Political Opinion

Russian tanks and soldiers on Ukrainian soil today - but’s it’s not really an invasion - they are just there to keep the peace according to the Kremlin which is really nice. Good neighbourly action.
Putin went back to the Ottoman empire describing Ukraine as ancient Russian land thus giving reason to Russian demands that Ukraine be in it’s sphere of influence.

Strange thinking in the modern era - where would that end - the British demanding back their empire including the United States?


He’s basically called the entirety of Ukraine sovereignty as illegitimate. Seems to me that he keeps testing the waters to see how far he can go before NATO steps in militarily. First with Crimea. Then “military training” sessions. Then troop buildup along the borders. Then “peacekeepers”.

Next, I’m watching out for a false flag operation to give Russian troops reason to publicly move into Ukraine.

A bad situation getting worse.

Germany has finally taken a position with the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

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U.S. Supreme Court formally ends Trump’s fight over Capitol attack records

The court’s decision to formally reject Trump’s appeal follows its Jan. 19 order that led to the documents being handed over to the House of Representatives investigative committee by the federal agency that stores government and historical records.

Trump hate records, why is that?

The President of the US should be held to the highest standard of anyone on the planet.

They left him on Twitter for way too long anyway. His tweets were a threat to national security, an incident waiting to happen.

But why is he complaining? He got a social media company out of it. Aren’t you a supporter of capitalism and free enterprise? Twitter can do what they want. It’s their business They make the rules.

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You don’t think a war in Europe has any affect on us? Seriously?

Have you watched the stock market, crypto market, oil, natural gas, the list is endless… today? You don’t think that has anything to do with Putin and Ukraine? Riiiiiight…

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Markets are reacting because of what the US might do, The US drew the line in the sand and now the rest of us will pay for it.

biden sure picked a great time to do a state of the union, War, Inflation, Stock market crashing, I am sure he will ignore all the bad stuff that is making the average american poorer than this time last year while beating war drums, endless war seems to be the only thing Dems and Reps can agree on, they all need to be voted out.

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Is that why you voted for president a man who finished near last in his law class, lied about his grades to get elected to the senate, had to drop out of a previous presidential election because of plagiarism. You may not like Trump but you sure went to the bottom of the barrel with biden


Is this what you voted for when voted for biden?

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You literally just said it has ZERO effect on us. Now we will pay for it? Which is it?

Are you seriously comparing Biden and law school to Trump and Trump University? That’s pure comedy!

Biden happened to be Trump’s opponent. You could have but Mickey Mouse up there against Trump. I would have voted for Mickey Mouse. I’m sure I’m not the only one who saw Trump as a fraud and con man and completely out of his depth.

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Here, you must have missed this:

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You seem a little disconnected from reality, Dennis3450

Trump praises Putin’s ‘genius’ incursion into Ukraine

“This is genius,” he said of Putin’s decision on Monday to officially recognize the breakaway provinces and authorize the use of Russian military personnel to assist them. "So Putin is now saying it’s independent — a large section of Ukraine. I said, how smart is that? And he’s gonna go in and be a peacekeeper.

Here is something you are not going to see on the mainstream misleadia…

Oh, the irony of it all…

It is ironic that China, Russia, some Arab countries and many other countries do exactly the same thing with the support of the West, so should the West now let Russia take over Ukraine since it is not really a democracy, miss me with the BS

Lets See;

Western countries buy billions of dollars worth of gas from Russia, yet they complain that Russia is not a democracy,

Although the USA buys billions of dollars worth of products made in China every year, they blame the country for being communist.

There are trillions of dollars worth of oil bought by the world from Arab countries, but none of those countries are democratic,

How important is democracy to the west? :rofl: :

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Obviously, Trump makes you feel warm and bubbly inside, so you cannot see his misdeeds

BTW: Joe Biden is not the answer either. it’s start and ends with our corrupt congress

It is difficult to have a back and forth conversation in this format, if you want to get into the details a face to face conversation with instant reaction and corrections are needed. If you are going to take my words and twist their meaning to fit your bias then a conversation between us in this format is useless

Strawman argument, show me where I made any such comparison

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I am not a republican, I am an independent. and yes the Republican Pary sucks

What will it take to get you to open your eyes to just how bad is the Democrat party?

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Russia attacks Ukraine; conflict reverberates around globe

I would vote Tulsi Gabbard for President in a heart beat, She seems to be the only democrat left who supports Free Speech, oppose identity politics and is anti ( unnecessary) wars

God bless Tulsi