Political Opinion

lol,Did that comment offend you, I was just letting you know what it is, you see me getting upset when you call me a troll :rofl: Enjoy your day dennis

To be clear dennis, I tell kids that all the time when they tell me other kids called them names, I tell them they are beautiful and they are a shining star, because they are children and they get hurt easily. There are only two ways to go in this world for adults, you either bring good or bad to the world, and there is no inbetween. The only thing that matters is how well you can sleep at night with your choices.

Once Again, The only person who knows who you are is you, Dennis

Even though Fox News went with the lie, it’s entertaining to see how they play games with their gullible viewers. I hope they remain number one, we all need to laugh from time to time.

Fox News hosts and executives privately mocked pro-Trump election conspiracy theories after he lost, internal texts show

A new Dominion filing revealed messages among Rupert Murdoch, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and more.

When the network declared on November 5 that Biden won the crucial swing state of Arizona, its viewers rebelled. “Those fckers are destroying our credibility. It enrages me,” Tucker Carlson wrote in a text message to his producer Alex Pfeiffer. Carlson worried Trump would “destroy” the network.

“What [Trump]'s good at is destroying things,” he told Pfeiffer. “He’s the undisputed world champion of that. He could easily destroy us if we play it wrong.”

After a mob stormed the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, Rupert Murdoch wondered whether Fox News was to blame.

He asked Suzanne Scott, the CEO of Fox News, whether “high-profile Fox voices fed the story that the election was stolen” as rioters sought to force Congress to overturn the 2020 presidential election results.

Murdoch sympathized with Sean Hannity, a Fox News opinion host who was upset his friend Donald Trump lost the election, but worried he gave his millions of viewers the wrong impression.

The communications from Murdoch, the chairperson of Fox Corporation, and Tucker Carlson, its highest-profile host — as well as messages from Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and numerous other Fox News hosts and producers — were cited in a 200-page motion made public Thursday in a lawsuit filed by Dominion Voting Systems, an election technology company at the center of conspiracy theories about the 2020 election.

Fox News producers and hosts knew the election fraud claims were garbage

"If Trump becomes a sore loser we should watch Sean especially and others don’t sound the same," Murdoch wrote in a message to Suzanne Scott.


An unchecked lie becomes the truth with out evidence.

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George Galloway: We SHOULD NOT Fight for King and Country - 5/6 | Oxford Union

Link is Green writing below image

I just would like to hear a few opinions on this presentation , which whilst particularly relevant to we Brits - does have elements applicable to all our political warmonger countries ! ;- @Johnny1974 , @Trendswithbenefits , @Dennis3450 @dushimes ? - even something in there for the false “Patriot” - virtue signaller - our resident troll on this thread :rofl:

"George Galloway: We SHOULD NOT Fight for King and Country - 5/6 | Oxford Union - YouTube


A lot of information is being exposed about Fox News.

Rupert Murdoch knew Fox News hosts endorsed false election fraud claims, deposition shows

New court documents show that Rupert Murdoch and his top lieutenants at Fox News were aware that former President Trump’s claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election were false, but agreed to give them continued coverage in an effort to keep its unhappy viewers from fleeing.

The stunning revelations based on deposition testimony were in a brief filed Monday in Delaware State Court by Dominion Voting Systems, the latest salvo in the company’s $1.6-billion defamation suit against the conservative news network.

In his deposition, Murdoch acknowledged that he had the power to keep Trump lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell from appearing on Fox News, where they spread misinformation about election fraud and falsely accused Dominion of using its machines to manipulate votes. But he chose not to exercise that power, even though behind the scenes he and others were aware that Trump’s legal team was spreading lies and even questioned their sanity, according to the deposition.

When asked as to whether he could have said to Fox News Media Chief Executive Suzanne Scott and the network’s hosts "stop putting Rudy Giuliani on the air,” Murdoch replied, “I could have. But I didn’t.”

Fox News has maintained that its coverage and commentary of Trump’s false allegations were newsworthy and therefore protected under the 1st Amendment.

The filing also reveals that Fox Corp. board member Paul Ryan warned the Murdochs “that Fox News should not be spreading conspiracy theories,” according to testimony from the former Republican Speaker of the House.

“We are entering a truly bizarre phase of this where [Trump] has actually convinced himself of this farce and will do more bizarre things to de-legitimize the election," Ryan told the Murdochs. "I see this as a key inflection point for Fox, where the right thing and the smart business thing to do line up nicely.”

The court document also shows how network executives debated over debunking Trump’s false claims without agitating its viewers, some of whom

<Rupert Murdoch knew Fox News hosts endorsed false election fraud claims, deposition shows.

Definitely agree with this opinion

Fox News lawsuit unveils gaslighting that has become common practice in U.S.

The documents recently released from the lawsuit which Dominion Voting Systems has brought against Fox News reveal the utter hypocrisy of the network in promoting the preposterous allegations about the software company’s rigging of their systems to divert votes in the 2020 election from Trump to Biden. In doing so, they expose the gaslighting process by which obvious lies are presented as gospel truths in the Radical Right world today.

