Political Opinion

Shipping illegals to Democrat cities is to make a point. I think you are implying that Republican governors should keep illegals to get more electoral votes. No, I wouldn’t agree with playing that game. The best thing to do would be to send them back to country of origin to get in line to immigrate legally.

My solution would be expanded legal immigration and being extremely tough on illegal immigration.

I would not give anyone from any party a pass on this topic. However, Democrats have had the absolute worst policy on immigration.

Republican making a point while helping the other side is idiotic.

Republicans complaing about the border crisis while doing nothing when they had the chance is being a hypocrite

No governors should keep illegals in their states, A Democrat idiotic thinking.

Do legal immigration really need to be expanded?

Biden created the Border Crisis without a doubt

You can’t show me a president who doesn’t do this, whether it’s promising donors something for their votes or forgiving student loans and many other ways. Everybody wants something for their vote, There are many decieving ways to buy votes

There are levels.
There has never been a President that has bought votes on this level at such an extreme cost. Not even close.

what, So you have no problem with buying votes if it’s at a lower level, This has to be a joke.

There is no doubt that if it goes on at a low level and is accepted, the problem will soon worsen

This is a non sequitur. Surely you realize I did not say that.
What I am saying is that no President has ever done anything approaching this mammoth spending spree to buy votes.
It is absurd. Every US citizen should be furious. Most probably are. That’s why they have to import new citizens.

I realize this, but you now have a problem with vote buying is political grandstanding.

Speaking of being Bulldozed… Joe Biden is polling so miserably… Even in the battleground States… You have the delusional leftist media now arguing amongst themselves…

In what universe would The NY Times skew a poll in favour of Trump let alone any Republican for that matter… He’s neurotic while the other guy is desperately trying to get Scarborough to shut up!

Hard to convince JS of something when his paycheck depends upon him not believing it… And don’t expect his wife, Mikah, sitting next to him to contradict his nonsense…

@Xanaphlaxes With @SmallPaul You are debating with someone who is off in La La Land… Only a few of us here see the serious issues in the United States brought on by this Administration…

The Democrat’s will still be blaming Trump for their economic problems in 2068…

@Xanaphlaxes The Southern Border Crisis is a disaster for the economy and US Society as a whole…

The most dangerous development from this incompetent and obscurely steered Government is the weaponization of the US Secret Service’s and Judicial system via Lawfare

This administration has now set a precedent for using the Judicial System to curtail political speech and to damage Political opponent’s of the standing Government… The Biden Administration has shamefully opened a Pandora’s Box of nefarious political behaviour never before seen in the United States of America…

And I bet that is part of the reason the Democrats are petrified of a Trump second term… If the Trump Administration naively and recklessly chooses to stoop to their shocking level of anti democratic behaviour…

There’ll be many, many Democrat Politicians and supporters running scarred from Trump’s retribution… A critical error of judgement that will to erode the equality of American Politics and the US Presidency into the future…

Downtown San Francisco is like the Walking Dead - more dangerous than Colombia or Brazil, says Google employee…

It was all self created by the citizens of these cities who voted in completely delusional and radicalised Democrat politician’s… DA’s and other officials who just wanted to destroy any institution they controlled…

But, but, it’s the leftist’s utopia. This is what they dreamed of with their ultra-liberal policies…

Yet Biden, Newsome and XI cleared the streets of all homeless as they promised to stop the flow of fentanyl killing Americans… Did the moronic Democrat voters really believe them…

All down to Democrat liberalism… New York… Chicago… Washington… All going the same way…

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This topic is hilarious, borderline insanity :sweat_smile: So happy I left, and so much cudos to @SmallPaul for hanging in there!

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There’s a difference between staying informed and developing an obsession with politics that will subtly ruin your life.

If you are obsessed with politics, you will stress yourself to death

As a result of seeing others’ behavior, I became aware of that and began to question my own behavior.

