Political Opinion

what is wrong , did i screw up your programing. Try switching yourself off and back on

Welcome to TDS America


lol, good one :+1:

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Dennis, I’m back on, I’ll sit back and see how this plays out, I know nothing will come of it but it will be interesting to see how others react to this.

There you have it

Republicans who blast FBI’s Trump search are prepping to snag Joe in a Hunter Biden probe

House Republicans see no contradiction between their suspicion of the FBI’s law enforcement activity at Mar-a-Lago and their interest in digging into the business dealings of the president’s son and other family members. Oversight of the Bidens, they contend, would counterbalance what they see as a Justice Department where partisanship influences decisions like the probe of 2020 election subversion that’s drawing closer to Trump.

But the House GOP’s eagerness to say the quiet part out loud about their Biden investigation, injecting presidential politics into an already acrimonious chamber, underscores how far it has come since Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy took intra-party heat in 2015 for touting the electoral payoff of an investigation into Hillary Clinton.

Koch brothers? $500k in 2022 already. $400m in 2018 mid terms.

What’s your opinion of them (him?)?


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GOP/ Conservatives,

Why so serious on Trump and FBI?

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You are aware that David Koch has been dead for 3 years now, so there is no “Koch brothers” in 2022

Welcome to TDS America

The typical response from Trump supporters is not any kind of defense of Trump’s actions. It’s a mixture of whataboutism, ad hominem attacks on the critic of Trump, accusations that “you hate him” when the criticism was about his behavior rather than any expression of hatred, non sequiturs, and condescending statements that the critic has been fooled (by objective reality, I guess. After all, Trump did tell people not to believe what they see and hear, to believe what he says instead.) The most striking thing about this is the high degree of projection from the Trump people, especially in the area of accusations of hatred.

People opposed to Trump generally have particular issues that they are most concerned about, and are upset at him because of his actions in those areas. Again, that’s not derangement.

and this is answer, lol

Can you tell me where in congress you can find bills, legislation, and actions that are supposed to make America great under trump

How is this not you,

Welcome to TDS America

The rest is history

and how would you answer it, the man is dead

now ask me about a specific action by the 86 yr old Charles Koch, ( as I have done with Soro’s ) then maybe I can give a better response, not that it matters

Do you think his company and his so-called non-profit organizations will stop their agenda? you should go check on what they said after he died.

You see the (him?)?

Glasses buddy, glasses.

But go on with your thoughts please. The GOP already has their Soros fighting apparatus in place. And it’s been there for 20+years.

And impacted US politics more than boogyman Soros.

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What agenda? can you give some specific action

From Wicipedia

“Charles Koch describes himself as a classical liberal and has formerly identified as a [libertarian]”(Libertarianism in the United States - Wikipedia).

"classical liberal/libertarian " that is today’s Republican party, so why would he not support Republican’s

Relax buddy, i just said they had an agenda

The pro-mass immigration, GOP megadonor, billionaire Koch brothers are forming a new super PAC ahead of the 2018 midterm elections to back politicians who support their agenda of open borders, amnesty, and endless free trade.

The Americans for Prosperity (AFP) Action PAC will join forces with the Kochs’ amnesty-pushing Libre Action PAC and Concerned Veterans for America Action to promote the billionaires’ agenda.

Got’s to go, we talk later

I saw that but it did not change my question, besides supporting the party that best represents his interest and political views, what has he done

I am confused. mass immigration, open borders, and amnesty are Democrat’s agenda , are you saying the democrats’ take over of congress in 2018 was because of this super PAC

Welcome to TDS America

You can simultaneously support “opposing” views, like Koch.

He does, simultaneously, support open borders, free markets (unrestrictive trade measures) and decriminalizing excessive drug crime incarceration, while also supporting and funding orgs that fight against unionization, climate change, expanded voting rights, transit system expansion and Medicaid expansion.

At the end of the day it’s about money, power and influence.

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