Political Opinion

Some do live in that delusion, I hope they come out of it soon! It’s all by the corporates and for the corporates.


The cure for Aids was invented over 25 years ago by a guy in Africa, but he disappeared, and nobody knows where he is. Here’s another guy who invented something.

Tim Ogle: This Guy’s Device Got 100 Miles Per Gallon – Then He Had An Attempt On His Life & Later Mysteriously Died

Many people will be familiar with the story of Tim Ogle. Ogle invented a device in 1977 that could go on any car and provide the owner with an automobile that could get 100 miles per gallon with zero carbon emissions.

Now that, is revolutionary and it makes me wonder why no one actually ever went on to develop his product, but I think we all know the ultimate reason, don’t we?

While some people believe the story of American inventor Thomas Ogle is a myth or urban legend, the reality is that Ogle designed and implemented a “vapor carburetor” that allowed a vehicle to achieve over 100 miles per gallon of gasoline in 1977—with no carbon emissions.

Sadly, Ogle’s invention would never see the light of day.

After surviving an assassination attempt, Olge subsequently died under suspicious circumstances only months later.


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It’s impossible to make this stuff up

Trump brags that he ‘openly and transparently’ took government documents from the White House to Mar-a-Lago

Trump boasted about “openly and transparently” moving official government records to Mar-a-Lago.

“When will you invade the other Presidents’ homes in search of documents, which are voluminous, which they took with them, but not nearly so openly and transparently as I did?” he wrote on Truth Social.

Former President Donald Trump boasted on Monday about how he “openly and transparently” moved government records from the White House to Mar-a-Lago upon leaving office.

“…When will you invade Bill and Hillary’s home in search of the 33,000 emails she deleted AFTER receiving a subpoena from the U.S. Congress?” Trump wrote on his social media website, Truth Social.

“When will you invade the other Presidents’ homes in search of documents, which are voluminous, which they took with them, but not nearly so openly and transparently as I did?”


Yes, and Yes, it will help them to deliver more of the same. A win for democrats and a loss for middle-class Americans. With the current trend, the US government becomes more authoritarian and more one-party rule with every election, I don’t know how many more years I have left but I fear that I may live to see the US become more like China than China.

Note; when Joe Manchin votes against his party, he is doing it with the party’s blessing, this happens every time the democrats want to appear to be for something but are really against it. Democrats are not about helping the people, but enslaving them. Just read the novel “Brave New World” which seems to be their manual, it is China’s too, the question is who will get there first.

The Future is Bleak


Morph, you nailed it again. it is great to have another voice on this thread who gets it, as you may have notice this thread is dominated by those posting political propaganda, or are just trolling trying to start a senseless argument.

Keep posting my friend


Identify one political so call propaganda post that wasn’t true, You keep talking, but now prove it

And I will gladly concede

Morph, nailed it with this post, you have fixated on the propaganda that the government/media wants you to fixate on, that tip of the iceberg. It does not matter if the propaganda is 100% true 100% a lie or somewhere in between, you don’t look at the bigger picture hidden from us. The government/media is like the illusionist, they bring your attention to what they want you to see, so you miss what they do not want you to see.

I am not asking you to concede anything

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Should I not post about lobbyists controlling congress since our government/media wants me to fixate on that factual propaganda or is it just certain people and topics?

It wasn’t a problem for you to post Tucker Carlson or anyone on Fox News, and you certainly didn’t have a problem posting anything Trump ever said or did

Do you remember when this personal revelation happened to you?

In actuality, Dennis, you want everybody to ignore your boy and keep him under the radar while he’s going through tough times and everybody is now calling him out on his BS

Fox Business Host Drops Hard Truths In Trump-Bashing Segment

Fox Business host Stuart Varney has again gone after Donald Trump for dragging down the Republican Party.

Varney ― a former Trump ally who once insisted the then-president had never told the American people a lie ― devoted a segment Tuesday to criticizing Trump for backing dud candidates in the recent midterms. He also took issue with Trump’s attempt to take back remarks he made over the weekend calling for parts of the Constitution to be terminated to accommodate his desire to be re-installed as president.

“He was talking about terminating parts of the Constitution. That plays right into the Democrats’ hands,” Varney said. “He’s trying to walk it back today but the damage has been done.”