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The confused Leader of the Free World and sitting United States (R)President Joe Biden aimlessly wanders the White House grounds…

When Biden was answering certain reporters questions he was reading his responses from notes, which means those were pre arranged… Then others he would say Yes… Then there was a long pause before saying anything…

Then when he did begin to speak… it was slowly and his body language was rigid like he was trying to repeat what he was told to say without forgetting what it was, It is obvious somebody was telling him what to say thru a ear piece…

Then his handlers quickly ended any more questions… Look at how he holds his hands at his sides. . . it’s weird. . . just like dementia patients. Please, someone get him out!

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Trump continues to push into the Blue States and takes the rally into the heart of hostile Democrat territory…New York City… San Francisco wait for it! Chicago… See you soon! Seattle…

Makes me so happy to see the constipated look on the Democratic reporters faces as they have to report the truth… Trump 2024… For the people, by the people, of the people…

Hillary calls them the deplorables… NY Governor Hochul called her constituents at the rally clowns…

This is the same person that said black kids don’t know what a computer is… It’s as if they want to hand him the election…

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Cherry picking videos is easy, and I am not sure DJT will come out a winner at that game. But hey, if he can stay awake long enough, he might get a ridiculous point or two across.

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@WeRideAtDawn Not hard to Cherry Pick nefarious Democrat behaviour…

Bombshell court docs reveal Biden’s DOJ authorized ‘deadly force’ in Mar-a-Lago raid…

Imagine… Sending officers authorised to use deadly force to retrieve boxes of documents from a former US President and your political opponent… Is this 1930’s Germany…?

These are some seriously sick people… Your Founding Fathers warned future generations of a tyrannical government like this… Were they hoping to take him out… Luckily The Don wasn’t home…!

All they needed to do was send 1-2 agents with a truck, a dolly, and a chase car for security during travel… The documents were in a safe… There was no risk to the agents… The documents were voluntarily given up…! Heck… All they needed was a courier…

Simply disgusting… I hope the stupid are watching… Is this what you want for your country…?

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Why not just hand over the documents when asked and don’t lie about it. Man causes his own problems then tells his supporters anything and they eat it up like idiots, TDS Is in full effect - Trump personal lollipop gang.

The Justice Department also said it gave Trump multiple chances to turn over the documents voluntarily, but he instead allegedly took steps to deter the agency from recovering them, including by suggesting his lawyers tell the DOJ he didn’t have any classified documents in his possession and scheming with his co-defendants, personal assistant, Walt Nauta, and property manager Carlos DeOliveira, to move boxes of documents around the property and delete security footage.

FBI agents found dozens of empty folders marked as classified during a search of Donald Trump’s Florida home last month, a court filing shows.

The document, made public by a Florida court, provides an inventory of the contents of 33 boxes recovered from the former president’s Mar-a-Lago estate.

More than 11,000 government documents in total were retrieved by the FBI from the Palm Beach estate, say investigators.

Prosecutors allege Mr Trump and his lawyers failed to provide relevant documents voluntarily, and “likely concealed or removed” records as part of an effort to obstruct the investigation.

AG Merrick Garland refutes Trump’s ‘false and extremely dangerous’ assassination attempt lie

US Attorney General Merrick Garland has taken the rare step of directly refuting a claim made by Donald Trump.

The AG appeared at a Thursday press conference in Washington, where he took a question from a reporter on the 2024 presidential candidate’s claim that FBI agents were “authorized” by Joe Biden to use “deadly force” against him when they raided his estate and resort at Mar-a-Lago in August of 2022.

MrTrump made the claim on his Truth Social platform on Tuesday after newly unsealed court filings showed that four additional classified documents were discovered in the former president’s bedroom in the months following the initial search.

“That allegation is false, and it is extremely dangerous,” Mr Garland said on Thursday. Mr Garland personally approved the search of Mr Trump’s home before the appointment of a special counsel to handle the department’s prosecution of the former president in two separate cases.

“The document that is being referred to in the allegation is the Justice Department’s standard policy limiting the use of force,” Mr Garland continued. “As the FBI advises, it is part of a standard operations plan for searches and, in fact, it was even used in the consensual search of President Biden’s home.”

