Political Opinion

The homosexual lifestyle is not something I support, but that doesn’t give me the right to commit a mass shooting

The existence of two evils does not make it right

Tragedy at LGBTQ nightclub | Full report from Colorado Springs

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — A 22-year-old man is in police custody after at least five people were shot and killed, and 18 injured, in a mass shooting at a gay club in Colorado Springs late Saturday night.

Colorado Springs Police Chief Adrian Vasquez said the suspect immediately began shooting upon entering the club and said two “heroic” people fought with him and were. Able to stop him from killing and hurting others.

I’m all in favour of - more sex !

However - just a quick warning to any men who are considering or being nagged at to “Get a Vasectomy”

Don’t do it !


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It speaks volumes about the IQ of the 49% who voted for him last time

This Werewolf Votes

I saw this hilarious tweet, which I think is the situation right now


Elon don’t have enough money

China holdings of U.S. debt fall below $1 trillion for the first time since 2010

China’s portfolio of government debt in May dropped to $980.8 billion, according to Treasury Department data released Monday.

It marked the first time since May 2010 that China’s holdings fell below the $1 trillion mark.

China’s holdings of U.S. debt have fallen below $1 trillion for the first time in 12 years amid rising interest rates that have made Treasurys potentially less attractive.

Continuing a trend that began early in 2021, China’s portfolio of U.S. government debt in May dropped to $980.8 billion, according to Treasury Department data released Monday. That’s a decline of nearly $23 billion from April and down nearly $100 billion, or 9%, from the year-earlier month.

It also marked the first time since May 2010 that China’s holdings fell below the $1 trillion mark. Japan is now the leading holder of U.S. debt with $1.2 trillion.

The debt decline comes as the U.S. Federal Reserve has been raising rates to stop inflation running at its fastest rate since 1981. When rates rise on bonds, prices drop, meaning a capital loss for investors who sell the bonds ahead of maturity.


There is no need for violence to disagree with the lifestyle, people need to raise their families according to their moral values and stop relying on the outside world to raise their children.

Anti-LGBTQ sentiment in Colorado Springs had some in the community anticipating tragedy

Yes true, but Elon is a nutjob :grinning:

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The motive for mass shootings (that occur in public locations) is usually deep disgruntled individuals who are seeking revenge for failures in school, career, romance, or life in general, or who seek fame and attention. Some shootings have been motivated by racial prejudice…

Virginia police: Multiple people killed in Walmart shooting

Officers responded to a report of a shooting at the Walmart on Sam’s Circle around 10:15 p.m. and as soon as they arrived they found evidence of a shooting, Chesapeake Officer Leo Kosinski said in a briefing.

Over 35 to 40 minutes, officers found multiple dead people and injured people in the store and put rescue and tactical teams together to go inside to tend to victims, he said.

Police believe there was one shooter, who is dead, he said. They believe that the shooting had stopped when police arrived, Kosinski said. He did not have a number of dead, but said it was “less than 10, right now.”

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This is who they are and what they do

Tucker Guest: Expect More Attacks Like Club Q ‘Until We End This Evil Agenda’

The shooting at an LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado Springs over the weekend that left five dead and more than two dozen injured was “predictable” and won’t be the last of its kind, said a guest on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show Tuesday night.

“And sadly, I don’t think it’s going to stop until we end this evil agenda that is attacking children,” she told Carlson, who on Monday claimed that drag performers were “sexualizing” children. (Club Q was hosting a drag show when the shooting occurred.

Carlson, who regularly criticizes transgender people and attacks those who report on how his comments tie in to extremism, agreed. “I think you’re exactly right,” he said. “I think it’s obvious.”

Gun laws need to change, US is the number one country where shootings take place at schools and this I’m sure is not giving a good impression to others who are looking to study in the US, and even the natives feel petrified thinking whether they would return home after attending the school or land up in a cold freezer of a stinky morgue.

