Political Opinion

The Electoral College is a process, not a place. The Founding Fathers established it in the Constitution, in part, as a compromise between the election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens.

unfortunately falstaff what’s going on in western europes is done behind scene by men who doesn’t talk about it. talk is only good for people like you to get hype about, come back in 10yrs or so

Taking the history of the world without considering the good, the bad, or the evil, what do you see? You see change, change is a force that is thrust upon us like new technology, some people avoid it because they cannot adapt to the new technology, some people hold on to the old technology until it becomes obsolete, and some people just accept it and go about their daily lives. you also have people who will never accept it and cause chaos like spam and viruses

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

We have seen it all before - many times over thousands of years. Those who believe

“This time it’s different”

Are plain ignorant.

You spend all your time crying about “hidden men” doing things you can’t do anything about !

Me an’ Dennis an’ Stan - we just sit here on the porch chewin’ the fat an’ watchin’ yous little

“know it alls”

Screw it all up ! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Popcorn lads ? Beer ? spring us a Ceegar - Stan ?

The reason you post such videos is because you don’t like what you see. and yes please grab your popcorn.

You don’t really believe this do you?

If you actually think all they did was take pictures with security, please take a short time to watch the documentary “4 hours at the capitol” on HBO.


Those like you want to sink the whole ship because things ain’t what they used to be :v:

some people are trying to justify this criminal act

The gaslighting is so naked and audacious though… I remember that day clearly. I was here posting about it, watching every second unfold live on TV. Some of the video footage in that HBO documentary is jaw-dropping.

I have been following politics for decades, and as long as I’ve observed, right-wingers have lived in their own manufactured reality. The problem is, they’re increasing insisting that the rest of us join them there.

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It has already been pointed out to you how the system works but still you refuse to acknowledge it and keep hoping that some president or leader of the country will stop it

make sure you don’t burn the popcorn :ok_hand:

How Was 91 Percent of Congress Re-Elected Despite a 10 Percent Approval Rating?

Interest groups send representatives to state capitals and to Washington, D.C. to put pressure on members of Congress and other POLICYMAKERS. They engage in LOBBYING, or the organized process of influencing legislation or policy. Lobbying can take many forms. Interest groups can testify in CONGRESSIONAL HEARINGS. For example, several years ago, when Congress was considering discrimination in private clubs, representatives of the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts appeared in hearings to try to persuade Congress to allow each one to remain a single-sex organization. Lobbyists also contact government officials directly or informally, present research results and technical information, talk with people from the press and the media, and sometimes even help to draft legislation.

Why should the politicians listen? Interest groups also actively involve themselves in political campaigns. This electioneering is intended to help elect candidates who favor their positions or to defeat those who oppose them. It is generally conducted by POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEES (PACs), who serve as special political arms for the interest groups.

Didn’t realize that - good chance then that most the broken glass just happened with the excitement and the cops trying back those guys off were just … well kinda over reacting.

Probably too that Mike Pence got the wrong end of the stick - they wanted a selfie with the VP and nothing more - ah sure it was no riot just a bunch of guys wanting a selfie - thanks Dennis for clearing that up.

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Sad to see you are still taking those blue pills, and keeping us divided ( in your own mind) through your identity politics. Do you label everyone you disagree with as right wing.

For the record I was the first on this thread to post about January 6th as well as the first to post and call out the police for George Floyd’s murder, is this what you call right wing.

and again for the record, I was not justifying January 6 but agreeing with Paul on just how corrupt Congress is, and just using Jan 6 as an example of how some ( Congress) are above the law.

Now would you like to agree with Paul and me on just how corrupt and criminal Congress is?

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Well, I was wrong to suggest that you were justifying what happened on January 6, My Bad

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nobody is talking about that but the corruption of congress and how they take money from lobbyist , would you like to comment on that , or do you want to change to conversation by cherry picking my post and reposting only half of what I said

i have a question, have congress ever did anything on their own to help the american people with out the lobbyist approval. Makes me wonder how long this system has been in place and was it built to function like this

We need to follow this guy and where he is employed next, my guess if not in media it will be as a board member for some deep-state sponsored corporation, These firings are seldom more than PR moves


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always a PR Move

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To that end, who is responsible for guilty into proven innocence that pressures companies to fired people before they are convicted.