wings have fallen off of the airplane… there is nobody that you can complain to…

just sit back and enjoy the ride.

there is hadith that says that the two best things that one can do to please god is to (a) be peaceful to others and (b) feed the hungry.

i study several topics… one is charity… there is a problem of mass starvation in the world… most people ignore it… those that try to solve it, they dont know how to solve it… they only know how to put bandaids on the problem…

i know how to solve this problem.

when you watch this video, try to imagine that you are a parent and the only food that you have to feed your children is dirt.

try very hard to imagine this.

yes i know this and i already knew about mud cakes, thanks for refreshing my memory

you know about mud cakes?

mind sharing with me how you would permanently solve this problem?

also, not only are these people starving and eating dirt, but they are terrorized by machete wielding gangs that sell opium.

so, how would you solve this problem permanently?

btw france plays a large part in haiti destruction because how haiti got their independence.

how will i solve this problem i can’t because of how the central bank system is set up around the world that say haiiti is poor and have no money in their bank and the money that haiti gets has to go to other things if it’s not going to corruption.

How the U.S. and France Made Haiti Poor

now imagine fighting for your freedom from france and than france charge you for lost revenue from slavery. sad but true

The problem is solvable.

A permanent solution