Political Opinion

Who Rules America: The Fight for Political Power

Who Rules America? takes a comprehensive look into the governing system of the United States of America and reveals the behind-the-scene powers that rule the nation. There are two Americas; one in which people have freedom in choosing their leaders within the framework of the constitution living in the land of the free, and another, wherein all is dedicated to the ruling 1% and within which a hidden network of power governs including the media, Wall Street , the Military and Corporations. This expose from Danny Schechter (In Debt We Trust, WMD: Weapons on Mass Deception) lifts the lid on the true decision makers behind the worlds self-proclaimed democratic role model.

Show me a man that gets rich by being a politician, and I’ll show you a crook.

― Harry Truman

I totally agree with you, neither republicans nor democrats did anything to make things better in the healthcare system. I would go further and say that the current US government is one of the weakest in history, they haven’t been able to fulfill any promises internally or externally.

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Those who think that government works for the betterment of citizens’ live are delusional. Any subsidy, any relief given to citizens will be compensated with other things. If the government puts a small amount in one of your pockets, then it takes a big chunk from another, and we all should keep this in mind. Direct Primary Care is the right thing going forward, but they won’t do it.

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There’s no way anyone believes that.

As an industry that relies on people getting sick to make money, it will do what’s best for the industry/money, not what’s best for patients

Health care industry spending on federal lobbying surged 70% over 20 years

Health industries’ spending on federal lobbying rose 70% from 2000 to 2020, largely driven by drug and device makers and activities surrounding the Affordable Care Act, according to new research in JAMA Health Forum.

Why it matters: A small number of firms spent disproportionate sums on lobbying, which researchers said could lead to some constituencies being underrepresented in policymaking.

What they found: The industry as a whole spent $713.6 million lobbying federal policymakers in 2020, compared to $358.2 million in 2000. Drug and device manufacturers accounted for about 43% of the total in 2020, or $308.4 million.

  • Growth on spending was steeper in the early 2000s, as players adjusted to the ACA and tried to influence its implementation.
  • Spending was highly concentrated, with the top 10% of firms accounting for 70% of lobbying outlays among payers, 69% among manufacturers and 59% among providers, researchers found.

Background: Drugmakers and hospitals have been among the top five overall spenders on lobbying for nearly a quarter of a century, according to OpenSecrets, which tracks money in politics.

  • Seven of the top 10 organizations registered to lobby on the Inflation Reduction Act — out of more than 2,000 total — were pharmaceutical or health insurance companies.

  • PhRMA, the big drug industry lobby, has wielded the most power within the health care sector since 2017, according to OpenSecrets. It broke records on spending during the political battle over drug prices.

  • In 2021, health care companies spent nearly $700 million on lobbying, the highest ever reported in a single year.

Details: Researchers broke up industry players into four categories: drug and device makers; providers like hospitals and physicians; insurers and other payers, and health care consultants and other policy organizations.

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The lost it with Kennedy’s death and the winner of his seat went GOP.


Some provisions went into affect immediately. And this thing was major legislation, not some budget increase for more road work, or changing numbers on a tax table. The law was over 1000 pages long. Don’t forget the framework came from a 2006 example of health reform that worked in Massachusetts. Both parties worked on it and agreed on it, and it became the template for the federal program. But guess what happens when you get the House and Senate involved. Politics as usual. Every politician undoubtedly heard from their constituents and lobbyists and business contacts citing a federal monopoly on healthcare is bad for business and my profit margins.

The government doesn’t set prices or medical costs outside of Medicare. And not all states support Medicare.

I’m with you on this one. those in the middle haven’t benefited at the same level as those who were previously uninsured.

Good and bad. Had the COVID. And now the flu!


That happened in August.


There’s no doubt that Big Pharma is furious,There shouldn’t be this much difficulty in passing legislation that benefits the people.

AARP, Big Pharma locked in battle over drug pricing bill

The nation’s largest seniors group is locked in a battle with the pharmaceutical industry over Democrats’ drug pricing overhaul.

AARP is blanketing the airwaves with ads backing the measure to counter drugmakers’ efforts to pressure key Democrats to vote “no” on the measure which would lower prescription drug prices.

It’s also mobilizing its nearly 38 million members to lobby their representatives on the drug pricing plan.

