Political Opinion

Wikipedia has a page on the subject, lobbyist have been corrupting the system from early on, it has only gotten much worst over time and Congress willing to run massive deficits, every special interest group wants their share of the money printing

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my point is The change has been imposed on us without us realizing or noticing it, and we can’t do anything about it, it’s little thing like this that get bigger in time

One of our lawyer friends I am sure will tell you that private companies are not held to any Innocence until proven guilty standard, as you and I have agreed on it is just a PR move

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Hmmm… the 1st half now included - who are the real criminals?

It’s simple - those who break the law are criminals - if you are asleep in your RV and a bunch of selfie seeking yobs break in then they are criminals - and you have the right to defend.

Sad to see you defending law-breakers but suppose it is what it is.- they call it politics :slight_smile:

you are correct. but i will share my opinion on how i think our minds can be shape in these types of cases.

First, the media created a narrative to make it seem as if the person had done something wrong.
Secondly, the media gives their opinion on this narrative, opinions that focus more on guilt than innocence.
Thirdly, they explain why you ought to be mad and hate the people without providing any evidence that proves their guilt or innocence.

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So when you said they did nothing but take selfies, you didn’t mean that?

the united states government is fully bankrupted, as are the uk and sweden and france and etc etc… they are all bankrupted…

insurance companies are gasping for air, they are drowning.

banks are suffocating.

resources, including food and water, are just not available.

the bees are dying.

we are literally entering into world war three right now.

and people continue with their ponzi schemes and their trading scams.

what a silly effort.

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“Any man under the age of 30 who is not a Liberal (Socialist) - lacks a heart - Any man over the age of 30 who is not a Conservative - lacks a Brain”

Winston Churchill

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I remember that quaint quote, from back when liberals acted like liberals and conservatives acted like conservatives! Those were good times!

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The Bilderberg group

You probably have never heard of them, and there’s a good reason for it. For 66 years the Bilderberg Conference, an unofficial conclave of the Western world’s 100 most powerful people, has been meeting in secluded places under a complete media blackout. Invitees usually are from business, politics, intelligence and defence, with a smattering of newspaper editors who are sworn not to reveal who said what at the conference

The Bilderberg Group is a six-decades-old club for some of the world’s most influential officials, businessmen, academics and European royalty, regularly gathering to discuss global policy issues. Critics accuse them of acting as a shadow unelected government, would-be rulers of the world, which make decisions affecting billions of people behind closed doors, with little regard for the needs or wishes of the general population.

These are not just any rich and influential people, they are the richest and most powerful people on the planet.

Inside Story - How powerful is the Bilderberg group?

the terms conservative and liberal are simply terms that are intended to confuse the simple minded.


How David Koch and His Brother Shaped American Politics.

The Kochs and their network spent hundreds of millions of dollars in support of their particular brand of conservatism: One of limited government, more lenient immigration policy, free trade, free markets and limited corporate regulations — all while running Koch Industries, a conglomerate with annual revenues of $100 billion.

Reid: The Koch Brothers Are Trying To Buy America,

Listen closely to Reid on who the koch brothers have already brought in politics. and the media

This happens on both sides, revealing how Americans are treated as pawns in a system that doesn’t care about their needs and wants.

My dads favourite quote.


USP of Democrats


- No need to work
- Everything is Free
- Nothing is YOUR Fault !

Democrats Need a Potemkin Village - YouTube

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The world is expected to run out of fresh water.

No more beer and no more goldfish.

Here are a few other law-breakers I support

The 56 men who signed the US Declaration of Independence 1776

Martin luther King jr

Malcolm X

Edward Snowden

Julian Assange

Every Whistle Blower that has been imprisoned under the so called “patriot act”

That is a pretty dangerous group of right-wingers and I am proud to publicly support all of them


It is the Glass Half Empty thinking

Those of us who see the world as a Glass Half Full our thankful for what we have

Those who see the world as a Glass Half Empty think they are entitled to more

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I am beginning to think that you and peterma are both A.I. , I just mention January XX and it was not even the main part of the conversation but then both you a peterma pop up and that is the only thing you want to talk about.


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I’m beginning to think you’re not going to answer the question.

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You won’t answer HIS questions !

Why should anyone feel obliged to answer yours ?