Political Opinion

What about our favorite ex-president trying to overturn the election using shady tactics to seize voting machines? Pence standing up to the Donald? On anybody’s radar?

Pretty crazy stuff.

Found a Fox News link. Small headline, but it’s there.

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what’s going on America

Backwards day.

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Most Americans know literally nothing about the Constitution

It Is Time To Prosecute Republicans For Violating the U.S. Constitution

History shall set you free

All I want to know is the Truth about FBI involvement ,

When the government pressures social media to ban someone, then I must ask what is this person saying that has the government so afraid. At which point I want to hear what they have to say.

This would apply to Julian Assange as well

I answered your question , now you can answer mine

Do you support free speech or not?

I totally agree, the sooner we get rid of the only thing standing in the way of a China-style one-party government the sooner we can shed this masquerade that we live in a democracy

that is what you want right?

If this is true then that would be a heavy indictment of or government-run public school system

And on that note, I agree

…and it’s time to impeach the President for violating the U.S. Constitution for not enforcing our immigration laws on the Southern border…

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Stan, really, you must know now that only Republicans are required to obey the Constitution, for Democrats is is only a suggestion , a suggestion that can be ignored when it no longer fits their agenda

wink, wink my friend

And this is how you get a civil war

but it is what you want, right?

Would you also call these Canadian truckers, “insurrectionists”


I can see Articles of Impeachment coming joe biden’s way once the Republicans regain control of the senate

and the democrats have set the bar pretty low for what is now an impeachable offense,



They started it!

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“We all were here. We saw what happened. It was a violent insurrection for the purpose of trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power after a legitimately certified election, from one administration to the next. That’s what it was,” McConnell, R-Ky., told reporters at his weekly news conference.

violence that we know now was encouraged by FBI operatives

Why do you and your friend dude have no interest in learning the FBI’s role

No, you saw what the government and the media wanted you to see while ignoring the man behind the curtain. Stop parroting government-controlled media, the real story will not be seen on CNN

yes they did and now congress will play this childish game of tit for tat

i guess the people who got arrested and the guards that got hurt was all made up.

nobody said that making this a Strawman argument

Look behind the curtain, in this story there might be many curtains and the one we all know about is the curtain hiding Ray Epps. Why is the FBI protecting this guy? Another curtain is the FBI refusing to answer congressional questions about FBI involvement in the storming of the capital.

There are many curtains that need to be open in order to shed the light of truth on this event, lets support those like Senator Ted Cruz, and pod casters like Joe Rogan, Jimmy Dore and Russell Brand who refuse to except the government propaganda

Let the truth , the whole truth come out , then we can have informed opinions

Hey Dennis, I’ll have to be convinced that everyone who attended this protest didn’t have bad intentions; when a protest takes place, there will be people who start riots and wanna harm or killed people without FBI involvement because their mad, There were protesters who walked away, the good people

Your naiveté makes you blind to the situation

Protests were being organized by groups all over the country for January 6. Many of the groups had bad intentions from the start, because they were angry.

If the American nation is not a race, what is it?

How Americans Lost Their National Identity