Political Opinion

I think I did, he just did not like the answer.

They love to cherry pick your opinion, taking that opinion out of content and then turn the thread into an interrogation, it is all very 1984

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Quite so - often they (or at least ONE of them ! will select a Single WORD out of a lengthy post - then say That word ā€œMeansā€ something else entirely and drivel on about it !)

If I remember correctly - the one in question here Still owes me an answer from his assertion that stealing my money to pay for his own kids education - was NOT in fact Theft ! :slightly_smiling_face:

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about a week ago, this person demanded that i answer a question for himā€¦ and he used the word assertion a lotā€¦

i would probably not answer someone if they demand an answer from me.

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Really? I totally missed the part where you told us whether or not you actually believe the insurrectionists on Jan 6th were merely taking selfies. Do you really believe that?

What questions have I not answeredā€¦ am I AI? Noā€¦ Iā€™m barely I.

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Take a look at the charming innocence of these two !


I think we both also write EAsā€¦ lol.

MQL4 is what I know best. Gonna PM you. I need a code review soon if youā€™re willing.

Not sure if this has been posted yet, but good read.

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Your A.Iā€¦ programming is stuck in an endless loop , Paul and I were discussing the corruption of congress by lobbyist and special interest groups. If you would like to share your opinion and join in that conversation you are welcome to do so. As tradecode just posted, demanding an answer is not a good way to start a conversation

probably not.

Thatā€™s exactly what Iā€™ve been doing. Also, I never demanded any answers from anyone, I merely asked you to clarify a statement you made; which was apparently too much to ask. Here I am defending my participation to you, rather than discussing the subject at hand.

Well okay then, cheers!

The future of elections will be lawsuit after lawsuit. More litigation is ahead of us , with the courts ultimately deciding winners and losers.

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I just found it rather amusing that you and peterma have not been on this thread for weeks and as soon as January VI is mention you both pop up out of no where, it sure seemed like a A.I. algorithm response.

Maybe if you try dropping the identity politics, I will drop the A.I. and we can have a real conversation. If Paul and I can have a reasonable conversation then anything is possible

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sadly I believe this is our future

just like the election was stolen from trump, and no court would even listen to him about itā€¦




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Thatā€™s the thing, I donā€™t do identity politics. I do policy, and aside from general discussion of events, policy is all Iā€™m really interested in talking about. I asked you to explain something you wrote, because it is applicable to current happenings both in congress, and across the political landscape. So here I amā€¦ againā€¦ defending my participation to you rather than discussing subject matter, while you request a ā€œreal conversationā€ with presumably a straight face. So, in the interest of a ā€œreal conversationā€ are you willing to discuss your views on the Jan 6th insurrection, or not?

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the jan 6 event was a choreographed puppet show and the puppets lost.

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I find people far too willing to make statements like this lately, hinting at some secret knowledge that thereā€™s somehow never proof of. Would you mind telling us a little more about this choreography you speak of? I saw a **** ton of Trump supporters listen to him give a rally speech and then get violent. What did you see?

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i have never ever heard mr trump suggest that people go across town and start violenceā€¦

i think that there were some trouble makers at one of his rallies and he told people to put them out and dont be nice about itā€¦

i heard trump say to walk to the whitehouse peacefully and then i saw security flagging them into the buildingā€¦

and next thing we are calling it a riot.

that is what i saw.