Political Opinion

ok, what makes it wrong?

I already answered THAT !

Now the fault clearly lies among ; the method of assessment, the items considered and those ignored and most probably the definition of “their version” of teh word and concept “freedom”

Perhaps the answer lies in among the 480 odd pages of the pdf you linked to - most likely it doesn’t - but that is not my problem and I invite you to read the whole thing and find out for yourself.

The simplle fact is that

Assange one step closer to extradition to United States

LONDON (Reuters) - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Friday moved a step closer to facing criminal charges in the United States for one of the biggest ever leaks of classified information after Washington won an appeal over his extradition in an English court.

you right, not your problem, don’t talk about it no more :v:

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you got anything better, your words mean nothing

Simply complying with your suggestion !


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A 12 page post? and you wonder why we call you a bot. nobody ( except maybe enickma) is going to read this. Just a suggestion, try just posting a link, that way the rest of us don’t have to scroll through 12 pages of cut and paste

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I very much agree, it is possible this data was collected before 2020. Then we need to know the political agenda of those collecting this data and who paid for the study. Often the real story is behind the numbers. Most of this stuff is just propaganda which is why I seldom post such things

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Where he will conveniently hang himself, I have never been less proud to be called an American


i would agree, i did bold the parts that was relevant to his post

next time i just post the relevant parts :+1:

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The decision was in UK’s high court and overturned a previous lower UK court’s decision to not allow the extradition on the basis of mental health concerns.

Dennis mentions below the US role - but the decision lies and has lain with the UK these past years - UK authorities chose to set up a police control truck charged specifically to monitor Assange - it became a tourist attraction in central London - meanwhile Assange was holed up inside the adjoining Ecuador embassy building.

Then when he became persona non gratia by Ecuador after 7 years they invited UK police in to literally haul him out - and into the notorious Belmarsh high security prison in London - where he has been held ever since.

The original reason for the arrest was a request from Sweden who have long since dropped charges (due to time elapsed).

So I wonder who exactly are the bad guys in all of this - and more importantly will there be any good guys up ahead - decision will likely fall on Priti Patel’s desk and since the UK home Sec is very much a Boris Johnson protegee - what chance has Julian Assange got?

The sad thing is that whatever his motivation Assange’s life now hangs in the balance.



Cases such as this usually lead to the U.S. incarcerating him, while the American media goes silent and the American public goes on with their daily lives.

Not all of us, Julian Assange is now America’s Nelson Mandela

There will be vocal protest here, that is why I fear they will arrange for him to have an accident shortly after arriving, he will never see a courtroom

America is no longer the land of the free, they might as well ship the Statute of Liberty back to France, a country also killing freedom


Is Julian Assange incarceration a subject we can all agree is wrong?


yeah but for how long, i think this issue will fade out, sad but true. also do you think most Americans see him as a trader?

majority of Americans see him as a traitor the government can care less about the minority in this case

I think most American’s see him as a traitor because the major media’s portray him as such.
I did, listening to above until I did research on my own. I agree with Dennis, now.


I was the same - until I thought more about it.

The documents were classified yes - but I thought more what a traitor would do - maybe sell the info to an enemy, maybe even give the info for free to an enemy.

Assange did neither of these, instead he gave the info to the public. Since doing so he has spent his years incarcerated - little wonder there is a mental health issue raised.by his defence.

There is an increasing voice within UK journalism calling for his release, sad thing is that these voices are being labelled ‘left wing’ rather than being the voice of reason.

It will take a change of heart from the US admin and likewise the UK to set him free - for Assagne all he has left is hope…


That MAY be true in the types of “news” you listen to - but is completely wrong on relation to the facts of teh matter !

I would cite such well - known “Lefties” as ;

Nigel Farage, Carl Benjamin, Katie Hopkins, Rod Liddle, Peter Hitchens, Lord Voldemort, Stefan Molyneux, Jordan Peterson etc etc etc - all of whom are opposed to the excesses of the State - ie they are totally OPPOSED to “LEFT Wing” principles.

That is the issue here - excesses of the State - and as such - the Limp wristed “Governments” of the West are the protagonists of having him made an example of - an example of teh futility of the individual in standing up for the principles of Freedom and self - reliance !"

“Left Wing” indeed ??? :roll_eyes:



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