Political Opinion

Interesting list.

  • Border Crisis - hows the wall, Trumps and Bannons? Or the build the wall fund?
  • Return to Energy Dependence - Yea, US oil companies are hurting for profits!
  • Messy Afghanistan Withdrawal - whose plan was that BTW?
  • Authoritarian COVID-19 Mandates - Trump didn’t do anything. He’s stated that he gave control to the governors. All before Biden, but it’s Biden’s fault?
  • Crime Surge - they’ve been trending up since 2014
  • Rising Inflation / US Economy in Recession - pandemic relief. Both president’s since Covid are to blame
  • War on Parents - are you serious?
  • Millions wasted on supporting a Proxy War with Russia - what’s the cheaper alternative? What happens if Putin actually took control over Ukraine? That’s the better alternative for the US? The world? No way.
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Mandate or not, dude actions and words are all over the place.

Trump signs ‘America First’ COVID-19 vaccine executive order

President Trump signed an executive order Tuesday that he said gives Americans “first priority” for US-made COVID-19 vaccines — and vowed to invoke the Defense Production Act if more were needed.

During a White House event, Trump also said the Food and Drug Administration was “just days away” from approving the first vaccine, developed by Pfizer and BioNTech, after which the government would “immediately begin mass distribution.”

Individual states have “designated over 50,000 sites that will receive the vaccine,” which will be provided “free of cost” to Americans, he said.

Trump said his executive order would “ensure that American citizens have first priority to receive American vaccines and then we’re going to be working with other countries all over the world.”

“And I think we’ll be able to start doing that almost immediately also because we have millions of doses coming in,” he added during remarks at the Operation Warp Speed vaccine summit.


Trump touts effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccine

“Look, the results of the vaccine are very good, and if you do get (Covid), it’s a very minor form. People aren’t dying when they take the vaccine,” he said in an interview with The Daily Wire’s Candace Owens that was released Tuesday.

When Owens began raising doubt about the vaccine efficacy, Trump interjected, saying, “Well, no, the vaccine works.”


The right has been clueless for years and are still clueless today.

White House blasts Exxon over historical $56 billion annual profit

The White House on Tuesday expressed outrage on Tuesday at Exxon Mobil Corp’s record net profit in 2022 of $56 billion, a historical high not just for the company but for the entire Western oil industry.


@dudebro, Your latest post is nothing more than a fit throwing exercise displaying your naivety to real world events…

You cannot be serious… Posting links to Oil Companies Profit levels from 2021 shows the scrambling for relevant content and has absolutely no bearing on 2022/2023 energy environment…

What’s the wall got to do with it? Democrats stopped the Wall and opened the flood gates to thousands of illegal immigrant’s pouring into the US… To Gang Members, Sex Slaves, Drugs and Weapons.

Already covered some of this in the post above… Trump left office with the US energy Independent… Enough said.

The Biden Administration’s woeful execution of Trumps planned and measured withdrawal…

Trump didn’t do anything… Yes, it was all Biden’s fault… Implementing economy crushing mandates on businesses and workers… Pouring billions of dollars into the US economy as a result of said lockdowns and mandates which has caused the massive spike in Inflation… Misinforming the American public that getting a vaccine will protect you from getting the Virus… What a crock that was…

You can try to deflect the reality by saying crime is up since 2014… Democrat run Sanctuary cities across the US have seen crime figures explode since the beginning of the Biden Presidency… Kenosha, Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York just to name a handful of crime riddled metropolis’s…

As discussed previously. It wasn’t Trump that applied the mandates… It wasn’t Trump that turned on the money printers and left them running… Day and Night… Result… More USD poured into the economy in the 24 months than in the entire history of the US Republic. Now massive Inflation as a result.

Very serious, lowering of a child’s age to consent to medical procedures, ridiculous woke ideology curriculum’s being forced into Schools and Universities… Students being Indoctrinated… Not educated…

The USSR put missiles in Cuba and the US went nuts and bombed the place… The US via NATO didn’t need to be as provocative… Now the Ukraine is in flames, it’s population massacred, raped, homeless, a whole generation destroyed…

And we cannot forget all the Russian families torn apart by forced Militarisation and tens of thousands of dead young Russian’s laying strewn across the frozen Ukrainian landscape…

So the US and it’s allies can run battlefield simulations and make billions from weapon sales. Even after this is over, how much debt do you think the Ukraine will have from this war…

I believe Trump would have been able to keep the peace by meeting with Putin as he did with the Little Rocket Man in NK… Biden’s bumbling Administration just encourages despots to get on with despoting…

So think again before you post without understanding both sides of the spectrum…

Right and Wrong!!

