Political Opinion

This present war in Ukraine has the same driver that has fuelled all wars in human history.

People that suffer most in this war are just that - people - like those that have suffered in the past this holocaust memorial day.

The cause of this most recent war is contained within a 3 letter word.



Man gets prison for attacking Capitol officer who later died

A New Jersey man who joined a mob’s attack on the U.S. Capitol was sentenced Friday to more than six years in prison for using pepper spray to assault police officers, one of whom died a day after the siege.

Let me simplify it even more for you and add some Stone Cold Reality to it.

Catholic / Protestant - An illusion fed by Religion which has killed thousands and maimed thousands more across Ireland/UK over the past 100 years…

Christian / Islam - An illusion fed by Religion which has killed millions and maimed millions more across the Globe over the past 1000 years…

These ideologies believe in just one God… It’s just which version of the Deity is the right one to worship…

These ideologies exist only in thought and perpetrated by people who wish or attempt to control others.


You made his point. :rofl: people who think other people perceive thought is a attempt to control others. people who follower others do so at their own will

Neither Religion nor GOD preaches killing another human, that’s a sick minded human using religion to justify their sick behavior. People use that excuse to not believe in GOD or Religion.

If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man’s religion is worthless. Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained / polluted by the world. James 1:27

To be unstained by the world means not compromising with a system that hates God.

That ‘stone’ reality you add has long been written, well actually scratched - no different than the Roman soldier who couldn’t understand how a fellow soldier would countenance a God who was hung on a Cross - when he etched his thinking on the media of stone he commented that Alexamenos worships a donkey.

Media in all it’s forms reflects other people’s thinking - better to think for oneself - as always with God it’s our free choice.

Maybe “intolerable language” but it is all that I know - what other media should I look to?


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100% agree and no diffrence in politics

Those who follow politicians and their words are following another person’s way of thinking and ideology, which may be compatible with their own. they do this of their own free will

Stone Cold Reality: Education is a product of another person’s way of thinking.

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Btw the image above is known as the Alexamenos graffito or graffito blasfemo (blasphemous graffiti)

St Paul wrote back 2000 odd years:

I appeal to you, brothers, for the sake of our Lord Jesus
Christ, to make up the differences between you, and instead
of disagreeing among yourselves, to be united again in your
belief and practice. From what ChloeĘźs people have been
telling me, my dear brothers, it is clear that there are serious
differences among you

Maybe some day - who knows.

Alexamenos graffito - Wikipedia

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Right-wing media complains about mainstream media because they want to feed the masses their views. Ultimately, both forms of media are the products of other people’s way of thinking, One just has a much larger audience.

As a result, right-wing media aspires to become mainstream

I am going to disagree with you on this one, at least as it pertains to the United States. The US has become the fuel of war as it sets the stage for conflict and then supplies the weapons. I don’t see the US taking land or natural resources, it is just a feeding of the military. I don’t understand what positive outcome they see coming out of these endless wars. There are just so many positive things that money and resources could be going too

End the Wars

Easy! Jesus, it is that simple, he taught love and forgiveness. Any religion that does not teach this is not of my God

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Please explain how the U.S. intentionally started this war that cause Russia to invade Ukraine.

You are making stuff up from your belief system if you cannot provide details

The only reason Russia supporters want to end this war right now is to give Russia the advantage and make it easier to take Ukraine.

Not one minute after making a post that has nothing to do with you, you immediately go into Troll mode

life as a troll must be very lonely



I ask you a question? if this how you want to respond that’s on you.

You keep saying the U.S. starting wars to feed the military industrial complex

My rule is that I don’t believe other people’s claims unless they can prove them, nothing more, nothing less


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I have no problem with your Opinion, Dennis

How a simple question was led to something more than what it was intended for

My rule is that I don’t believe other people’s claims unless they can prove them, nothing more, nothing less

You don’t always have to prove it but show something you are going off of, Instead of your words

It should be the norm in our society to hold people accountable for their words

This is the dilemma facing Germany right now in relation the Russian war (or as is labelled by Russian media as the special military operation - could never figure why special).

Ukraine have been seeking tanks - specifically Leopards - many adjoining countries including Poland wanted to give these but because they are German made and supplied with contractual clauses Germany needed to agree - this was not forthcoming.

Just days ago all this has changed - the US like Germany were reluctant to offer Abrams, the UK Challengers and of course the much sought after Leopards - why the sudden change?

Ukraine: Civilian attacks ‘must end immediately’ says UN, as search for Dnipro survivors continues | UN News

The US is not fuelling this war - EGO - not of one man but of a group of men is.

Spot on @Trendswithbenefits - I’m less sure than you about “which religion” - Personally I don’t care - Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, Islam, Environmentalism, “Global Warmism”, Marxism - there is in fact no difference - just a load of people hooking up to a mass hysteria - and causing huge problems for real people -

What’s to do ?

Come on over - have a fag and let’s split a bottle ! :sunglasses:


cigar and bourbon? :wink:


Damn right :smiley:

I’ve got some “home brewed Scotch” - gets close to Glenmorangie - ut a nioce Bourbon will be fine - Wanna come and join in the man’s team for this little party ? :sunglasses:

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