Political Opinion

Love to see your evidence of making America great, talk is cheap

Good stuff

Kim Iversen: Inside The SECRET Bilderberg Meetings Between Spies, War Hawks And World Leaders

Kim Iverson breaks down the clandestine Bilderberg meetings that took place in Washington, D.C. this weekend.

WEF founder: Must prepare for an angrier world

Opening remarks and special address from Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab

The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. We believe that progress happens by bringing together people from all walks of life who have the drive and the influence to make positive change.

I see we’re copy and pasting again - whilst pretending the words are his ! :rofl:

the words are in the link/video, nothing to hide here, again you side stepping the question


Getting Deep

Trump campaign official subpoenaed by FBI appears to be at meeting of fake Arizona electors

A campaign official for President Donald Trump, who appears to be at the meeting where 11 Arizona Republicans falsely declared themselves the state’s presidential electors, was subpoenaed Wednesday by the Department of Justice, the Washington Post reported.

A man who appears to be Thomas Lane was seen in a video posted by the Arizona Republican Party in December 2020, passing out pieces of paper during the meeting where the Republicans signed documents certifying themselves Arizona’s “duly elected and qualified electors.”

In the face of adversity, the strong become stronger, while the weak become weaker.

If you want to anger a conservative, tell them a lie. If you want to anger a liberal, tell them the truth…


Ohh… What a mess…


Pres. Trump reportedly told more than 30,000 lies while in office — these were some of the biggest.

Trump signs internet privacy repeal

President Trump signed a bill on Monday repealing internet privacy rules passed last year by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that would have given internet users greater control over what service providers can do with their data, a White House spokeswoman confirmed.

Murika - Maga

Trump Repeals Regulation Protecting Workers From Wage Theft

The regulation was meant to ensure that shady employers don’t benefit from taxpayer dollars.

WASHINGTON ― Companies that commit wage theft and put their workers in harm’s way just received a favor from the Trump administration.

Murika - Maga

Inferior Men Invading Superior Male Spaces

Luckiliy she managed to beat the evil white guy :rofl:



"It's Hilariously awful. This is either the funniest or saddest timeline - YouTube


You Americans certainly are getting what you deserve ! :slightly_smiling_face:

America got what they deserve the minute they found this country.

It is inevitable that everything built on a rotten foundation will crumble sooner or later, we are simply trying to hold onto what we have

Joe Rogan says he refused to interview Donald Trump multiple times: ‘I don’t want to help him’

“I’m not a Trump supporter in any way, shape, or form,” Rogan said. “I’ve had the opportunity to have him on my show more than once — I’ve said no every time. I don’t want to help him. I’m not interested in helping him.”

While calling Trump “an existential threat to democracy itself,” Rogan also denounced people he says “felt like they could abandon their own ethics and morals and principles just to attack him and anybody who supports him.”

Odd really that they cannot seem to find a real Republican to put forward as the next President… so they’re going with the impeached, twice loser of the popular vote.

Rings about the same as your statement.

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Interestingly, voters weren’t upset when he was chosen the first time, but felt it was rigged the second time. :rofl:

Would be funny if he won the popular vote the third time, but wasn’t chosen for president.

Electoral College

In other U.S. elections, candidates are elected directly by popular vote. But the president and vice president are not elected directly by citizens. Instead, they’re chosen by “electors” through a process called the Electoral College.

What a mess…

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This is horrible news, this could of lower the price of gas by 50% for the next 6 months :confused:

Trendswithbenefits is one of Murika’s brightest

In all seriousness

Why crude released from U.S. oil reserves may have ended up being exported overseas

Adding to the frustration, the U.S. exported more than 5 million barrels of oil to Europe and Asia last month — oil that was part of the historic release from the SPR, Reuters reported this week, citing data and sources.

“Exports are profitable and they allow some refiners to send products that don’t meet U.S. specifications overseas where the formulae are less stringent,” Tom Kloza, global head of energy analysis at the Oil Price Information Service, told MarketWatch. OPIS is a unit of Dow Jones & Co., publisher of MarketWatch.

“The refiners also export ‘other oils’…that have no home in the U.S.,” he said. “Their argument is that this allows them to run at 95% of capacity or more. If the exports were restricted, they would have to run lower.”

U.S. refineries operated at 94.5% of their operable capacity for the week ended July 1, compared with just 92.2% a year ago, according to the Energy Information Administration report released Thursday.

The nation’s refineries “simply don’t have the ability to absorb those new barrels [of oil] suddenly hitting the market and therefore, physical refined product markets remain tight and prices are still elevated,” said Tyler Richey, co-editor at Sevens Report Research.

News that SPR oil was exported out of the country came as a surprise to some, as consumers continue to face high inflation.

However, Brian Milne, product manager, editor and analyst at DTN, told MarketWatch that his team “knew immediately upon hearing the government’s announcement for big draws from emergency reserves that they would largely go to exports” because U.S. refiners, except for the West Coast, are producing near capacity.”

Murika’s brightest

Marjorie Taylor Greene Suggests 4th of July Shooting Was Orchestrated by Democrats

Marjorie Taylor Greene suggested Tuesday night on Facebook that the 4th of July shooting in Highland Park, Illinois, was orchestrated by Democrats as part of an effort to convince Republicans to support gun control measures.