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On a lighter note,

I went out for my morning walk, and was under orders to bring back a news paper with the black friday ads, I stopped at the Circle K on the way home picked up the local paper with ads, first off the paper was about 1/3rd the weight of papers I remember from the past, but the killer was the cost, $5.35, I know it has been a few years since I last bought a print news paper but 5.35, no wonder the print news paper industry is dying

Happy Thanksgiving everyone , yours will be happier than mine if you skip buying a news paper today


The U.S. is becoming a shthole country

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Exactly what laws would you change, I have yet to see a law that can for tell if someone is likely to commit murder. And even if you could magically keep guns out of the hands of these people, what’s to stop them from renting a large truck and driving into a crowd of people. If someone wants to kill a bunch of people there are many ways other than guns. The real question is why are they doing this, why are schools so often the target. There is something going on here and it runs much deeper then the tool they choice to carry out these horrific acts of evil .

Here is one easy solutions

Stop making these shooters into celebrities, we see these shootings happen in waves, so there clearly is a copy cat element here, Stop giving them the national attention they want

Happy Thanksgiving


A gun control law would be difficult to enact for people like this.

The motive for mass shootings (that occur in public locations) is usually deep disgruntled individuals who are seeking revenge for failures in school, career, romance, or life in general, or who seek fame and attention. Some shootings have been motivated by racial prejudice…

As somebody who lives in a country (Australia) that effectively (and peacefully) removed guns, and the culture from it’s society over 35 years ago. I believe it is impossible for Americans to critically debate gun culture that permeates their way of life.

The world today is a highly stressful struggle for some. If Australia had the same gun laws as we see in the US, we too would have a much higher body count every year from mass shootings, gun related crime and accidental discharges.

Guns don’t kill people, people kill people…

After the atrocious Government behaviour during the Pandemic lockdowns of 2020-2021, I do understand why the right to bare arms is solidified by the US constitution. But the problem in the US today is akin to an arms race where by the shear number of weapons in circulation cannot successfully be removed.

I cannot say whether it’s right or wrong, as an Australian and probably those based in the UK will agree, most of us don’t comprehend the deep seated right to bare arms.

People using this forum that have lived in societies with pro gun culture and anti gun culture need to way in to this conversation and give their views from both sides of this debate.


It is true that Europe and the majority of other countries do not have a deep seated right to bare arms. It was incorporated into the constitution and exploited for gun sales

The purpose of gun lobbyists here in the United States is not to protect your right to bear arms but rather to sell different types of guns and ammunition with limited restrictions.

There is no agenda that can’t be brought and paid for in America, if you didn’t know that.


They are going about it the wrong way, this way only sparks violence, it does not stop the gay agenda, it does not stop what you read, hear, and see, from movies, TV shows, cartoons, radio, social media, and publications, and the like, rather it creates unity against this anti-movement.

We are past the point of going back to the old ways. Many agendas are driven by what you see, hear, and read, and do not need laws, beyond government control.

Right-wing influencers and media double down on anti-LGBTQ rhetoric in the wake of the Colorado shooting

Some right-wing media figures and influencers have doubled down on the use of inflammatory rhetoric against the LGBTQ community in the wake of Saturday night’s shooting at a Colorado gay club that killed five.

On Monday evening, Fox News host Tucker Carlson condemned the shooting, focusing on the suspect’s reported history of making a bomb threat in 2021. Three minutes into his nearly 15-minute monologue, however, Carlson’s show displayed a graphic reading “STOP SEXUALIZING KIDS.” On Tuesday evening, Carlson hosted a guest who said shootings would continue to happen “until we end this evil agenda that is attacking children.”


The gun debate in the US is very similar to the abortion debate, you have the extremes from both sides controlling the debate, I am sure there are some good solutions somewhere in the middle but like abortion, everyone is dug in and will not give an inch.

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I’m sure a good many of us reflected on your decision to give up your rights to possess guns so easily - when confronted with that evidence of sheer physical abuse of citizens by those in “power” - tell me did they take away your ability to protect yourselves before they made it illegal to boil a gallon of beer - or to grow your own tobacco, or did those abuses of your freedoms come afterwards ?

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The only ones who ever are told to “compromise” - are those who prefer the traditional situation - the Lefties - will never compromise properly - they will take your compromise and come back a few months later demanding that you “compromise” again - suddenly you realise they have entirely eroded your position.

Those who refuse to “Give ground” on these issues are entirely correct !

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