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If there is a war on parents I guess this is the alterative

Tucker Carlson called mask-wearing ‘repulsive’ and said parents forcing their children to wear masks in public should be reported for ‘child abuse’

Fox News host Tucker Carlson called the sight of kids wearing masks “repulsive” and a form of “child abuse.”

He advocated for people to call the police or Child Protective Services if they see children wearing masks on his Monday night show.

Carlson called mask-wearers liberal “zealots” and “neurotics” and goaded viewers into mocking them.



The shape-shifter is replying after changing shape yet again to mimic a respected poster !

All politicians deflect when they’re to blame, and all politicians like to take credit when things go right. It’s news and sound bites and it’s how you measure your success as a politician.

Biden and Dems deflected and delayed on the document find. What’s new? Politicians holding back info for their own benefit. Dumb move on his/their part.

I’ve couldn’t have said it better

Mere mention of Tucker Carlson’s name triggers you into a Psychopathic, fantasy posting episode …

Ohh, I’am in… The Rightful place… As opposed to your Left Behind… State of Mind…

Just making sure you stay in that state of mind. :+1:


Very Dumb move by Biden, so how did we get to this point?

Trump Made It A Felony To Mishandle Classified Documents In 2018

Few details have been made public as to why, exactly, the FBI and Department of Justice felt the urgent need to raid former president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort on Monday.


As hard as it is to understand, it’s like pushing the switch on your electric chair and not knowing what to expect.

We’ve seen right-wingers complain about fake news, and now they’re creating fake news. :rofl:

Far-right spreads misinformation about Paul Pelosi attack

The release of footage from the attack on Paul Pelosi is putting into focus how some on the far-right began spreading groundless claims about the attack immediately after it happened.

It’s impossible to get enough clown suits

See below the ACTUAL Police bodycam footage of the incident…

How about we let the members here judge for themselves… Instead of being told what to think by our resident Psychopathic, fantasy poster

All can watch MSNBC’s light on actual details report, then watch the Police cam footage…

Think for yourselves!

since you post that, what do you think is going on and what happen?

The right wing was telling you what to think before any video, The nerve of you to post this, did you forget about The Conspiracy Theories they was pushing without seeing a video or knowing what happen. geez

What you don’t understand is that the right wing started telling you lies the same day this incident happened. like they knew what had happen, you guys believe them

they was telling stories like they had front row seats. How dumb can one be not to see that?

We currently have a serious situation in this Country where outright lies and conspiracy theories have become factual to a significant amount of people.

It’s no longer about being dumb, there must be some mental issue going on in this country that we don’t know about., as the circus party continue on.

Paul Pelosi attack: rightwing pundits backtrack after release of police video

Conservative commentators were forced to backtrack over conspiracy theories and jokes about the hammer attack on Paul Pelosi, after the release of police video and audio last week.

One Fox News commentator had to retreat from his claim there was no “evidence of a breaking and entering” when his host pointed out that footage of the attacker breaking into Pelosi’s home was playing on screen at the time.

Republican leaders including Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell condemned the attack.

But prominent rightwingers including Donald Trump Jr, the Fox News host Tucker Carlson, the Tesla and Twitter owner Elon Musk and Republican members of Congress including Ted Cruz and Marjorie Taylor Greene eagerly spread jokes, misinformation and conspiracy theories.


Funny self own!

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Fox News loves to keep their fans up-to-date on illusions :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Have you been awoken by Fox News?

Maybe this is the perfect candidate for the right-wingers

DeSantis Takes On the Education Establishment, and Builds His Brand

Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, as he positions himself for a run for president next year, has become an increasingly vocal culture warrior, vowing to take on liberal orthodoxy and its champions, whether they are at Disney, on Martha’s Vineyard or in the state’s public libraries.

But his crusade has perhaps played out most dramatically in classrooms and on university campuses. He has banned instruction about gender identity and sexual orientation in kindergarten through third grade; limited what schools and employers can teach about racism and other aspects of history; and rejected math textbooks en masse for what the state called “indoctrination.” Most recently, he banned the College Board’s Advanced Placement courses in African American studies for high school students.

Another tactic this troll uses all the time - is to return AFTER the thread has moved on and delete posts - to erase evidence of his maliciousness - but as I said AFTER the thread has moved on and often after the post has provoked a response !

Often he doesn’t delete - but completely changes the content of his previous post to leave responses looking orphaned or lacking viability.

Engage with this fool at your own risk !

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