Varney also said Trump “appears to be losing what used to be his iron grip on the GOP,” noting candidates he endorsed in key midterm races in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, New Hampshire and Pennsylvania had all lost.

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You’re right, they will never bring such cures in public because they are taking money from big pharmaceutical companies who are manufacturing expensive and ineffective medicines with loads of side effects. And yes, I have read about Tim Olge and his invention, makes me livid thinking that such great inventions have gone unnoticed intentionally. There are hundreds of other examples as well. These capitalists won’t let anything good to happen because it dents their income.


Thanks Dennis! It is not that difficult to discern the true intentions of politicians, just a few google searches and you can easily find out what they are up to. Moreover, I was once being told that you can be a fan of a movie star or a sportsperson, but never a politician. Sad to see some people fall for politicians, listening to their sugar-coated BS**** only to regret later on.


On this subject, I don’t know if you ever watch American late-night TV, but they are constantly having politicians on as a guest ( all democrats of course) and they get standing ovations. It is incredible the amount of “sugar-coated BS” these brain-dead people will eat up.

It is not the capitalist but American patent laws that is the problem. Again the government messing things up, I agree with patent law as it applies to the inventor but that should not extend to the person buying the patent. Either you bring the invention to market or it becomes public domain.


Majority of countries have patents that expire between 20 and 25 years

When do patents expire?

In the European Contracting States, the term “patent” only refers to what the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) classifies as utility patents. Similarly, these last up to 20 years. The European version of a design patent is called a design right, and it can be renewed – at five-year intervals – for up to 25 years before expiring.

Many countries follow the 20-year standard for the maximum length of a patent term, including major markets like Japan, India, Brazil and China.

When do patents expire? | Dennemeyer.com.

Why Do Patents Expire?

A patent that remains in effect for too long can restrict others from using and building on it. All technology is built on past technology. To prevent long-term slowdown and unjust enrichment, patents eventually expire.


Just imagine a world where inventors where granted unlimited monopolies over their inventions. The telephone would still have been patented and everyone who wants to design a new phone or improve upon an existing one would have to obtain the permission of the original inventor. This slows down the progression of technological advances.

There are crazy things going on

German police arrest dozens of far-right extremists attempting a coup

More than two dozen people suspected of plotting an armed coup have been arrested in raids carried out across Germany. The suspects are linked to a far-right extremist group and had allegedly begun preparations to carry out a plot that included storming the capitol and executing the chancellor. Heidi Beirich, co-founder of the Global Project Against Hate and Extremism.

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Yes, patent laws need to change as they deprive citizens of the information that they need to know. And I have seen those late-night TV shows and politicians being a part of them mostly, it’s not right. As I mentioned above, it’s good to be a fan of a movie star or sportsperson but not a politician. People need to understand this.

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May I ask, what information would that be?

EDIT: Having a patent is why I ask

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This would also be a win for Putin supporters here in the U.S.

Russian State Media Lauds Putin’s ‘Win’ On Bout Exchange.

Russian state media on Friday lauded President Vladimir Putin for “winning” a prisoner exchange with the United States by swapping a U.S. basketball player for one of the world’s most prolific arms dealers known as the merchant of death.

Sounds like something that happened recently… Can’t put my finger on it. :joy:

Anyway, how about those gas prices!?!

Thanks Biden!

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Wasn’t suppressed at all by media - ABC ran that story back in 2014 - doesn’t ‘cure’ cancer - has reacted positively to some tumours where it’s possible to inject directly - doesn’t work on metastatic cancers.

Qbiotics - an Aussie business are involved in this research.

EBC-46 is the drug derived from the berry - for anyone facing the evil of cancer there is more detail here:
Breakthrough in the production of an acclaimed cancer-treating drug achieved by Stanford researchers


Even though I know I won’t get a truthful answer, if I could ask these far-right extremists three questions.

When was the country’s best era, why were they the best years, and what are your goals if you controlled the country?

You’ve heard this before

Inside the QAnon-inspired far-right coup plot to overthrow the German government

Dozens of people were detained by German police this week over allegations that a QAnon-inspired fringe group planned to overthrow the government and install a new national leader in a violent coup.

Germany’s chief federal prosecutor Peter Frank said some 3,000 officers took part in raids at 150 sites across the country. More arrests were expected to take place in the coming days, authorities said.


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Perfect title for this article.