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This guy is really trying to ignite a civil war

Trump distorts use of ‘deadly force’ language in FBI document for Mar-a-Lago search

Former President Donald Trump pointed to standard language in an unsealed FBI document to baselessly claim that the Biden administration wanted to kill him during a search of his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida, nearly two years ago.

“WOW! I just came out of the Biden Witch Hunt Trial in Manhattan, the ‘Icebox,’ and was shown Reports that Crooked Joe Biden’s DOJ, in their illegal and UnConstitutional Raid of Mar-a-Lago, AUTHORIZED THE FBI TO USE DEADLY (LETHAL) FORCE,” Trump wrote in a post on his social media platform Truth Social on Tuesday night. “NOW WE KNOW, FOR SURE, THAT JOE BIDEN IS A SERIOUS THREAT TO DEMOCRACY. HE IS MENTALLY UNFIT FOR OFFICE — 25TH AMENDMENT!”

The claim was also boosted online by his supporters.

But the language Trump referenced is a standard policy statement used for issuing search warrants and was not unique to the FBI’s search of his property. It is actually meant to limit the use of deadly force.

Here’s a closer look at the facts.


The Biden administration authorized the use of “deadly force” against former President Donald Trump during an FBI search of his Mar-a-Lago estate in 2022.


The policy statement on the “use of deadly force,” which appeared in an operations order for the Mar-a-Lago search, is not evidence of a plot to kill Trump. It is a Department of Justice policy that is standard to include in such documents.

“The FBI followed standard protocol in this search as we do for all search warrants, which includes a standard policy statement limiting the use of deadly force,” the agency said in a statement. “No one ordered additional steps to be taken and there was no departure from the norm in this matter.”

As it appears in the operations order, the policy stipulates in part that Department of Justice officers “may use deadly force only when necessary, that is, when the officer has a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or to another person.” The policy is in the department’s Justice Manual with only minor differences in wording to what is included in the order and is summarized on the FBI’s website.

Frank Figliuzzi, a former assistant director for counterintelligence at the FBI, reiterated in an X post what the agency said in its statement.

“Yep, every FBI operations order contains a reminder of FBI deadly force policy,” he wrote. “Even for a search warrant. Deadly force is always authorized if the required threat presents itself.”

A motion that Trump’s lawyers filed in his federal classified documents case, also unsealed Tuesday, asserted that the August 2022 search was unconstitutional and “illegal,” misquoting the operations order as saying that “law enforcement officers of the Department of Justice may use deadly force when necessary.”

Trump wasn’t at Mar-a-Lago, which was shuttered for the season, at the time of the search. The Associated Press reported at the time that the FBI reached out to the Secret Service detail that provides protection to the former president and his homes shortly before serving the warrant.

The facts did not stop Trump and his allies from spreading the erroneous allegation.

A Trump campaign fundraising email with the subject line “They were authorized to shoot me!” was sent soon after he posted on social media and made even more outrageous claims.

“I nearly escaped death,” it reads. “You know they’re just itching to do the unthinkable. … Joe Biden was locked & loaded ready to take me out & put my family in danger.” :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Trump distorts use of 'deadly force' language in FBI document for Mar-a-Lago search | AP News

Before serving the warrant, they intentionally made sureTrump wasn’t home to minimize any conflict that could place him in harm’s way.

lmao, F.B.I. found boxes containing classified documents “in various locations” at Mar-a-Lago, including in a ballroom, an office space, his bedroom, a storage room and even a bathroom and shower, according to the indictment. In April 2021, the indictment alleges, Trump employees transported some boxes from a Mar-a-Lago business center “to a bathroom…

In any case, how hard is it to return documents unless you have another plan for them? but he causes his own problems and he also continues to make up lies to trick his idiot fans / his personal lollipop gang into believing what he says.

Timeline: The government’s efforts to get sensitive documents back from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago


Jan. 14: Six days before the presidential transition, movers are photographed wheeling boxes out of the White House complex and placing them on nearby trucks.

Jan. 19: Trump tells the Archives that he has designated Mark Meadows, Pat Cipollone, Pat Philbin, Scott Gast, Steven Engel and Michael Purpura, who served in his administration either within the White House or Justice Department, as his representatives to handle matters pertaining to records from his presidency.

May 6: The Archives requests that Trump turn over missing records, and continues to ask for the documents until late December.

December: A Trump representative informs the Archives they located 12 boxes of material at Mar-a-Lago and the agency arranges for them to be securely brought back to Washington. Archives officials say they “did not visit or ‘raid’ the Mar-a-Lago property.”


Jan. 18: Fifteen boxes of records, some containing classified material, are retrieved from Mar-a-Lago by Archives representatives.

Jan. 31: The Archives says in a statement that some of Trump’s presidential records it received included “paper records that had been torn up by” the former president.

“As has been reported in the press since 2018, White House records management officials during the Trump Administration recovered and taped together some of the torn-up records,” the agency said. “These were turned over to the National Archives at the end of the Trump Administration, along with a number of torn-up records that had not been reconstructed by the White House.”

The Archives notes that under the Presidential Record Act, all records created by presidents must be handed over to the agency at the end of their administrations.

Feb. 7: The Archives confirms that in mid-January, it arranged for the 15 boxes containing presidential records to be transported from Mar-a-Lago to the agency. It says Trump’s representatives are “continuing to search” for more records that belong to the Archives and notes that under federal law, they should’ve been transferred from the White House at the end of the Trump administration.

Feb. 9: The Archives’ Office of the Inspector General sends a referral to the Justice Department requesting it investigate Trump’s handling of records. The referral notes a preliminary review of the 15 boxes taken from Mar-a-Lago indicated they contained newspapers, printed news articles, photos, notes, presidential correspondence and “a lot of classified records.”

“Of most significant concern was that highly classified records were unfoldered, intermixed with other records, and otherwise unproperly [sic] identified,” the referral stated.

Feb. 18: David Ferriero, then-archivist of the United States, sends a letter to House Oversight and Reform Committee Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney informing her some of the boxes retrieved by the Archives in mid-January contained items marked as classified national security information, and asked Trump’s representatives to continue searching for any additional presidential records that had not been transferred to the Archives.

Ferriero tells Maloney that because the Archives identified classified information in the boxes, its staff had been in communication with the Justice Department.

April 11: The White House Counsel’s Office formally transmits a request that the Archives provide the FBI access to the 15 boxes retrieved from Mar–a-Lago for its review.

April 12: The Archives says it communicated with Trump’s “authorized representative” about the 15 boxes of seized records and told his attorney Evan Corcoran about the Justice Department’s “urgency” in needing access to them. The agency also advises Trump’s counsel it intended to provide the FBI with the documents the next week. Corcoran later requests the Archives delay the disclosure to the FBI to April 29.

April 29: The Justice Department’s National Security Division tells Corcoran that there are “important national security interests in the FBI and others in the intelligence community getting access to these materials.”

More than 100 documents with classification markings totaling more than 700 pages were among the materials in the boxes retrieved by the Archives from Mar-a-Lago, according to the Justice Department, some of which include the “highest levels of classification, including Special Access Program materials.”

The department adds that access to the documents is necessary “for purposes of our ongoing criminal investigation.”

On that day, Trump’s attorney requests another delay before the records are given to the FBI and says if the extension was not granted, his letter serves as a “protective assertion of executive privilege.”

May 10: Acting Archivist Deborah Steidel Wall informs Corcoran in a letter that there is “no basis” for the former president to make a “protective assertion of executive privilege,” and she therefore would not honor Trump’s “protective” claim of privilege.

Wall also tells Corcoran that the Archives would provide the FBI access to the records taken from Mar-a-Lago as early as May 12.

May 11: The Justice Department obtains a grand jury subpoena seeking “any and all” documents bearing classification markings that are in Trump’s possession at Mar-a-Lago. The subpoena sets a May 24 deadline for the requested records to be turned over and for Trump’s custodian of records to appear in federal district court in Washington.