“We’ve been hearing for decades from our members who are struggling to afford their prescription drugs,” said Bill Sweeney, AARP’s senior vice president of government affairs. “We know that pharma has a lot of lobbyists and a lot of money, but we have a lot of people.”

The group says its members have sent more than 8 million calls and emails to lawmakers urging them to lower prescription drug costs. Through the end of this week, AARP is airing a $1 million D.C.-based ad campaign boosting senators who are “standing up to Big Pharma.”

While the plan is weaker than some of Democrats’ previous proposals, it would dent drugmaker profits, dealing a rare blow to the influential industry.

The pharmaceutical industry appears to be fighting back by bankrolling multiple seven-figure ad blitzes aired by advocacy groups that don’t appear to have a connection to drugmakers.

The American Prosperity Alliance, a little-known group that doesn’t disclose its donors, is airing ads falsely claiming that the plan would “strip $300 billion from Medicare.” Another recent ad from the Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease delivers a similar plea to viewers.

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Wow @smallpaul. From your article

The pharmaceutical industry spends more on lobbying than any other industry, shelling out $187 million through the first half of the year to deploy nearly 1,600 lobbyists, according to research group OpenSecrets. Drugmakers are on pace to break their spending record reached last year.

That’s on lobbying. Why not spend that on reducing prices.

And they’ve (politicians) been working on reducing prices for over 20 years!

The pharmaceutical industry successfully pushed Congress to block Medicare from negotiating drug prices in a 2003 bill to overhaul the health insurance program and has fought hard to protect the provision since.

The chief architect of the Medicare law, former Rep. Billy Tauzin (R-La.), announced the next year that he would retire and become CEO of PhRMA. He earned $11.6 million in his final year at the trade group, a more than 6500 percent increase from his congressional salary.


Bidens Inflation Reduction Act finally removed the ban on Medicare negotiating drug prices with drug companies directly, but that won’t take affect until 2026. 20+ years to get that one single piece of legislation passed.

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You can’t get rich in politics unless you’re a crook, An honest public servant can’t become rich in politics. He can only attain greatness and satisfaction by service . — Harry Truman

Jack Abramoff: The lobbyist’s playbook

Crooked lobbyist Jack Abramoff explains how he asserted his influence in Congress for years, and how such corruption continues today despite ethics reform. Lesley Stahl reports

Congress is controlled by lobbyists and big industry, It is well known that presidents have little power, and large corporations take advantage of this fact by going directly to Congress.

When two organizations bearing your name have been convicted of criminal activity, it’s hard to claim innocence.

Trump companies convicted on all charges in Manhattan criminal tax fraud case

NEW YORK - A Manhattan jury on Tuesday convicted two of former President Donald Trump’s companies on all charges in an criminal tax fraud scheme, adding a new complication to the many investigations and legal matters shadowing his third presidential campaign.

The Trump Corporation was found guilty on all of nine criminal counts and the Trump Payroll Corporation was found guilty on all of eight criminal counts.

The companies face criminal penalties of up to $1.6 million.

Trump was not charged in the case, and did not appear in the courtroom during the trial. Defense lawyer Susan Necheles said trial evidence showed Trump was not involved. However, the former president criticized the prosecution in a late November social media post.

I guess they control Sanders too as he voted for the lobbyist authored ACA

I agree with you on the evils of communism, with that said then you should understand why I am opposed to the democrat party in my country, this political party has many self-proclaimed communists in its ranks and serving in congress, beware of the term “progressive” these are communist in hiding

Morphology, I do not know what country you are from but you clearly have a better understanding of the failings of the American healthcare system and our government than my fellow countrymen posting on this thread,
Well done brother


Dennis, what do you think?

Letter to the Editor: Both political parties are to blame

The embarrassment most American’s are feeling today is a direct cause of two major problems facing the citizenry: the Republican and Democratic parties. There is more than enough blame to go around for both.

When Donald Trump was elected, the Democrats ran around screaming the sky is falling and created outrageous stories about a tyrant in office and a puppet of Vladimir Putin, and their views were supported by the likes of CNN, MSNBC, Politico, New York Times, The Washington Post and of course social media.

When Joe Biden/Kamala Harris won, the Republicans acted like a bunch of complaining children who did not get their way and as a result, we got our Capitol overrun by those who bought into the hyperbole.

