Political Opinion

you can’t answer a simple question and you talking about educating somebody :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Challenge to ALL “Democrats” !

Answer this you Evil Cretinous F***ing BAstards !

Democrats Legalise Full Term Abortions - YouTube

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It is man himself who creates and destroys, you need a napkin?

New Jersey Passes Bill To Protect Abortion Rights As Roe Hangs In The Balance

you need a napkin, bad law

A Guide to Abortion Laws by State


Trump’s COVID and Election Falsehoods at Arizona Rally

False ideas or conception; belief or opinion not in accord with the facts

Nutcase - someone deranged and possibly dangerous. crazy, looney, loony, weirdo.

Ted Cruz is a mixed bag, he was elected as a Tea Party candidate which puts him at odds with establishment Republicans also known as RINO’s ( Republican In Name Only)

In the 2016 Republican primary he was runner up to Trump, Then refused to endorse Trump at the Republican convention. ( Compare this to Bernie Sanders who was only too willing to endorse and kiss the ass of both Clinton and biden)

I disagree with his and your stance on Russia and Putin, after the US invasion of both Afghanistan and Iraq, and placing Troops uninvited inside the boarders of Syria , The US really has no business telling Russia how to behave

Unfortunately it is excepted that you must be hardline anti-Russia to serve in the US congress, just as you must also swear a oath of loyalty to Israel

I see the US congress as no different than the Borg from Star Trek , no matter how good a candidate sounds while running for office, they are quickly assimilated into the collective once they arrive in Washington

California is doing the exact same thing with no alternative source in place

Germans pay twice what France pays for electricity ( France gets like 90% of their electric from Nuclear)

What is even worst is Germany is supplementing their Solar/Wind with Coal burning electric plants, and it gets even worst as German coal is of a very low grade and far dirtier than the coal used in the US

I found this short video on the subject

Here is another hoax, We can replace Internal Combustion ( ICE) Cars with Lithium battery electric cars.

Lithium is not that abundant, it is only mined in a few places on earth, the mining of lithium requires strip mining, something environmentalist say they oppose. It also requires a large amount of fresh water, something that is already in short supply where lithium is found.

Lithium is great when all you are powering is your cell phone but just one electric car will need 1000 times more lithium than needed for one cell phone , so just where does everyone think all this lithium is going to come from.

I found this video that addresses the issue and offers some solutions

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United States of Europe. Germany’s idea for a New Europe?

Could this work?

It is basically Hitler’s 1000 year Reich minus the concentration camps, for now anyway.

You look at the Countries that are part of the Euro, it is every country controlled by Germany in 1942

So why did we even go to war with Germany,


kicked out of Australia .Now France won’t let him play unless

Novak Djokovic can’t play French Open unless vaccinated, French Sports Ministry says.

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What a circus. Let’s get his family on. I wonder what they will say.

Are you gauging the severity of the events of Jan 6 by firearm discharge, or somehow making the case that because no protestor/nationalist/whatever fired a weapon, it’s all peachy?

Watch the video from the NYT. It’s plain to see. Plenty of assualting was going on with what protestors brought with them and what they found around them. Heck, the guy beating police with a fire extinguisher received the longest sentence out of anybody. 5 or 6 years I think.

One lady died because of an accidental overdose. It’s sad really, as she was at the front of mob trying to attack their way in, when she collapsed. There were too many crazies around her beating up police, that they just trampled over her. It was recorded, also on the NYT video. A single shot was fired, by police, but 5 died. An additional 4 police officers at the Capitol on Jan 6 have since committed suicide within days and weeks of that day.

You don’t need guns to kill people.

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Was that the same woman who was shot dead by police - presumably using that “One shot” - Or was that a differet woman - and if so why do you evade mentioning the one who was shot dead ?

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Their ability to distinguish reality from illusion is limited

No, I was having a friendly conversation with someone else and asking a simple question that for some reason he refuse still to answer, I just found that strange

4 officers committing suicide should really send some alarms off, what is going on here,

As I have said before, the real story is the one not being reported. Like in the Wizard of Oz the public is being asked to not look behind the curtain. I am only interested in what is behind the curtain

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The number doesn’t matter, numbers do not indicate severity, it is you who refuses to answer my question.

Here’s a question for you Dennis: Where was this anger when trump won the election when he did not receive the majority of votes, and won nonetheless, so now that he lost there must be fraud, right?

clearly he is, why ask a question like that if he wasn’t

How many people have been charged?

Over 700 accused rioters have been charged for their role in the melee, according to an ABC News count. Those charged are overwhelmingly male, and the largest number come from Florida, Pennsylvania and Texas, according to George Washington University’s Project on Extremism.

What have they been charged with?

According to the DOJ, approximately 640 defendants have been charged with entering or remaining in a restricted federal building or grounds, which is a misdemeanor. More than 225 accused rioters have been charged with the more serious crime of assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers or employees, according to the DOJ, with 75 of them facing charges of using a deadly or dangerous weapon or causing serious bodily injury to an officer.

Additionally, 40 individuals have been charged with conspiracy, according to the DOJ.

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Why are you arguing this? Stirring the pot unnecessarily, as usual.

My point was you don’t need guns to have people die or create violence against others. Obviously it doesn’t make much sense to use someone who was shot to death, by a GUN, as an example of how people die when guns aren’t involve. Please keep up.

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Simply (as I showed) Taking issue with your lies !

I take it then that the “Accidental overdose” - you refer to WAS in fact a nasty case of “Lead poisoning” :rofl: