Political Opinion

Watch this Brave man leave the entire congress SPEECHLESS with EPIC Speech, Gets a Standing Ovation

let the dumb not speak and let the lame walk

Link is green writing

"Is Justin Trudeau A Coward For Fleeing Canada During Freedom Convoy Protests? - YouTube

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Link is the green writing

"The Sickening Ridicule Of Canadian Truckers FOOLS NO-ONE - YouTube

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‘Too many members of the Senate trade in stocks,’ Senate Banking Committee chair says

America problems without agenda base

I heard what, to me, would be a reasonable compromise. No individual stocks. Only index’s.


We are asking those who make the laws in this country to govern themselves.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Well, that should end that discussion. Sorry for the interruption…

H.R.6490 - Banning Insider Trading in Congress Act


Trying to have a reasonable conversation with our bot friend is near impossible, he will just redicual you with emojis

The President of the United States by law must put his invested assets in a index fund, Seems that should also apply to congress, plus if congress’s wealth is tide to the S&P 500 then they have incentive to not screw up the economy

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The name of this thread is “POLITICAL OPINION” if you have no interest in others opinion and are just here to ridicule anyone who post their opinion then you should find another thread to cut and paste on

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Statements are not allowed?

Statement - an opinion, comment, or message conveyed indirectly usually by nonverbal means.

Do you create your own life or are you simply the product of someone else’s opinions?

“**Stupid is what Stupid post”

a fitting variation from a quote by Forest Gump

Was that question hurtful to you?

Do you create your own life or are you simply the product of someone else’s opinions?

No, but clearly my “Stupid is what Stupid post” was hurtful to you, that is if a bot can have hurt feelings

Are we at war yet, all weekend long the lead story from every major msm was Russia imminent invasion of Ukraine. Still, no invasion, was this another false flag to take our attention away from more important issues, like run-a-way inflation

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AP’s Matt Lee calls out State Department, ask for proof, this is real journalism.

Even the worst news channel on the planet CNN is calling out the biden’s state department

Would you mind explaining how bad it is, I am clueless on this issue.

Do you create your own life or are you simply the product of someone else’s opinions?

Inflation and The Federal Reserve – Taking Action

“If we see inflation persisting at high levels longer than expected, if we have to raise interest rates more over time, we will.” – Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell.

Powell’s quote above is quite a turnaround from his comments earlier last year in which he stated inflation will prove to be “transitory” as he and the rest of the Fed seemed focused on spurring economic growth to aid the job market in its COVID-related recovery. Now the cat is out of the bag, and much of the inflation pressure isn’t as transitory as the Fed portrayed. Consumer prices have risen by 7% over the last year1 (See the Year-Over-Year change in the Consumer Price Index chart below.)

Inflation is not inevitable – it only arises from an expansion of the money supply, and only the Fed controls the money supply.

How The Federal Reserve Keeps Stoking Inflation

The inflation tax that working families face under the Biden presidency has many root causes. But one of the biggest involves an individual most Americans have not heard of: Jerome Powell, chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank.

Just as inflation has reached a 30-year-high of 6.2 percent—more than three times the Fed’s inflation target of 2 percent—the central bank keeps on printing more money, and plans to continue doing so for many months more. Powell’s insouciant “What, me worry?” approach to “fighting” inflation has drawn increasing criticism from surprising quarters, yet Biden may reappoint Powell to a second stint as Fed chairman when his current term expires in February.

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