Political Opinion

Thus the stupidity of thinking left vs right.

There is only one ‘versus’ - the difference of right vs wrong.

Today an American/British writer was attacked in NY - Salman Rushdie believes in what is true and he uses words to convey his thoughts just like we do here on BP.

He continues to pay a huge price - lkkely one that most of us will not be asked to pay.

Salman Rushdie attack latest: The Satanic Verses novelist stabbed in neck - police - BBC News

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Are we really that stupid? We selected him to be president, how did that happen?

Trump doesn’t deny taking classified nuclear documents from the White House while baselessly accusing Obama of the same thing

In a statement released Friday, former President Donald Trump didn’t deny a Washington Post report that said the FBI searched his Mar-a-Lago home for classified documents with information about nuclear weapons.

Instead, he again attacked former President Barack Obama, baselessly accusing him of illegally keeping classified documents.

Welcome to TDS America

She will be the first woman to serve as president of the United States

Marjorie Taylor Greene files articles of impeachment against Garland

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) announced on Friday that she had filed articles of impeachment against Attorney General Merrick Garland as the FBI’s search of the former president’s Florida residence roils Republicans.

Greene’s resolution claims that the attorney general’s “personal approval to seek a search warrant for the raid on the home of the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, constitutes a blatant attempt to persecute a political opponent.”

The search warrant was approved by a federal judge and was unsealed on Friday after the Justice Department and Trump’s attorneys agreed.

“These charges are not gonna hold”.

I think Mr. Siracuse seriously underestimates how corrupt the judicial system and especially courts have become in the USA. Plenty of politically motivated judges will happily arrange a conviction for political clout, even if they know it’ll be overturned later.

Goal is to do maximum damage to the Reps for the November midterms, not to convict the Trumpster.

The USA has become the ancient Rome of the 21st century. “Give the masses a Circus” Caesar would command, to keep their minds asleep rather than preoccupied with the empire’s status…

It’s dangerous to be right when the government is wrong. __Voltaire

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Now is the time for Trump and Republicans to prove their claims

Trump Lawyer Says He Watched Search On Camera, Muddling Claim That FBI Planted Evidence

Donald Trump’s attorney has revealed that he and Trump family members watched nearly the entire FBI search of Mar-a-Lago on surveillance cameras, further dashing the former president’s claims that agents likely “planted” any evidence that was taken.

“The folks in New York — President Trump and his family — probably had a better view than I did. Because they had the CCTV, they were able to watch,” the former president’s attorney Christina Bobb said in an interview on Real America’s Voice on Thursday.

The Trump family was “actually able to see the whole thing,” she said. “They actually have a better idea of what took place inside.”

The warrant indicated that Trump is under investigation for a possible violation of the Espionage Act, obstruction of justice, and removing and destroying official documents.

Some Trump Allies Reportedly Are Trying To ‘Go Dark’ Amid Search Warrant Revelations

Donald Trump’s allies are suddenly not quite so eager to defend him and attack the FBI over agents’ search of the former president’s Mar-a-Lago home amid new reports about what might have been found and possible charges he could face.

He will rise again, more damage to come

There is no evidence for any of Trump’s claims, but he is willing to start a civil war with his lies

The far right is calling for civil war after the FBI raid on Trump’s home. Experts say that fight wouldn’t look like the last one.

In the wake of an FBI search of former President Donald Trump’s Florida home, some far-right figures have been spreading violent rhetoric online — including calls for war.

The Republican party has long portrayed itself as the defender of “law and order,” but the aftermath of the raid has seen GOP lawmakers like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene call for defunding the FBI.

Not looking to good for the FBI and the Bozo’s that enabled the raid on Trump’s compound… Now is it?

This Democrat administration is the Government your founding fathers warned you about guys…

@SmallPaul , seriously… The YouTube vid you posted has had 10 views and zero comments!! No one is watching, no one cares…

That’s how hard you have to scrounge to support your narrow minded narrative.

Please… Do try a little harder.

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Trump hasn’t provide no evidence of his claims, don’t have to look hard

you believe his lies, that’s all that needs to be said about you :laughing:

4 misconceptions about the FBI raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home

Garland also defended the agents who conducted the search, calling them “patriotic public servants.”

FBI planted evidence

Trump, his attorneys, and Fox News host Jesse Waters put out there that perhaps federal agents weren’t collecting evidence so much as placing it on Trump’s property.

Waters and Trump attorney Alina Habba pushed that narrative Tuesday, saying the FBI “probably” planted evidence while on site and expressing concern that it might have happened, respectively.

Trump took the ball and ran with it on Truth Social, telling his devotees the search was conducted “without any witnesses to see what they were doing, taking or, hopefully not, ‘planting’” before attempting to drag former President Barack Obama and 2020 presidential rival Hillary Clinton down with him.

Trump attorney Christina Bobb riffed on that, but ultimately opted to put her own spin on things.

“At this point I don’t necessarily think that they would even go to the extent of trying to plant information,” Bobb told conservative outlet Real America’s Voice. “I think they just make stuff up and come up with whatever they want.”

I’m a Conservative, and I Don’t Know What the GOP Stands For

Take the Republican Party.