Fox and its prime-time hosts had initially dismissed the allegations against Dominion as baseless conspiracy theories. Then, when the network discovered that many of its listeners were defecting to OAN or Newsmax who had gotten fully behind the fabricated charges, Fox suddenly became a staunch promoter of them. Concern about ratings and loss of revenue forced Fox to become a dutiful purveyor of lies and disinformation.


I never really cared much for George Galloway, but I must admit that was one hell of a speech!


Those profit and earning numbers are insane!

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Here’s an interesting perspective on the causes of inflation.

Seems to side with @tommor on this one.

Corporate greed. Padding profit margins

I’m saying, why can’t it be multiple things? Yea, the stimis are part of it. Ukraine war of course. Supply chain shortages. Labor shortages. The economy is complex. The answer to inflation is most likely also complex.

Plenty of surveys and reports to back those claims listed in the article above.

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A lot of variables can be connected to this inflation, since there is no direct connection.

As they say, when all else fails, blame the Democrats.

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It’s one thing to tell election conspiracy lies, but it’s another to accuse Dominion of manipulating votes in order to swing an election. I hope Dominion succeeds.

Rupert Murdoch admits Fox News hosts endorsed election lies

Fox Corporation chairman Rupert Murdoch acknowledged in a deposition that his network’s commentators pushed false allegations by former President Trump that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. Lee Levine, a retired media lawyer, joined John Dickerson on Prime Time to discuss.


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Reuters report that Electric/Gas companies in UK will make excess 170bn profit - not bad.

Good chance that UK will see a rise in electric bills come this April - wholesale prices now below level pre-war.

Immed after the Russian invasion WTI rose to $130 ($131 March 4th) thus fuel prices rose to record levels almost immediately.

On Dec 9th last year price was down to $70 per barrel - but we are told that retail energy prices will take up to 2 years for this drop in wholesale to take effect.

The 5 letter word is greed - the best driver of inflation known to man.

It’s antidote is a longer word - competition.


Unfortunately there is no immediate alternative.

Maybe the world can learn from Switzerland

Countries are struggling to contain inflation, but not Switzerland. Here’s why

As many countries across the globe battle sky-high inflation, Switzerland’s economy is seeing something far less dramatic.

Inflation in Switzerland hit a 29-year high of 3.5% in 2022. While high by Swiss standards, that figure is well below the double-digit inflation of comparable economies including the United States (9.1%), United Kingdom (11.1%) and euro zone (10.6%).

What’s the reasoning they give that it will take this long?

Quite informative, They have all the excuses, and the record profits

People are complaining on here about biden war with the oil companies, but if you call it a war, the oil companies are winning.

How Big Oil More Than Doubled Their Profits In 2022

As oil prices skyrocketed, companies such as ExxonMobil, Royal Dutch Shell, Chevron, TotalEnergies and BP more than doubled their profits in 2022 from the year-earlier period.

Great speech, I am in total agreement. Here in the US most of our politicians, and sadly too most of our citizens treat war as a video game, as US involvement never has any direct effect on their lives.

These are all good examples, but they are all the consequences of government action. You point out Corporate Greed, what about the greed of our county’s Universities that even before covid were raising tuition 3 to 4 times the rate of inflation, again this is only possible because of the government’s actions

Then there is we the consumer, If we were not buying this stuff then the greedy corporations could not be charging what they are

Yes the economy is complex and there is plenty of blame to go around

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More on the subject of corporate greed and one of the worst offenders are American universities. and leading of the pack is Harvard University, With an endowment of over 50 billion in 2021 and estimated to top 70 billion this year, That is enough money to pay tuition for all their students for the next 100 years.



Total student loan debt in the US is nearly 2 trillion, and the greedy schools just keep piling on the debt as their endowments grow by billions every year


Patrick Bet-David reveals the shocking truth about why college costs so much and why the college system is the biggest scam in America…


Of course it’s a scam, As with most legislation pushed by lobbyists or trade associations, it benefits a small number of people at the expense of the public at large.

You’re fooling yourself if you think things will change with so many powerful people pushing for the current system that has made them wealthy. Yes, they might lower tuition because of the backlash, but they’ll be back doing the same thing if the legislation or laws remain.

For profit Colleges are the worst, they prioritize profits over student.

Trump Administration Revokes Obama-Era Rule on For-Profit Universities

Predatory For-Profit Colleges Benefit From Washington’s Culture of Corruption

Predatory for-profit colleges are getting a boost from President Trump’s culture of corruption. With help from high-placed insiders and campaign donations, bad actors are poised to harm vulnerable students once again.

President Donald Trump’s culture of corruption is pervasive: He has put lobbyists in charge of regulating the industries they previously worked for and perverted the legislative process to help wealthy donors at the expense of everyone else. One of the most concerning examples of this corruption is the Trump administration’s cozy relationship with predatory for-profit colleges. Their close relationship has negative consequences for millions of Americans, including low graduation rates, less valuable credentials, and higher tuition and student debt costs.

Trump and his administration are currently propping up for-profit institutions, where students are four times more likely to default on their loans compared with their counterparts in less expensive community colleges. Eighty-eight percent of borrowers who graduated from for-profit colleges did so with student loan debt—a higher rate than that of both public and private nonprofit colleges.
