Political Opinion

i got it. here’s what I’m talking about

how do you explain trillions of dollars going missing, and when congress asks about it, they basically say it’s none of your business?

You have the same issue with the defense department, This is why I oppose the expansion of government and tax increases, they can’t run what they already have and miss-use taxes already collected, why give them more thinking things will get better



I Agree it will happen in 2024

Democrats to Biden: Time to make changes at the White House

Yes, and they can start with the top and work their way down


You’re a devoted member of your party, but I’m just a guy with an open mind looking at both sides

Is this not exactly what the FBI said to senators investigating Jan 6th " it’s none of your business"


apples to oranges but i see what what you did there

What party is that, my voter card says Independent


What we have here is what we call the “Deep State” departments with-in the government that have become so big and powerful they can operate out-side the law and will not answer to congress. They include the CIA, FBI, Pentagon and now Fauci and the CDC has shown they can give the middle finger to congress and the American people

Washington has become Dr. Frankenstein and have created multiple monsters that they can no longer control


The only way to dissolve these agencies is by Congress, so maybe they should throw their weight around until they get answers.

Congress funds all of those angenices except the federal reserve

thank again


If congress would act in the best interest of the American people then yes, but congress is only interested in defeating the other party and enriching their doner class


The Board—appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate—provides general guidance for the Federal Reserve System and oversees the 12 Reserve Banks. The Board reports to and is directly accountable to the Congress but, unlike many other public agencies, it is not funded by congressional appropriations.


how things change over the years

Los Angeles 1940s, Residential Area in color [60fps, Remastered] w/added sound

Link is green writing

"What I Love About Communists, Socialists, Democrats, Feminists - YouTube

Tucker: The media played a starring role in the death of Canadian democracy

I forgot about this, Thanks Joe Rogan

Documents Show NYPD Has A Secret Surveillance Tech Slush Fund

About a half-decade ago, public records requesters discovered the Chicago Police Department had been spending seized funds on surveillance equipment like Stingray devices. The forfeiture fund was apparently completely discretionary and the PD used this steady supply of cash to make purchases not specifically approved by the city. It also allowed the department to elude direct oversight of surveillance activities and ensure the public was unable to interrupt the procurement process with pesky comments and questions.

It appears the New York Police Department has been doing the same thing for at least as long. But it’s not doing it with “discretionary” funds lifted from New York residents using civil forfeiture. Documents obtained by Wired show the infamously secretive agency has even more secrecy up its sleeves – a fund that is specifically exempt from its own oversight.

Link is green writing

Is this true ? Candian failed drama teacher grabs bank accounts and assets of Private citizens who dare to contribute to a peaceful protest !

Where do you start?! 🤬 - YouTube

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Asset Forfeiture Abuse

  • Police abuse of civil asset forfeiture laws has shaken our nation’s conscience. Civil forfeiture allows police to seize — and then keep or sell — any property they allege is involved in a crime . Owners need not ever be arrested or convicted of a crime for their cash, cars, or even real estate to be taken away permanently by the government.

‘Policing For Profit’ Is Alive and Well in South Carolina

In Conway, South Carolina, a 72-year-old widow hides inside, her curtains drawn, fearing that local law enforcement will attempt to take away her home for a third time. Ella Bromell has never been convicted of a crime. So how has her house been at risk of seizure for over a decade?

Everyone is in favor of free speech. Hardly a day passes without its being extolled, but some people’s idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone else says anything back, that is an outrage.
― Winston Churchill