Political Opinion

DC cops injured in Capitol riot share their stories

Treason Capitol Police officer charged in Jan. 6 attack

140 that is a big number, How many needed medical attention, how many were hospitalized, I bet you will have a hard time getting that information out of Washington

On the flip side, how many protesters where injured by police officers, we know 4 protesters died

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Hereā€™s a question for you Dennis: Where was this anger when trump won the election when he did not receive the majority of votes, and won nonetheless, so now that he lost there must be fraud, right?

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No more questions until you answer mine
How many protesters that had guns, fired their guns?

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it only take one.

they lucky to be alive, it was their actions that cause them their lives or to get hurt in the first place. we canā€™t keep attacking somebody or something and claim self defense, it was their actions that started this whole mess

Hereā€™s a question for you Dennis: Where was this anger when trump won the election when he did not receive the majority of votes, and won nonetheless, so now that he lost there must be fraud, right?

that is not an answer to my questions, no more questions will I answer until you answer this one simple one, I will even rephrase it

Did any protester discharge a firearm?

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Dennis, it doesnā€™t matter if they fired their weapons, that does not excuse them, did you know that if we were robbers and i shot and killed someone, we would both be charged with murder, it is a crime to bring a weapon into the capital

Prohibited Items

To ensure the safety and security of the U.S. Capitol Complex, certain items are prohibited from being brought into the Capitol Buildings and Grounds. While this may be a small inconvenience, planning ahead by leaving these items at home will allow for an expeditious security screening process. Failure to adhere to these established regulations can result in arrest, fine and/or imprisonment, as well as the confiscation and/or destruction of the item. This list is not intended to be all encompassing but to serve as a general guide for what is and is not allowed to be brought into the various buildings on the Capitol Grounds.

The United States Capitol Police thanks you in advance for your attention and adherence to these established regulations in order to maintain the safety of all who visit the U.S. Capitol Complex. We hope you have an enjoyable experience visiting the U.S. Capitol Complex.

Except as otherwise noted, these prohibitions apply to both staff and members of the public. Staff should display and wear their Congressional ID cards during the screening process.

Prohibited Items on the U.S. Capitol Grounds

Hereā€™s a question for you Dennis: Where was this anger when trump won the election when he did not receive the majority of votes, and won nonetheless, so now that he lost there must be fraud, right?

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you still have not answered the question

I will give you a hint, the answer is between 0 and 10

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It only takes one prostester with a gun to accomplish the task, Dennis

Hereā€™s a question for you Dennis: Where was this anger when trump won the election when he did not receive the majority of votes, and won nonetheless, so now that he lost there must be fraud, right?

that is not a answer , no words are needed just a number ,

I really want to answer your other questions as you clearly are in need of some wisdom, but until you show good faith and answer mine, then I will just end this conversation,

But you have a great weekend

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Dennis, numbers donā€™t matter. There was an insurrection where people had weapons and people got injured because of their actions. That does not excuse the rest of the participants in the revolt who broke the law.

Hereā€™s a question for you Dennis: Where was this anger when trump won the election when he did not receive the majority of votes, and won nonetheless, so now that he lost there must be fraud, right?

Aye and me - over here much talk about how Cruz referred to the Capitol riot as a ā€œterrorist attackā€ at the Senate committee meeting Jan 5th - next day when challenged by Carlson on Fox he ascribed it to "The way I phrased things yesterday ā€“ it was sloppy and it was frankly dumb."

Anyways what i agree with is his current analysis on Russia when he refers yesterday to aggression of Vladimir Putin although TBH i cannot figure how in the same sentence how it is that The Biden White House is abandoning our allies ( and thus enabling Putinā€™s aggression)

If ever there was a time for NATO to stand up and be counted and be unified it is now - if the same approach is taken as to the Crimean invasion then China will be emboldened.

These are critical times - not for Democrats vs Republicans - itā€™s democracy vs dictatorshipā€¦


We already saw one member fold like a lawn chair because he was afraid of answering truthful questions. donā€™t be that guy.


Oath Keepers leader, 10 others charged with seditious conspiracy for January 6 attack on Capitol

Some People worldly illusion: a false idea or conception; belief or opinion not in accord with the facts

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We agree on this. Not sure we agree on that it shouldnā€™t stop at the FBI. Left, right, center, if anyone was involved in more than casually just showing up for a rally, but made plans to break in, cause physical harm or do ā€œmoreā€, they should also be held accountable.


US government (intelligence services?) has come out publicly to state it believes that Russia is planning to move in on eastern Ukraine in the next 30 days.

And as an outsider, it appears any conflict of interest Europe might have with Russian supplied energy could be solved by more reliance on nuclear power. I think Germany shot itself in the foot here by decommissioning itā€™s reactors, and continuing in their plan to shutter the remaining 2 or 3 still working.

How do simultaneously stand up to Russia while also depending on it so heavily for energy?


The Future of Ideology.

Time will rectify this - just the same as it did for teh Salem Witch Trials ! Sadly the victims will still be just as dead ! and the ā€œCrayon Crewā€ will never be punished in this world at least ! :slightly_smiling_face:

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As I said earlier to the little fool

"You have been educated by ME for the last time "

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The Russians, Chinese and Indians are all of one mind here -

ā€œMan made Global Warming is a complete hoax!ā€

You in USA and we in Europe have all the fuel we need and simply refuse because of stupid dogma to use it !

Yet then we go cap in hand to those who DO use it begging for some warmth !

Total - Utter - Complete MADNESS !

We are watching the death of Western Civilisation ! -at their own hands ! :rofl: :rofl: