Political Opinion

Biden’s Top 10 Gaffes, Bloopers and Senile moments from 2022…

Stupid is what stupid does, and this guy IS our president…

As I stated months ago… The document allegations against Trump are going nowhere

BTW… Like your new Avatar… A bright light at the end of a tunnel??

Your arguments are dead in the water.


Against what I’m arguing, stop making vague claims

Thank you, and those are steps leading to the light

Humour… Light at the end of the tunnel… Dead in the water … Ohh, nevermind…

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I give that, that doesn’t take away dumbo’s bad behavior and actions and the constant lies he feed his followers till today that you believe every word he said.

Here’s the complete guide to every excuse Republicans have made for Trump’s theft of classified documents


good for you, now I have called out bad behavior by both Democrats and Republicans, but you haven’t summoned the energy to call out any republicans. Why is that, do you see nothing wrong with them?

Who you referring too here… Trumpster or Bumbling Biden??

As opposed to the absolute horrified silence from Democrats and the mainstream media on Biden’s heist…

Trump had his heist of classified documents under lock and key in a secure compound KNOWN to the FBI and the DOJ…

Biden had his haul of classified document’s, behind the Corvette, in his house, Hunters Laptop bag, amongst Jill’s cookbooks… All UNKNOWN to the FBI and DOJ…

As you were saying?? You are trying to beat a dead Horse… Give it a break…

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did Biden come out and tell a millions lies to his supporters, if he did he would have been called out for those BS lies, but you and others can’t call out the BS lies from your leader.

Why is it so hard to call out his BS, could it be you and his supporters are full of

What about this blatant republican liar who made up his entire resume, Is it really impossible for you and the others to call him out on this?

Hey @SmallPaul, You are trying waaaaay too hard… You’ve been comprehensively spanked on the he said, she said classified document’s debate…

Now you’re trying to flip across to a complete different debate about a Senator who in the grand scheme of US Politics is nothing more than a scratching post for the democrat biased media…

Is Rep. Santos guilty of lying? Definitely… No more than Pelosi, Schiff and many, many more…

I’m not going to continue playing this game with you!

As I have said to you before, stay on topic… It’s like debating with a crazy person… Your flailing around makes you look punch drunk

Look Up… You’re on the ropes… The Bell has rung… Back to your corner… :kissing_heart:

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Basically, we are discussing the documents you started and when I added the lies he told about the documents, I have now gone off topic.

The typical response is when they refuse to call out their own leader for bad behavior, and still cannot call him out on his many lies. Not only that, they promote his lies knowing they are lies. these people are weird

It’s one thing to know it’s a lie, but to believe in it and promote it across social media as the truth is insane.

You don’t believe in his lies and go around social media promoting them as the truth. That was easy for you to call out, now try it on your leader.

All fair game. I use the trump lies and the Santos lies to demonstrate how you are unwilling to address your own party’s bad behavior but quick to call out democracts.

BTW, I’ve already acknowledged that Biden held classified documents, his bad behavior and my thoughts on it. at this point I’m mocking Trump for the current BS he’s telling about classified documents, something you may have difficulty admitting.

so let me bring this so-called document debate to an end

The same documents the FBI planted

See, when people start believing these lies, people attack FBI buildings, and the January 6 Capitol Hill riot occurs.

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“Totally irresponsible”, " They need a course correction", and " Just unacceptable"

When you see headlines like this coming from Yahoo, and democrats calling out the president, things are clearly out of control. What a joke this White House has become.


As I have said before, I do not give a flying F-ck about these documents, release them all to the public, NOW!

Or is it just another clever smoke screen to take our attention away from Hyperinflation, billions spent on foreign wars, and a declining standard of living

Jesus, if you are coming, make it soon

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Dennis, you had a point about documents and what is consider classified, there is no way the most sensitive top-secret documents is so Easly accessible without oversight

Classified documents at Pence’s home, too, his lawyer says

I bet the same it true for Obama, Bush and Cheney

outside of nuclear launch codes all this secrecy needs to end, and they can start with everything to do with the Kennedy assassination, 60 years is long enough, what are they still hiding

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Clearly the documents been mishandle.

because these documents ended up in various locations by these men, they all need to be held if held accountable for their actions.

and you will be correct, but help me understand something and no this is not about trump documents, trump made it a felony to mishandle classified documents, that included non sensitive classified documents, could that been a mistake?

As I have said before these documents do not mean a thing to me and have zero effect on my life

what does effect me is my Affordable Care Act insurance premiums doubling this year, Hyperinflation has cut the future buying power of my retirement savings in half, and just yesterday I paid 3.39 a gallon for gas, 3 weeks ago I paid 2.39

These are the real issues facing all Americans, Washington can take those docs and shove them up their collective asses

Not so long ago in this country a black man would had been charged with a felony for “mistakenly” drinking from a water cooler marked “whites only” Maybe the question should be why do we have such stupid laws.

lol I know this is a hard question to answer for some, so let me try it another way.

Before Trump took office and made it a felony to mishandle classified documents, this must have been a problem for the previous presidents, was it a mistake to pass such law if the classified documents were non-sensitive and not top secret as Dennis suggest?