Political Opinion

Who cares ?

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probably nobody.

The question was rhetorical - College Boy ! :slightly_smiling_face:

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oh, rhetorical, now i get it.

Maybe - but not often methinks ! :wink:

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i am looking for a good mentor.

Really ?

When you write ;

I don’t believe you !

However - you could start here ;


That will definitely inprove your strike rate - if you can use critical thinking skills in your reading !

Although you will find the older versions more productive and less “Woke” :slightly_smiling_face:

for security reasons, i can not click on external links.

You’ll need to wait until your sentence is served then !

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

China’s Panic : UK Tracked Chinese Submarines and Intercept China Jets in the South China Sea

Prepare for Armageddon: China’s warning to the world

this is entirely fabricated fake news.

china has been bullying taiwan for as long as i have been alive, this is nothing new.

the thing that is new is that governments are now seeing the profit potential in war as their only option to make profit.

they only have one choice, complete destruction.

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It just proves Mark Twain’s quote

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why bring up something old, you feel better now

Personally - I prefer George Bernard Shaw’s version of his other quote ;

" https://gettingpeopleright.com › tips › dont-wrestle-with-a-pig-in-the-mud

Don’t Wrestle With a Pig in the Mud . “I learned long ago never to wrestle with a pig . You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.”.

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you guys feel better

Q.E.D. !

you still in your feelings, how long has it been?


I’m starting this thread as a place for members of this Forum to express partisan, political opinions.

I have close friends in taiwan and china and russia and from our discussions i am a bit concerned because things are becoming different.

much concerning.