Political Opinion

But unfortunately, I don’t think this applies to Russia. They lack democracy and civil society. Unfortunately(


It’s nothing new.

Lindsey Graham Is Officially a Terrorist Now (According to Russia)

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) was added to a list of “terrorists and extremists” kept by Russian authorities, just one day after accusing President Vladimir Putin of murdering political opposition leader Alexei Navalny, according to Russian state media.

The South Carolina lawmaker called for Russia to be designated a state sponsor of terrorism by the U.S. government, saying Sunday on CBS’ Face the Nation that Navalny had been “murdered by Putin.”

“Let’s make them pay a price for killing Navalny,” he added.

Russian-American citizen Ksenia Karelina is under arrest in Russia facing charges of high treason.
Apparently she t/ferred $51.80 to aUkraine charity on the day that Russia invaded. She also took part in public displays of support for Ukraine whilst she was in the US

She was led into the court blindfolded and in handcuffs.

She was arrested same day as the Carlson interview, in that interview Putin suggested that he was open to the release of American prisoners (perhaps is some sort of exchange)

US State dept advises citizens not to travel to Russia due to the risk of “the singling out of U.S. citizens for detention by Russian government security officials

In other news the body of Alexei Navalny has not yet been released to his mother.

There is no point in letting this clown remain in office. He has already caused too much damage, he has to go

Biden administration weighs taking actions without Congress to stem the migrant flow

WASHINGTON — The Biden administration is considering taking unilateral action without Congress to make it harder for migrants to pass the initial screening for asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border and quickly deport recently arrived migrants who don’t meet the criteria, say three U.S. officials with knowledge of the deliberations.

The actions, which are still weeks away from finalization, are an effort to lower the number of migrants crossing the southern border illegally as immigration remains a top issue for voters heading into the 2024 presidential election.

Under the new policies, asylum officers would be instructed to raise the standards they use in their “credible fear interviews,” the first screening given to asylum-seekers who are trying to avoid deportation for crossing the border illegally. And Immigration and Customs Enforcement would be told to prioritize recently arrived migrants for deportation, in a “last in, first out” policy, the officials said.

Biden administration weighs taking actions without Congress to stem the migrant flow

Lyudmila Navalnaya, Alexei’s mother has posted on YT.

She says that she has been shown Alexei’s body, viewed the death cert which states ‘natural causes’ but the remains have not been released to her for funeral.
Instead she states
“According to the law, they should have given me Alexei’s body right away, but they have not done so until now. Instead, they are blackmailing me, setting me conditions on where, when and how Alexei should be buried. This is illegal.”

“I’m recording this video because they started threatening me. Looking into my eyes, they say that if I don’t agree to a secret funeral, they will do something with my son’s body.”

She further says an official said “Time is not on your side, corpses decompose.”

She add something very touching from a mother:

"I don’t want special conditions, I just want everything to be done according to the law. I demand that my son’s body be returned to me immediately."

No parent wants to outlive their children, no mother must go through such torment if it happens.


The stupid policies of Democrat cities have gradually increased Trump’s support.

NYC has announced a program to provide prepaid credit cards to families. But although the program will cost $53 Million, it could be cheaper than the city’s other options for providing food and baby supplies.

Trump increased Trump’s support… Democrat Polices are just plain stupid

While the conversation is on the stupidly run Democrat state of New York…

Here’s a very good reason to get out of New York City and New York State. From what I’ve heard, a lot of people in general are doing just that…There are many states that are far more business friendly than New York.

If his properties were so overvalued, did the City of NY charge his property taxes based on that value? If so, how much did the next US President of the Divided States of America overpay in taxes?

Kathy Hochul said the quiet part out loud… “Don’t worry, we won’t do this to anyone else after this.” Meaning, the case and verdict were TARGETED against one person only, Donald Trump…"

So much for New York’s Soviet-style “justice.” “Always accuse your victim or your adversary of what you yourself are doing…” Karl Marx “


Oh geez, he back. lol

Trump himself should adhere to that quote, wouldn’t you agree? Let’s see if you can stop being a TDS for a bit

@SmallPaul You are such a Bozo… TDS is an anti Trump slur… Not a pro Trump slur…

Trump derangement syndrome (TDS ) is a pejorative term, usually for criticism or negative reactions to former United States president Donald Trump that are perceived to be irrational and to have little regard towards Trump’s actual policy positions, or actions undertaken by his administration.

Fareed Zakaria defined the syndrome as “hatred of President Trump so intense that it impairs people’s judgment”

@SmallPaul You can’t even form sentence’s properly… *He back…*Such a redneck…


you do know what TDS means for you right, Any way you want to answer the question or wimp out as always?

Let’s stop bickering over Biden he’s done, and ask ourselves how desperately our politicians wanted to fix the border crisis.

Fact Check: It’s Claimed that 7.2M Migrants Have Illegally Crossed the US Border Under Biden, Exceeding the Populations of 36 States. Here Are the Facts

As of January 2024, more than 7.2 million migrants had illegally crossed into the U.S. over the Southwest border during U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration — a number higher than the individual populations of 36 states.

The number specifically reflected border encounters with U.S. officials, not an increase of that magnitude in the immigrant population.

Rating - Fact Checks True

Fact Check: It's Claimed that 7.2M Migrants Have Illegally Crossed the US Border Under Biden, Exceeding the Populations of 36 States. Here Are the Facts

The magnitude increase in immigrant population will never be known.

Volodymyr Zelensky is giving a news conference the day after the two year anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

The president’s speech comes as Russia advances on Ukraine’s eastern front amid shortfalls in the delivery of Western military aid.

biden has now out paced Trump in deficit spending, and we still have 11 months left in his first ( and hopefully last) term


Quark for President, better than what we have now

The family of this young woman should hold biden accountable,


Democrat cities are the only ones

The right to shelter should only be available to U.S. citizens, Respect to the residents for standing up against this nonsense.

NYC Gives Migrants Luxury Apartments… Why?

The NYC shelter system is maxed out, and a vacant luxury building was just obtained by the city, but residents have questions about the city’s plans…

NYC Mayor Eric Adams says migrants will get $13 a day

a little humor)


Mitch McConnell to step down as Senate leader.

What a run.


Term limits needs to become a discussion item at some point.

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