Political Opinion

I was gonna write that, For some reason pork always needs to be added / money smuggled to be used for other purposes :rofl:

EDIT: Write

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Meditation time, Iā€™m Out

It was nice to talk to you, Dennis, seriously.

No hate lost, no love gain. just kidding :v:

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In the business world it would be call ā€œMoney Launderingā€

Honestly, I understand that Congress isnā€™t smart enough to write its own legislation but for them not to have lawyers that they can go to and tell them what kind of legislation they want and what they want in it and to rely only on interest groups is kind of odd and stupid

Secondly, I understand that different industries need different things, but look at the legislation passed for them. The legislation was only passed to benefit the companies, not the workers, and some of the legislation has been enacted to harm workers or the public they serve.

It is obvious that this guy is a complete idiot and he leads many like-minded people, lost souls of america

Fox News host Tucker Carlson insisted that Chauvin didnā€™t murder anyone, complaining that ā€œwe have to pretendā€ like he did.

Although Derek Chauvin might not intend to murder George Floyd, his actions resulted in his death, for one there was no need for a knee to the neck of a fully handcuff man, there was no threat at that point.

I watched the first 48 hours, I saw 2 guys, one had a gun both intending to rob a weed dealer, the robbery went sour and the guy with the gun shot and killed the dealer, both were charged with murder, and both took a plea deal and went to prison for murder, even the guy who didnā€™t have a gun and didnā€™t pull the trigger who only intentions was to rob went to prison for murder, might not be a good comparison but you get the point

It is unfortunate that these infections are prevalent throughout the United States, they continue to promote false narratives which incite people to commit some of the most heinous crimes, These people are sick minded.

Marjorie Taylor Greene cheered on Alex Jones after he was ordered to pay $4 million for defaming Sandy Hook parents

  • Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene praised Alex Jones after his Sandy Hook defamation trial ended.
  • She is one of few MAGA influencers who showed support for Jones throughout the trial.
  • On Thursday, Jones was ordered to pay $4.1 million over his bogus claims that the shooting was fake.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene tweeted praise for the conspiracy theorist Alex Jones after his trial for defaming the parents of a child killed in the Sandy Hook mass shooting.

The Georgia Republican, who, like Jones, has built a large following by pushing far-right conspiracy theories, singled out for praise a remark by Jones during his trial about the convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.

Reasonable chance you will see these changes in your lifetime.

Dennis, as for Aus - that is small time for China - their target is simple, it is the USA - yes they are setting up in the Pacific - have been doing e.g Solomion Islands - but this is lower league:
What the China-Solomon Islands Pact Means for the U.S. and South Pacific | Council on Foreign Relations (cfr.org)

Why do you think the difference in Chinaā€™s reaction of the most recent Speakerā€™s visit to Taiwan and last time.

If I live in China and happened to post an image of this flag what would happen to me and my family?

File:Flag of Tibet.svg - Wikimedia Commons

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we divide ourselves, it will be easy to be conquered.

China Expanding Its Influence in South America


  • Over the past several years China deepened its political and economic ties with Latin America. Chinese companies invested billions of dollars into Latin American countries to build infrastructure and develop their economies. Many governments in the region are now welcoming China as an alternative ally to America.
  • China is the #1 trading partner for the region. In 2020, Trade between China and LAC (Latin America and the Caribbean) was valued at $315 billion dollars. This is partially due to increased consumer demand generated by Chinaā€™s rapidly growing economy.
  • 19 countries in Latin America have now joined Chinaā€™s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a transcontinental trade network founded by China in order to increase Chinaā€™s geopolitical standing in the world and promote economic development among poorer nations.
  • The United States criticized China for using economic involvement in Latin America as an excuse to exert more political influence over the region. America also has a long history of involvement in Latin America during the 19th and 20th centuries, beginning with the Monroe Doctrine in 1823.
  • China also benefited politically from an alliance with Latin America. Nicaragua recently suspended recognition of Taiwan in favor of embracing Chinaā€™s own ā€œOne China Policy.ā€ Less than 15 countries in the world officially recognize Taiwan as an independent nation.

Oh Dearā€¦ Appears CNN have realised the BS is up with Lie|den Juniorā€¦

No, 2024 for Joe Slip Sliden Awayā€¦ Just MEGAā€¦ Sorry MAGAā€¦

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Marjorie Taylor Greene prayed over a convicted Capitol rioter who spent a day crying in a mock prison cell at CPAC

A convicted Capitol rioter spent the day in a prop cell at the Conservative Political Action Conference during a performance aimed at highlighting the ā€œmistreatmentā€ of those jailed after storming the Capitol on Jan. 6.

His tearful performance ultimately drew the eyes ā€” and prayers ā€” of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene.

The conservative activist, dressed in an orange prison jumpsuit and MAGA hat inside of a prop cell, spent the day in character, weeping and tallying days on a chalkboard set up within the performance space.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

From what I can find about 42% of congress has a law degree, given what a really good lawyer can make per year vs. most elected offices, we must assume these lawyers in congress where not very good lawyers, our current president who finished at the bottom of his law class is a great example. With this information in hand I must agree with you that ā€œCongress isnā€™t smart enough to write legislationā€

Yet here in the states all you hear from Washington and the lap dog media is Russia, Russia, Russia

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Donā€™t know where this is going, we shall see

ā€˜Under siegeā€™: Trump says FBI raided Mar-a-Lago

Former President Donald Trump said Monday evening that the Federal Bureau of Investigation had conducted a raid of his Florida home.

The Justice Department is investigating Trumpā€™s actions in relation to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. The then presidentā€™s efforts to overturn Joe Bidenā€™s victory in the 2020 election have also been the focus of the House Jan. 6 select committeeā€™s investigation. In May, a federal grand jury also began investigating whether Trump had mishandled classified documents, including taking 15 boxes of materials to the Florida resort.

The president who goes to great lengths to conceal his high school and college records should worry you more

What concerns me more is the FBI raiding the residence of a former president, this is only seen in the old USSR and of course China.

clearly, the establishment still fears Mr. Trump, I say keep them fearful

TDS lives on

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You seem to be lost here, the raid was not the result of the establishment, but rather of the presidentā€™s actions. accountability

The lamestream leftist media were about to go kerplunk on Lie|den Juniorā€™s misdemeanoursā€¦

"Quick, we need a smoke screenā€¦ A Trump Storyā€¦ " The only reporting that will distract the simple Americans, distract lamestream news producers and improve the leftist mediaā€™s dwindling viewershipā€¦ Win, Win, Win!

The BS from this Administration just goes on and on and onā€¦

Itā€™s all about the November midterms at this pointā€¦ TDS is endemicā€¦

The Don will come out of this looking like a martyrā€¦ Trump vā€™s Deep Stateā€¦


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Bigger, better, and stronger, it will rise again

and that is exactly what is happening here, if you donā€™t watch FOX news you do not know we are in a recession, or inflation is running over 10%

The headline news from cnn, msnbc, nyt, wp goes something like this

Russia, Russia, Trump, Russia, Putin, Putin, Russia, Trump

then when the heat is on biden, the headlines go like this

Trump, Trump, Trump, Russia, Trump, Trump, Putin, Trump, Russia, Trump

Never before has the former president dominated the news over the current president

Welcome to TDS America

then apply those same standards to the bidens and Clintons, this is all political and it goes both ways , Justice is not justice unless it is applied equally to all

Welcome to TDS America

Bidden or Clinton= Trump?