Political Opinion

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I expect to be gone from this world within a few days I hope you have a nice life my friend


may you rest in paradise, goodnight

my friend,

we all are scheduled to be gone from this world in a few days…

on the cosmic scale, our lifetime is but a few days…

now, when i asked you how you would solve this starvation problem… you did not give to me a solution… instead, you told me why the problem is not solveable…

similar to how people approach the problem of trading.

they tell me why the problem is not solveable.

i truly don’t know how to solve that problem so you tell me how would you solve this problem

i am betting that if you were hungry and eating dirt that you would quickly know the solution to that problem.

again what is your solution?

lets change the topic.

dude what is wrong with you?

i am busy working in the garden, can we continue this at another time?

thank you.

i am finished with my work in the garden.

still stand


This is why many of us here think this person is not a real person but a weak A.I. working off an algorithm, I was just having a friendly conversation with another member and I mention the welfare system, and this bot responds with the longest cut and paste post I have ever seen on this site. No real person would post such a post

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what you don’t like my post, did i post something wrong?

hello smallpaul,

i think it is amusing that they are suggesting that you are an AI bot.

i suppose it could be true, but not likely.

btw, when you have people that are starving and eating dirt, the solution at the most basic level is to feed them.

when someone suggests that you are an AI bot, offer to have a voice conversation even if you use some platform that doesnt reveal your personal number.

that will shut em up quick.


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But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. (Peter 3:8))

I was hungry and you gave me something to eat ( Matthew 25:35)

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. (Mark 13:24)

What are those words?

‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ (Mark 12:31)

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China has beat the U.S. to become the world’s richest nation, according to a new report.

Report: China is now the world’s richest country

Hi tradecode,

It is nice having a new voice and perspective join the thread, I see you have met our A.I bot smallpaul The AI bot part has been a running joke here for over a year now, and smallpaul only seems to confirm that he really is a bot with every post. If you recall a few years ago Microsoft had a A.I. Bot called Tay that became so offensive on Twitter they had to shut it down. It is hard not to see the similarities between Paul and Tay just by reading your back and forth exchange with Paul.

anyway it is all for fun here,


i have been wrong before about many things, but i do not even suspect that smallpaul is a bot.

absolutely not.

ok fine, i am on smallpaul like a bird dog… he is my new hobby.


You tried…

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