The Republicans and the Democrats are not going to solve this problem. The Republicans and the Democrats, along with our irresponsible media, are the problem.

Stop thinking of yourself as a Republican or a Democrat and start thinking of yourself as an American first. I did not vote for either Trump or Biden. My conscience would not allow it.

In 2016, I rooted for our new president because I wanted our country to succeed, just like I will begin rooting for President Biden, because I want our country to succeed. Too many people were rooting against Trump, and too many people will be rooting against Biden.

Why? We cheered for the Browns for 18 years when they were at their lowest. Now it is time to show that same vigor for our nation while we attempt to climb out of the hole the two-party system and our national media have created. Be an American first. Not a shill for one of the corrupt parties.


DJT’s been on a bit of a tear lately.

Wants to terminate the Constitution. Trump Org found guilty of tax fraud. Dinner with some interesting folks. Why meet with Kanye and company in the first place? What possible benefit could that have been for him, especially given Kanye’s history?

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What do you all think about the Dems 51 seat majority? Will it help them, or more of the same with Manchin and Simena?

Here’s a read on some of the benefits to the dems.

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It is the man’s own fault

US Courts Just Ruled Against Donald Trump In Georgia Case

Donald Trump’s legal woes are going from bad to worse, as he’s just been hit with another bombshell; this time as a spate of court rulings have rejected claims by the former president and some of his allies for executive privilege preventing them from testifying in court. Omg!

Trump’s Court Issues In Georgia

The US Justice Department and a special Georgia grand jury have been investigating whether the 76-year-old twice-impeached former president broke the law as he desperately tried to overturn the results of the 2020 election; and now several key Trump backers as well as ex-administration lawyers, such as ex-chief of staff Mark Meadows and legal adviser John Eastman, will no longer be able to avoid testifying before grand juries in Washington DC and Georgia. Specifically they are wanted regarding their knowledge of – or roles in – Trump’s mission to block Biden’s route to the White House with false claims of fraud.

Following these court decisions, Meadows, Eastman, Lindsey Graham and others will be forced to testify before the Georgia grand jury working with the Fulton County district attorney, who are focussing on the efforts of Trump and his allies to put pressure on the Georgia Secretary of State, amongst other officials, to deny Biden his crucial win there.


US courts ruling in favor of justice department turns legal tide on Trump

I do because I somehow have an idea as to what goes behind the scenes. What the government brings into the public eye is just the tip of the iceberg, the real thing is still hidden, which they never show. No matter which government comes to power, the lives of common people won’t get better unless some major reforms take place in the country, as simple as that.

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Don’t let that energy fade, Mr. Independent

Trump Praises Chinese President For Extending Tenure ‘For Life’

"He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great. And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday."

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida aired by CNN. “And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

U.S. Representative Ro Khanna, a Democrat, said on Twitter that “whether this was a joke or not, talking about being President for life like Xi Jinping is the most unAmerican sentiment expressed by an American President. George Washington would roll over in his grave.”


Trump praises communist North Korea as future ‘great Economic Powerhouse’

This is the same week he attacked Democratic Socialists and vowed America would never be a socialist country.

President Donald Trump took to Twitter on Friday to extol the virtues and the future economic promise of North Korea, which has long been a brutal communist dictatorship and shows no sign of changing its ways.

“North Korea, under the leadership of Kim Jong Un, will become a great Economic Powerhouse,” the president of the United States said. “He may surprise some but he won’t surprise me, because I have gotten to know him & fully understand how capable he is. North Korea will become a different kind of Rocket – an Economic one!”


Donald Trump’s History of Praising Dictators

It’s not just Saddam Hussein. Donald Trump has offered praise to a number of authoritarian leaders since announcing his run for president.

This isn’t the first time Trump has praised Hussein — or other dictators. His remarks are among several instances in which the billionaire candidate has offered praise for tyrannical leaders. Here are other authoritarians that Trump has praised:


Yes, I do recall that. But, people haven’t gotten any relief until now, maybe in the future, they will let’s wait for that to happen. Do you know there are berries found in Australia that can cure cancer? Such news will always be suppressed by the media and the businessmen owning them because they want us to undergo expensive and painful chemotherapy to treat cancer.