Political Opinion

The only difference between Walker and your great leader is their skin tone, Bullshtters they are

It is not surprising that he made such a cowardly move

Herschel Walker, who did not attend the second debate, attacks Sen. Warnock (D-GA) who did.

At the first debate between the two candidates, Herschel Walker received immense criticism for bringing out a fake police badge, claiming he works with police officers. Recently, a former partner of Herschel Walker came out and announced that Herschel Walker paid for her to have an abortion. He has steadfastly denied this claim although there is extensive evidence.

Georgia Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker, who did not attend the second debate, attacked Democratic Senator Warnock for his performance during the second debate.

WALKER: ā€œAt the debate, he didnā€™t answer questions. Leaders take responsibility to be a leader. And Iā€™m a leader and he knows it. And then come November, heā€™s going to see, Iā€™m going to win this election. Thank you guys. God bless.ā€

100% agree, the focus should be on diesel fuel, We are a consumer based economy and all consumer goods depend on diesel to get to us. $6 diesel prices and a near 2 gap between diesel and regular is unheard of, no fix to inflation until you address that.

I can only go by the past and the only congress in my lifetime to not run a deficit was a Republican-controlled congress

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Yeah. Fortunately, we got a President who doesnā€™t lieā€¦

I think we have a miss understanding if you think Iā€™m talking about lying, You donā€™t have to be a rocket scientist to observe, listen, and watch

You wouldnā€™t have to wait long to see the guff and bunkum

I have no idea(Iā€™m not a rocket scientist or anything less) what you are talking about.
If you donā€™t want to equate BS with lying, fine. Everyone BSā€™s,then. So whatā€™s your point
with Herschel and the former President?

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We all tell lies and BS from time to time with our friends, Nobody likes a permanent liar or bullshtter, but what you learn more about a person is their character and behavior. As they see it, their supporters are stupid, so they can spew any blatant nonsense, and their supporters will believe them, but thatā€™s on the supporters, or they can make up any nonsense excuse to justify their behavior, itā€™s like s talking to children again, thatā€™s on supporters. Additionally, it is always the fault of others, and they always blame others for their behavior.

It can just be a statement. For example, you probably think Trump is the most persecuted in American history

Or, In 2016, Trumpā€™s election refrain was the same - fair if he won, rigged if he lost, condition minds before he takes office with no evidence to back it up. playing on his supporters emotions

Never really though about it. Trying to come up with others that are more persecuted now.

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well let me know if heā€™s the most persecuted

Will do. You do the same?

:+1: I shall do

Inexcusable behavior, Once again, what was his reasoning for taking those boxes?

Classified papers seized from Trump home held U.S. secrets about Iran, China -Washington Post

They included secret documents that described intelligence work regarding China and at least one of them described Iranā€™s missile program, the report said, adding that the documents were considered to be among the most sensitive in the materials seized by the FBI.

The release of information in these documents would pose multiple risks, including endangering people helping U.S. intelligence efforts and compromising collection efforts, the newspaper cited experts as saying.

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Funny how 21 months after leaving office, DJT remains the number one topic by some, or should I say one.

As for the rest of us living in reality, we must deal with hyper inflation, our retirement accounts down 30%, Cost of groceries up 30%, record high gas prices and a government that says a 8.7% increase in Social Security will somehow balance everything out. Now there is some real Bullsh-t

Throw the bums out

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It would be great to hear more from the people about this.

Here is an interesting story, it turns out EV batteries do not like being submerged in saltwater, Can you imagine if half the vehicles in Florida were EV, what a mess that would be, I guess in the future there will need to be a mandatory evacuation of all EVā€™s from coastal areas during major storms

Fire officials in Florida say electric vehicles are exploding as a result of the flooding caused by Hurricane Ian. A top Florida state official warned Thursday that firefighters have battled a number of fires caused by electric vehicle (EV) batteries waterlogged from Hurricane Ian.Oct 6, 2022

Electric car owners have seen their rides catch fire after becoming waterlogged during Hurricane Ian and it can take hours to put the conflagrations out, a top Florida official warned Thursday.

As the Sunshine State recovers from the punishing Category 4 storm that made landfall last week, first responders have faced further destruction from electric vehicles that were submerged in water from the extensive flooding and later caught fire, Jimmy Patronis, Floridaā€™s chief financial officer and state fire marshal, said on Twitter.

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It looks like EV batteries is getting a boost from the federal government.

US awards $2.8B in grants for EV batteries in 12 states

Eight of the 12 states selected for funding supported Donald Trump in 2020, mostly in the South and Midwest. Biden appeared to acknowledge the awkward politics, noting that Republicans who voted against the infrastructure law were among those asking him for money.

WASHINGTON (AP) ā€” The Biden administration on Wednesday awarded $2.8 billion in grants to boost domestic manufacturing of batteries for electric vehicles in 12 states. A total of 20 companies will receive grants for projects to extract and process lithium, graphite and other battery materials, manufacture components and strengthen U.S. supply of critical minerals, officials said.

Biden has vowed to boost U.S. production of lithium and other critical minerals, and the sweeping climate and health-care law passed in August includes several provisions to boost electric vehicles, including tax credits for EV buyers worth up to $7,500.

ā€œThis is critically important, because the future of vehicles is electric,ā€™ā€™ Biden said at a White House event with Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm and executives from 10 grant recipients. The business leaders appeared virtually on a large screen in a White House auditorium.

ā€œRight now 75% of battery manufacturing is done in China,ā€™ā€™ Biden said.

ā€œBy undercutting U.S. manufacturing with their unfair subsidies and trade practices, China seized a significant portion of the (battery) market,ā€™ā€™ he added. "Today weā€™re stepping up to ā€¦ take it back ā€” not all of it, but bold goals and actions to make sure weā€™re back in the (battery production) game in a big way.ā€™ā€™

Ryan Melsert, CEO of American Battery Technology Co. in Reno, Nevada, told Biden that U.S. intervention in the battery market was overdue.

I think chasing the dream of an EV society is very similar to the quest for the mythical ā€œutopiaā€.

As a certain song says, ā€œWhy does it rain, rain, rain, down on Utopia?ā€

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David Duke ideologies

You are so right, they seem to think ( at least in California) that the electricity to charge these EVā€™s happens out of thin air. If they want to get to even a half-ass utopia they must have the majority of their electricity produced by nuclear. The French have figured this out, but the leaders of the US and Germany remain clueless on this subject

AmericanTrader, I donā€™t think I have seen you here before, Welcome to the thread, please feel free to post more often, we need some fresh points of view and ideas here

Take care and stay clear of those mythical utopias

Meanwhile 3 months later :slight_smile: