Political Opinion

There was nothing wrong with your opinion,. The questions are really about how corporations handle social issues and how they have their own opinions,

As a capitalist, I will trust that the market will dictate their responses.

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Maybe it did or maybe it didn’t, but as a capitalist I’m trying to corner the market by getting as much business as possible from everyone

I hope so. For the shareholders of their company. Tough call these days.

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There are some differences between our views on the true issue, but I’ll just say it’s our capitalist mindsets.

I would really like to see that consumer data, it reminds me of when retailers like Walmart forbid their employees from saying Merry Christmas, Pissing off 90% of your customers to please a vocal minority that in most cases does not even shop in your store is never good

Go Woke, go broke


I’m going with the opposite here. Hence why you’re seeing it so much more. There’s money on the line.

This is from 2016.

Created in partnership with research company YouGov, the whitepaper features exclusive quantitative research, pinpointing parents’ views on family trends, advertising, and brands, showing that a majority (80%) like seeing diverse families in marketing, regardless of the composition of their own family. Moreover, 4 in 10 families include these “modern family” types, with the classic “traditional family” types shrinking.

More mixed folks, more mixed couples, and more mixed families.

being able to have opposite points of view, and still be able to call each other “my friend” is a great thing. Unfortunately, that is not what “woke culture” is all about, It is their way or they will try to destroy your life. It is for that reason that I will oppose “woke culture” at every turn.

Have a good night my friend


As long as people have cameras, video and audio, people behavior will always be opposed. This is happening with our without-woke culture.

some great information on immigration

The law that broke US immigration

Immigration looked very different before 1996, when President Bill Clinton signed the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA). The law was supposed to stop undocumented immigration by increasing enforcement and punishing people for being in the US undocumented. Instead, it incentivized people to stay in the US — and the undocumented population doubled.

The concept of woke culture differs from that of cancel culture.

Joe Rogan & Tulsi Gabbard: The Creation Of WOKE CULTURE In Universities Over The Past Decade!

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Now that Germany is moving on, maybe those angry Americans will follow

Germany flatly rejects Putin’s offer to renew energy exports: ‘Nice try’

Germany flatly rejected an offer from Russian President Vladimir Putin to renew exports of natural gas through the Nord Stream 2 pipeline

Putin’s offer comes as Russia is limiting exports of oil and gas to Europe in response to weighty sanctions from NATO countries over the invasion of Ukraine. Germany pointed to Russia’s limiting of natural gas supplies through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline in its response, saying Russia is not a “reliable” supplier.

"Nice try," government spokeswoman Christiane Hoffmann told reporters of Putin’s offer. "Independently of the possible sabotage of the two pipelines, we have seen that Russia is no longer a reliable energy supplier, and that even before the damage to Nord Stream 1 there was no longer any gas flowing."

For the Murdoch family, it’s business as usual

Rupert Murdoch considers merger of two halves of his business empire

News Corp., which owns publishing titles including the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post and the London-based Sun tabloid, and Fox Corp., which encompasses Fox News and Fox Sports, said Friday evening they are exploring a potential merger at the behest of Murdoch and his family’s trust.

The Murdoch Family Trust owns about 40 percent of the voting stakes in both News Corp and Fox Corp - and any combination would amount to something of a corporate reunion.

So there you have it

I don’t care if Herschel Walker paid for an abortion or if he blew up the planet Alderaan

Dana Loesch, a conservative radio host and former spokesperson for the National Rifle Association, put it best this week when she said: “I don’t care if Herschel Walker paid to abort endangered baby eagles. I want control of the Senate.”

Abortions are unacceptable – except for this one

Amen, sister. Abort those eagle babies! Like Loesch, I believe deeply in the sanctity of life and oppose all abortions – except for this one, which I will accept to prevent it from costing my party control of the Senate.

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As opposed to his opponent, a MINISTER, who believes in unfettered abortions…
Looks like the lesser of two evils on this topic? Now ALL the other topics…

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What the person running says on the campaign trail or what they have done in the past means nothing as they will be assimilated into the collective of one of the two parties.

As voters we need to look at what the parties have done in the pass and what is most important to you, for me that would be stopping inflation, the way you get that is to stop the money printing, Running trillion dollar deficit is fueling inflation, that is all on the current ruling party, and I have not heard any Democrat say one word about ending deficit spending

Balance the Budget

Dennis-I would add to that pumping oil in THIS country to lower inflation. Between the price of oil going down at the pump, all the goods that are shipped via truck would go down.
They have to “balance” the cutting of the demand side buy increasing the supply side.


Cmon now, we’re smarter than that. Both parties ran huge stimi. Both parties spent big (tax cuts anyone, and even more stimi anyone).

Democrats won’t say anything about deficit spending because that’s not in their playbook. That’s in the GOPs.

On top of the oil supply issues, we need more spending on services and less on goods. And with Xmas around the corner, that won’t happen. With COVID and people still scared to go out, they save their money or spend it on “stuff”. Which needs to be delivered to them. Because they’re not leaving their house.

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According to the article, the deficit is the responsibility of Congress

Blame Congress for uncontrolled federal deficit, not Trump

Being stupid in America no longer disqualifies a person from being a political leader. You can be flat wrong and still attract followers. Case in point are politicians who want to impose socialism.

Not far behind are the intellectually flatulent people who want to blame the President of this country for our $23 trillion federal debt. These pin-brained lightweights only highlight their ignorance by claiming that it’s the President who has caused the uncontrolled federal deficit. This is not true for Trump, and it wasn’t true for Obama and Bush either. If they want to ride some people out of town on a rail, look no further than at Congress and the mainstream media.

The high and exalted fake news media wants all of us lesser “commoners” to believe that Trump is responsible for increasing the federal debt and the annual budget deficit. This provides us another example of the disastrous results of eliminating civics classes in junior high. Or at any grade level.

Well, here’s what you missed if you were robbed of a civics education: The U.S. budget process is the framework used by the President and Congress to form and create the federal budget. The process begins with the President submitting a budget request to Congress. This request includes funding for all federal departments and other agencies. The President’s request includes supporting information intended to persuade Congress about “the necessity and value of the budget provisions”. Why? Because it’s Congress that makes all the laws that govern and approve the budget. The old saying in Washington tells it all: “The President proposes and Congress disposes”. This means the U.S. Constitution puts Congress in charge of deciding how much the federal taxes will be, and how much the federal government will spend. Not the President. Congress can even propose its own budget before the President makes a request.