Political Opinion

There comes a point where you have to ask yourself, how stupid are these people?


The odds are in our favor

Democrats are running ads to help far-right, election-denying candidates win primaries in hopes they’ll be easier to beat in the general election

Democrats are paying for ads to promote far-right candidates in the primaries, apparently with the idea they’ll be easier to beat than more mainstream Republicans in the fall.

Is the party united? What’s the problem here :

White Republican Claims in Lawsuit Fox News Helped Black Republican’s Win in Georgia

A white Republican is suing Fox News for racketeering, claiming that the conservative network conspired to sink his primary bid in favor of a Black Republican’s candidacy.

"Ray Stevens - Grandpa Voted Democrat - YouTube

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They have turned songs into their reality

It is said that history does not repeat but it sure can rhyme

Tony Dungy was the greatest coach in Tampa Bay history, but despite his record and making the playoffs 4 straight years, the Bucs fired him at the end of the 2001 season, Then hired Jon Gruden to replace him, Gruden in his first year took the team that Dungy had built and went on to win the Super Bowl, the next season Gruden would finish under 500 missing the playoff and would not win another playoff game as the Bucs coach

How this painfully rhymes with what has and is happening in American politics



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Nice example @Dennis3450

I don’t know who exactly says “History does not repeat” - Well maybe the names change - but the fractals certainly do have a habit of remaining very similar ! - As your fine metaphor points out !



And Finally here’s one we are following - to the letter - as we debate ;



"Stefan Molyneux The Truth About The Fall Of Rome - YouTube

. .

Just try it for the first 11 minutes - see if you are interested after that ? :sunglasses:

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The Psychology of Trump’s Preoccupation with Obama

Obama is antithetical to Trump. So long as he exists, Trump is threatened.

Central to Trump’s presidency is the effort to erase Obama’s legacy—his policies, his social agenda, and, more intriguingly, his very persona. This observation is neither new nor original. After all, Trump’s run on the Republican party began with his advocacy of birtherism, an attempt to quite literally delegitimize Obama. (As early as 2012, even before he formally entered politics, Trump also questioned Obama’s college transcripts, while later going to great lengths to hide is own).

Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories

Donald Trump Criticized Obama’s Grades. But His Lawyer Threatened Trump’s Alma Maters Not to Release His Own Grades

As President Barack Obama was running for re-election in 2012, Donald Trump called him a “terrible student” and demanded that he release his academic records to the public. But when Trump launched his own presidential bid a few years later, his longtime personal attorney Michael Cohen sent letters to his alma maters, threatening to take legal action if any of Trump’s own academic records were ever made public.

Trump’s desire to conceal his academic records runs counter to his habit of boasting about his intelligence and success as a student.

“You know, people don’t understand. I went to an Ivy League college. I was a nice student,” Trump said in 2017. “I did very well. I’m a very intelligent person.”


Remember the beginning of the Lion King when the Pride Land was beautiful and full of life


Then Scar took over and everything went to Sh-t


Here in the US we sure do seem to be rhyming with the plot of that movie

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you are correct, how sad we have fallen

What the US government fears most is left and right coming together and actually talking to each other, and possibly realizing that they have a common enemy and it is not each other


I think we should have a serious sit-down and talk, without one side feeling pressured to win, but that both sides can win, and maybe show the public how working together could be done without one side feeling the other is tormenting them.

There is no doubt what is happening today. It seems like the left is shoving things down the throat of the right, but I’m also smart enough to realize that the right had the same power before I was born and held onto it for many years. So it is time for a sit down before it’s too late.

Brand’s take on Jimmy and Tucker, spoiler, he nails it again


Don’t forget the Dinner Roast. That started things.

Five years before he won the presidency and became one of the most powerful people on the planet, Donald Trump was just a reality-TV famous real estate mogul from New York who had been spreading criticisms and conspiracies about then-President Barack Obama.

One of those theories — that Obama wasn’t born in the United States — came back to haunt him in infamous fashion, after Obama released his birth certificate and roasted Trump for his role in the so-called “birther” movement at the 2011 White House Correspondents’ Association dinner.

The dinner — traditionally an event in which the president offers good-hearted jabs at the journalists who cover him and other D.C. notables — was held just three days after Obama released his long-form birth certificate, a document Trump had repeatedly insisted didn’t exist.

I am not picking on anyone person here, and everyone is entitled to their opinion . But I can not help but notice how TDS ( Trump Derangement Syndrome) continues to plague this thread and many other threads. The country is going down the sewer and the only thing some here want to talk about is President Trump. Does this man really have that much power over you, if so then he is by far the most influential president in history

For help please call 1-800-TDS-1234



Your buddy posted this book, so I decided to show him the games the person he supports plays.

:+1: :+1:

Your post Jimmy Dore interviewed by Tucker - as reported by Russel Brant - Nails it !

President Trump was not “One of Them” - he wasn’t part of the corrupt cabal and therefore they were all terrified of him ! - See how he rejected the CO2 = Global Warming BS and started to Make America Great Again !

Therefore the Deep State Machine had to eliminate him by whatever means neccessary - and they enlisted the Useful idiots (The Crayon Crew) and simply reduced them to hysterical gibbering fools !

INteresting to watch - I do wonder whether they will ever realise how foolish they were and how easily manipulated - It is certain that eventually History will cast them as the people gathered to watch the burning of the witches at the stake.

Odd really that they cannot seem to find a Democrat to put forward as the next President - so they are doubling down on TDS again - sad illigitimate children ! :rofl: