Political Opinion

What you highlighted above are you sure you wanna post that, giving you a heads up

Since we both agree that the system works, where do you want to begin with the current administration?

Speak for yourself, a system that is still counting votes 8 days after the elections is a broken system?

did I just feed the troll again, someone slap me

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lol, if you think the system is broken just say it, so we can fix all unfairness so both sides can be happy. you want to change your mind?

No more crying from either side, lets fix this broken system

Moving on.

Denise, what do you think about your boy Donny returning in 2024?

House Democrat eyes legislation to bar Trump from office under 14th Amendment

Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.) is eyeing legislation that would bar former President Trump from serving in office under the 14th Amendment “for leading an insurrection against the United States.”

Cicilline, who served as an impeachment manager during Trump’s first impeachment, sent a letter to his Democratic colleagues Tuesday night previewing a bill to prevent Trump from holding office and soliciting co-sponsors for the measure.

It is unclear when the congressman plans to introduce the bill. The listed deadline for lawmakers to co-sponsor the measure is Thursday at noon.


I just got a notice on my phone that the Washington Post is reporting that Republican’s have taken control of House of Representatives, If true this will mark the 3 straight time a Democrat President has lost control of congress just two years into their first term, and it marks the second time a Pelosi lead congress has failed.

Other than the end to all the DJT B.S. I do not expect a whole lot out of this new congress, but that can be a good thing, history has shown the country does very well when Washington is stuck in gridlock

A glimmer of hope


Ding, dong, the witch is dead…
Which old witch?
That Maryland B!t@h…
Ding, dong, the Wicked Witch is dead…
*Wake up, you sleepy head,rub your eyes, forget your dread…
Wake up, the Wicked Witch is dead.

In other good news… Republicans win slim House majority, complicating Biden agenda…

Joe Hiden can sign Executive Cheques… Now, no one in Congress will cash them…


Who is John Galt ?

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SLAP !!!

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Republicans are getting smarter every day

Herschel Walker veered off in a campaign speech to rant about werewolves killing vampires

  • Herschel Walker delved into an ancient, mythic debate during a Wednesday stump speech in Georgia.
  • The Senate candidate came out as pro-werewolf as he described the plot of a vampire movie.
  • “A werewolf can kill a vampire. Did you know that? I never knew that,” he told a crowd.

US Senate candidate Herschel Walker of Georgia delivered a bizarre diatribe about vampires and werewolves during a stump speech in McDonough, Georgia, on Wednesday in a verbose example of the former athlete’s ongoing, unorthodox candidacy.


I don’t understand how this is possible

FBI director ‘very concerned’ by Chinese ‘police stations’ in U.S

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is deeply concerned about the Chinese government setting up unauthorized ‘police stations’ in U.S. cities to possibly pursue influence operations, FBI Director Christopher Wray told lawmakers on Thursday.

Safeguard Defenders, a Europe-based human rights organization, published a report in September revealing the presence of dozens of Chinese police “service stations” in major cities around the world, including New York.

Republicans in Congress have requested answers from the Biden administration about their influence.

The report said the stations were an extension of Beijing’s efforts to pressure some Chinese nationals or their relatives abroad to return to China to face criminal charges. It also linked them to activities of China’s United Front Work Department, a Communist Party body charged with spreading its influence and propaganda overseas.

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@SmallPaul Why has this come as a surprise to you? Chinese presence can be felt everywhere in the US. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, America is the land of immigrants, and many Chinese Americans are being looked upon with great respect, but there are some who live in the US and work for the CCP. Those are the real problems.

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Unauthorized police stations and us acting as if we can’t stop them surprised me

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It’s how they do things - and on a world scale.

Last month the Irish Govt ordered the closure of a Chinese ‘police’ station in Dublin. These so-called police operate to a narrative dictated from Bejing.

Denis spoke earlier of Pres Biden ‘brown nosing’ Xi - the first US President to make overtures with the Chinese was Nixon - he spent a week there brown nosing - I remember thinking that just maybe a new era of friendship was possible.

Just an illusion.

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That particular trial is still ongoing, the nurse named hasn’t yet been found guilty, however there is no need for proof of evil, we see it often - it sells better than God does.

evil has a hatred of humankind and as Falstaff alluded to it has its greatest hatred toward Mother and Child.

This story has not sold much - thus likely you haven’t heard of - it’s a news item of Good vs evil.

Happened this time last year in Liverpool, England.

A would-be terrorist decided to target the Maternity hospital with his suicide bomb - but something went wrong - he encountered a simple taxi driver who made ‘small talk’

Taxi driver who survived Liverpool hospital bombing tells of ordeal for first time - Mirror Online

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China pushes back on FBI claims of Chinese ‘police stations’ in U.S.

China’s Embassy in Washington acknowledged the existence of volunteer-run sites in the United States, but said they were not “police stations” or “police service centers.”

“They assist overseas Chinese nationals who need help in accessing the online service platform to get their driving licenses renewed and receive physical check-ups for that purpose,” Embassy spokesman Liu Pengyu said in an email to Reuters on Friday.

“They are not police personnel from China. The U.S. side should stop the groundless hyping of this issue,” Liu said.



China was a very different country back in 1970, I don’t see how you can compare the two. Maybe you can exspan on this thought and tell us how you came to this

Here in the US it is abortion, women are not just told it is their right, but an obligation, and don’t talk to me about rape and incest, most abortions are for reason of convenience, sickening

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I never said or “Alluded” any such thing ! - Please explain why you jump to that conclusion ?
(PS - it seems you’re right about the trial - and no doubt she will get a minor sentence (IF) she is found guilty - since the Law (and Society in general) in the West is entirely Misandrist !)

Perhaps now women and men will take better precautions not to have children.

Children who are unwanted are less loved than children who are wanted, resulting in a society of misfits

the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community: "drugs, crime, and other dangers to society

Looks like this trend has begun

Singles say Roe v. Wade overturning has impacted their sex lives, study finds

“I’ve talked to a number of women, and particularly in states where they’re implementing new abortion laws, they have said to me, ‘I have to be a lot more careful.’ Some of their male partners have actually felt the same way and asked, ‘Hey, what are we doing about conception? How do we feel about that? Maybe we should have more protected sex.’ I think there is some silver lining here because [these conversations] could wind up preventing unwanted pregnancies. But, I think a lot of women in particular — because they’re the ones who carry — are obviously horrified and terrified.”
