Political Opinion

America is running out of baby formula because 3 companies control the market and babies aren’t that profitable

The House Oversight committee announced Friday it will investigate the baby formula shortage affecting families across the country, asking for information on how the largest manufacturers are addressing the shortage, and how the government can ease supply problems from occurring in the future.

Make sure you pay attention to political fear mongering

dennis er dum

"Right-Wing Cancel Culture - YouTube

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Retired police officer who tried to stop Buffalo supermarket shooting praised as a hero

אנחנו חיים בעולם מלא ברע

Fox News has the right to its own agenda, just as MSNBC or CNN or CBS has the right to theirs. Everyone spins in their own way. Everyone orders the news based on their conception of what is news.

The Great Replacement Theory" has been a favorite talking point of Fox News superstar Tucker Carlson for several years now.

It’s a liberal plot, “to change the racial mix of the country,” Carlson told viewers on Sept. 22, 2021. "To reduce the political power of people whose ancestors lived here, and dramatically increase the proportion of Americans arrived from the third world…In political terms, this is called the policy of Great Replacement, the replacement of legacy Americans with more obedient people from far-away countries."

Other Fox News hosts, including Laura Ingraham, have also flirted with this idea.

There are any number of sane responses to this: from pointing out that non-white people have been part of this country exactly as long as Northern Europeans — African Americans are “legacy Americans” if anyone is — and that, with the exception of Indigenous peoples, literally everyone in this country is the descendent of an immigrant culture.

In the case of the Buffalo tragedy, is Fox News AWOL? And why?

Buffalo shooting is an ugly culmination of California’s ‘great replacement’ theory

That’s when Republicans, desperate to hold on to political power, were spreading fear and paranoia about millions of Mexican immigrants wanting — how dare them! — resources and rights, and the inevitable decline of the state’s white population.

Tribalism is the biological loophole that many politicians have banked on for a long time: tapping into our fears and tribal instincts. Some examples are Nazism, the Ku Klux Klan, religious wars and the Dark Ages. The typical pattern is to give the other humans a different label than us, and say they are going to harm us or our resources, and to turn the other group into a concept. It does not have to necessarily be race or nationality, which are used very often. It can be any real or imaginary difference: liberals, conservatives, Middle Easterners, white men, the right, the left, Muslims, Jews, Christians, Sikhs. The list goes on and on.

When building tribal boundaries between “us” and “them,” some politicians have managed very well to create virtual groups of people that do not communicate and hate without even knowing each other: This is the human animal in action!

“Wind your neck in biden !”

"Americans Do Not Understand Northern Ireland - YouTube

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McConnell urges Biden to name Russia a state sponsor of terrorism

The GOP leader also predicted the Senate would advance a motion to proceed to the $40 billion Ukrainian aid package on Monday and approve the bill on Wednesday.

Grand jury indicts suspect in Brooklyn subway mass shooting

FBI opens hate crime investigation into Dallas hair salon shooting

When will it ends

Demons are ravaging the earth like never before

High-Ranking Republican Pushes ‘Great Replacement’ Rhetoric Two Days After White Supremacist Mass Shooting

Republican Senate candidates promote ‘replacement’ theory

In some cases, the comments have gone largely overlooked given the hard-line immigration rhetoric that has become commonplace among conservatives during the Trump era. But a weekend mass shooting in Buffalo, New York, that may have been inspired by the racist theory is drawing new attention to the GOP’s growing embrace of white nationalist creed.

Republican Fear-Mongering: A Great American Pastime

It’s no secret that the Republican Party has historically struggled to adapt over time; this should not be particularly shocking, as they are the conservative party. It is their mission to maintain the status quo and act as the proverbial toddler being dragged to the doctor’s office kicking and screaming the whole way.

$40 Billion… pledged by the Biden Government to the Ukraine…

Even the liberal leaning New York Times is asking the tough questions…

Out of control borrowing and spending while the American Economy burns…

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Come on Joe - Joe Rogan is easily duped by basically anything on the internet

Watch Joe Rogan Realize In Real Time The Story He’s Ranting About Is Actually Fake News

Republicans are Lawless, Corrupt, Liars & Bullies which Condone Violence

GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger says the Republicans who support Putin have an ‘affection for authoritarianism’

Lawlessness is a feature of the Republican Party, not a bug

A frequent feature of authoritarian regimes is people distrusting each other so much they need autocratic strongmen to provide “law and order,” and they are prepared to give up even more of their rights to get it. What they often get in return is more and greater lawlessness.


$5 trillion in Afghanistan. $2 trillion in Iraq. $40 billion is…

$23 Billion for a Border Wall on the US Southern border is also a drop in the…
Wait! We didn’t do that!

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How did the US become 30 Trillion in Debt, One $40 billion drop at a time


By the way that 40 billion would give the 550K homeless 72K each, Yes we could end homelessness ( at least for a year) but instead we will waste it a conflict that cannot be won, this endless money printing will further devalue the dollar and adding more fuel to the inflation fire

Hi samewise, I have not seen you on this site before, while we might disagree on this one topic, new points of view are always welcome here, Welcome to the Thread


I heard about this ( baby formula ) American mothers can’t get formula as the government diverts supplies.

The one thing we can be certain of is " Its not biden’s fault"

My response is

Let’s Go Branden


Your blaming but without providing evidence of this, stop crying if you can’t prove your point

Baby formula shortage continues: What we know about shuttered plant

The FDA and Abbott Nutrition say they’re working fast to restart production at the closed factory, but it could take a while — and questions remain.

What caused the shutdown?

In mid-February, Abbott announced it was recalling various lots of three powdered infant formulas from the plant, after federal officials began investigating rare bacterial infections in four babies who were fed formula. Two of the infants died. But it’s not certain the bacteria came from the plant; strains found at the plant didn’t match the two available samples from the babies.

Desperate for baby formula, low-income families struggle with government’s nutritional-aid program: ‘You call the doctor’s office for your son, and they can’t help you’

Relief could be coming, but parents like Bauerle probably won’t feel it for more than a month. Abbott announced Monday that it had signed a consent decree with the Food and Drug Administration that details the steps necessary to resume production at the company’s Sturgis, Mich., plant. Once the FDA confirms that Abbott has taken the initial steps outlined, Abbott expects to have the plant up and running in about two weeks, and formula should hit store shelves in six to eight weeks after that.

But even before the recall, there was a nationwide baby-formula shortage due to supply-chain issues related to the pandemic. The recall made a tough situation worse.