Trump, himself, is full of contradictions. The obvious hypocrisies include: “You can’t resist” (a police officer); “Lock her up!” (back when he thought it was OK to suggest using the government to jail his political opponents); and “If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth?” (before he invoked the Fifth Amendment nearly 450 times this week). Clearly, this is an unprincipled man, whose positions are a matter of convenience.

But his impact on the Republican Party transcends his own moral flexibility. Look no further than the FBI’s search of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence for proof.

After a 2020 election cycle that saw the “law and order” party criticize Democrats for wanting to “defund the police,” we’ve seen quite a few members of the right’s commentariat blithely wave off video of MAGA rioters beating Capitol police officers with flagpoles. (Those cops’ lives don’t matter, to the Blue Lives Matter crowd.) Now, a lot of those same voices on the right are saying, “Defund the FBI.” So much for lionizing the law enforcement heroes who run toward danger.

Why the reversal? It’s not because the police have suddenly become more abusive, and it’s not because Republicans figured out that standing against law enforcement wins votes. The real reason concerns Trump’s attempt to avoid accountability and oversight.

I don’t believe anything until there’s facts to back it up… Including what Trump supporters say…

Hence I don’t bounce around like the Energiser Bunny every time there is an exclusive update. At this point, the media is so starved for facts that most of the coverage is mere speculation or biased opinion from both sides of the divide.

The FBI hasn’t proven whether these documents were already declassified, and Trump and his team haven’t proven that they were… Guess, we’ll just have to wait and see.

The scatter gun method of debating you employ is clearly visible in your posts above… The main issue here is has the US Justice System been weaponised by the current administration, or was this a true FBI operation with regard to National Security…

You are off with the tooth fairies ranting about what Marjorie Taylor Greene is waffling on about…

Concentrate on what Trump and his executive team announces… Anyone and everyone who thinks they are important is looking for their 15 mins of fame in this media chaos!!

I’ll continue to play the ball… You can continue to play the man…

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I have no problem with anything you said above

Lets see how this turns out

Report: Trump lawyer told Justice Department classified material had been returned

At least one lawyer for former President Donald Trump signed a written statement in June asserting that all material marked as classified and held in boxes in a storage area at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence and club had been returned to the government, four people with knowledge of the document said.

The written declaration was made after a visit June 3 to Mar-a-Lago by Jay I. Bratt, the top counterintelligence official in the Justice Department’s national security division.

The existence of the signed declaration, which has not previously been reported, is a possible indication that Trump or his team were not fully forthcoming with federal investigators about the material. And it could help explain why a potential violation of a criminal statute related to obstruction was cited by the department as one basis for seeking the warrant used to carry out the daylong search of the former president’s home Monday, an extraordinary step that generated political shock waves.

It’s still all just a he said, she said situation… A total farce from any angle you look at it.

“Trump said Friday that he had declassified all the material in his possession while he was still in office. He did not provide any documentation that he had done so…”

From a few of the White House experts that have spoken on this matter… The President (when in office) doesn’t have to submit or get permission from any other Government body to de-classify sensitive documents.

If Trump and/or his legal team can prove this is factual, many Politician’s and quite a few senior FBI Agents are going to be left with their d*&k’s in their hands…

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I get it, my main point is this

If you are innocent, you would come out with facts, not theories and lies, as well as making up lies such as that the former president took classified documents without any evidence, The dissemination of these lies and theories without any factual basis can lead to violent behavior and threats to law enforcement

It’s impossible for me to support that type of behavior as you do

@SmallPaul, once again, leave the Tooth Fairy alone!.. Where did I say I support the violence against the FBI and more importantly law enforcement in general? Just where?

We are back to square one… Your debate requires the assertion of misinformation…

So, lets boil it down… The FBI have possibly raided the Trump compound on baseless information or at worst for solely political reasons…

Who’s fault is that they have made themselves a target for public unrest?

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Relax my dude you took that the wrong way, lol. what I’m saying is anybody who support trump and don’t call out that type of behavior is supporting his actions, how can you not.

The lies, theories, and false narratives of Trump didn’t have anything to do with it?

I have to go 10pm, and I appreciate you standing on all 10 and not cowering out like some people. You stand for your opinions as I do mine, and the least I can do is respect that. we talk later

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Surely, we both understand, that these calls for defunding/violence against law enforcement is coming from the lunatic fringe on both sides of the house… If Trump or his executive were calling for the public to rise up against the FBI then you can make an argument in the affirmative,… Anything else is just background noise…

Did Trump raid the FBI headquarters looking for Hunter’s Laptop, Hillary’s Emails? Imagine the meltdown if this had of taken place…

You are now just arguing for the sake of arguing… A few others in these forums that would love to chat.

come on now you know trump words carry weight with his supporters, stop it. we talk later

You would be right, maybe it’s just a far right thing and not background noise, Have you seen some of those forums

Violent Comments Flood Far-Right Forums Following FBI Mar-a-Lago Search

Social media has been flooded with violent rhetoric in the wake of the FBI raid at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home. The comments raise real questions about what law enforcement could be facing.

Inside the far-right group praising President Trump

The Proud Boys, a far-right extremist group, pledged allegiance to President Donald Trump on Tuesday night after he told the group to “stand back and stand by” during the evening’s debate.

Many people on social media who identify with the group echoed that language, saying they were “standing down and standing by.” One known social media account for the group made “Stand back. Stand by” part of its new logo.