Political Opinion

I undid my post and you can ask the moderators if i edit it after i undid it :+1:

I add to it, or correct the spelling, you need to get out of your feeling, you always talking about men being feminine but you are behaving like them


They will say and do anything not to face reality

EDIT: Falstaff Iā€™m definitely a troll. Just like you and others troll this thread with conspiracy theories and lies.

Polling shows former United States president Donald Trump still has the ā€œbiggest chunkā€ of votes to become the Republican nominee againā€¦

Trump has enough Republican votes to ā€˜blitz anyoneā€™ he is running againstā€¦


I hope he wins :+1:

So are polls now reliable to the right wing?

Trump brushes off polls showing Ron DeSantis ahead of him in critical states ahead of 2024: 'He wonā€™t be leading, I got him elected.

Trump on Saturday stepped up his criticism of DeSantis as the GOP presidential campaign heats up. As he spoke to reporters, the former president took credit for DeSantisā€™ rise: ā€œI got him elected.ā€

Trump traveled to New Hampshire and South Carolina on Saturday to rally support among Republicans.

This one has me rolling on the floor laughing, was it not on day one of biden taking office that he declared war on the oil industry, then last year as his policies tanked every sector of the market, it was big oil that made record profits. No president should ever declare war on any sector of the US economy


As a shareholder of Exon/Mobil, these profits and dividends have more than made up for the increase I am paying at the pump. On my investment threads, I have long advocated owning the Energy sector as a hedge, It is just good common sense investing.

I welcome alternatives to oil, but until we have them, oil will continue to meet an important part of our energy needs and it sure would be nice to have a government that understands this.

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I agree with this, I also agree no politician should declare war on any sector of the U.S. economy

20 attorneys general warn Walgreens, CVS over abortion pills

A letter from Republican Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey to the nationā€™s largest pharmacy-dispensing companies was co-signed by 19 other attorneys general, warning that sale of abortion pills would violate federal law and abortion laws in many states. Missouri is among states that implemented strict abortion prohibitions last summer after the Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade.

Will this be better for the oil industry?

This one has me rolling on the floor laughing

Trump Admin Bails Out Oil and Gas Companies That Gave Millions to GOP Groups

As the economy collapsed in the pandemic, oil and gas companies got tax breaks and lease pauses.

The Trump administration gave generous financial relief to hundreds of oil and gas leases to drill on public lands over the past three months in the form of reductions in rates of royalty payments, as well as beneficial lease suspensions. Many of the companies that received the relief made immense donations to Republican politicians and super PACs in recent years.

The oil companies that received the relief, as well as their executives and parent companies, have given more than $10 million to Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF) and Senate Leadership Fund (SLF) since 2015, super PACs affiliated with House and Senate Republican leadership, according to a new report out today from the nonpartisan Campaign Legal Center (CLC).

The Interior Departmentā€™s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) had disclosed royalty rate reductions for 227 oil leases and lease suspensions for 360 oil leases, according to the Center for Western Prioritiesā€™ (CWPā€™s) analysis of BLM data up to June 23, 2020 that was used in the CLC report. Oil companies benefited from having their rates of royalty payments slashed from 12.5% to just 0.5% and from lease suspensions that allowed them to halt production while oil prices plunged to record lows. Oil and gas exploration company Samson Resources, for which U.S. Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt was formerly a registered lobbyist, was granted more than 50 lease suspensions.

Not 2 minutes after my post our Troll is back at it again

First he tries to change the subject to abortion, then the useall TDS post , all cut and paste


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Of course they donā€™t want to be questioned about what they post, I just point out what the other side is doing, just like they blame one side. The same thing they complain about their party is doing the same thing, they hate when you point that out, yet he calls himself independent. :rofl: :rofl:

Another classic Troll response,


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Dennis3450, Iā€™m definitely a troll. Just like you and others troll this thread with conspiracy theories, lies and donā€™t wanana be held accountable for what you post.

Maybe this is what we are dealing with here


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I know I am breaking my own rule but this one I do find interesting

We have one president trying to destroy the oil industry and failing, and another president trying to save a critical industry during a national crisis and succeeded

Maybe laughing at either outcome is not the best response, but giving credit when credit is deserved might be in order with this example


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Another lie, give me one example of Biden trying to destroy the oil industry, You guys just canā€™t stop lying can you, give me laws or bills that will destroy the oil industry

Or give me one bill that Biden propose that got knock down because it will destroy the oil industry, and please donā€™t run from your lie.

EDIT: Heā€™s trying to convince me the president is trying to destroy an industry that the world relies on from cars to households and everything in between


Another excellent example of Flame Trolling

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Oh Dennis, that have no effect, do better

and just for the record


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Come again.

There is nothing wrong with a president talking about the price gauging of oil companies at that time, they was crying about profit and why oil prices was so high but clearly was making record breaking profit