In a separate letter from Jay Bratt to Evan Corcoran, Bratt thanks him for “agreeing to accept service” of the subpoena and says Trump’s custodian of records may comply with the subpoena by handing over the responsive documents to the FBI. He also notes the custodian will have to provide a sworn certification that the documents “represent all responsive records.”

May 16-18: FBI agents conduct a preliminary review of the 15 boxes retrieved from Mar-a-Lago and find classified documents in 14 of them. The trove includes: 184 documents bearing classification markings, including 67 marked confidential, 92 marked secret and 25 marked top secret.

May 24: Trump’s lawyer asks for an extension for complying with the subpoena, and the government ultimately pushes back the date to June 7.

May 25: Corcoran tells the Justice Department in a letter that Trump has the absolute authority to declassify documents.

June 2: Corcoran reaches out to the Justice Department and requests FBI agents retrieve the documents that are responsive to the May 11 subpoena from Mar-a-Lago.

June 3: Three FBI agents and Bratt, the Justice Department counterintelligence chief, travel to Mar-a-Lago to retrieve the materials in response to the subpoena, and try to find a resolution to the Archives’ dispute with the former president.

Trump’s attorney and custodian of records are present and turn over one large envelope, “double-wrapped in tape,” that contains documents. Neither asserts that Trump declassified the records or asserted claims of executive privilege, federal prosecutors said in a filing detailing the encounter.

The custodian of records for Trump’s post-presidential office signs a certification attesting that a “diligent search” was conducted of boxes moved from the White House to Mar-a-Lago to locate documents covered by the grand jury subpoena and that “any and all responsive documents” were provided with the certification.

Trump’s lawyer says all records brought from the White House to Mar-a-Lago are stored in a single location, a storage room on the premises, and that there are no other records stored in private office space or other locations on the property. Additionally, he represents that all available boxes were searched.

FBI agents and Bratt are given access to the storage room, which contains boxes containing “clothing and personal items” of Trump and first lady Melania Trump, according to Trump’s lawsuit.

But the Justice Department says government personnel were prohibited from opening or looking inside any boxes that remained in the storage room, “giving no opportunity for the government to confirm that no documents with classification markings remained.”

The FBI goes on to review the documents contained in the envelope and finds 38 unique documents bearing classification markings, including five documents marked confidential, 16 marked secret and 17 marked top secret.

June 8: Bratt sends a letter to Trump’s team warning that “Mar-a-Lago does not include a secure location authorized for the storage of classified information” and asking the room be secured.

Trump’s attorneys acknowledge receipt of the letter a day later. Trump directs his staff to place a second lock on the door to the storage room, he says in his lawsuit.

June 19: Trump designates Kash Patel, a former Pentagon official, and John Solomon, a conservative commentator, as his “representatives for access to Presidential records,” in a letter to the Archives.

June 24: Federal investigators issue a subpoena for security-camera footage at Mar-a-Lago, and Trump’s team complies, turning over the footage to the U.S. government. (On Sept. 7, the Justice Department said the grand jury subpoena for Mar-a-Lago’s security cams was issued on June 24, and not June 22, as Trump’s lawsuit had stated.)

Aug. 5: The Justice Department seeks and obtains a search warrant for Mar-a-Lago from a federal magistrate judge in West Palm Beach.

The department says that prior to seeking the warrant, the FBI “uncovered multiple sources of evidence” indicating classified documents were still at Mar-a-Lago, despite the sworn certification made June 3.

Federal prosecutors say the FBI also “developed evidence that government records were likely concealed and removed from the Storage Room and that efforts were likely taken to obstruct the government’s investigation.”

The search warrant approved by the judge allows the FBI to search the “45 Office,” which is Trump’s office space at Mar-a-Lago, as well as all storage rooms and other rooms used or available to Trump and his staff where boxes could be stored.

Aug. 8: The Justice Department executes the search warrant at Mar-a-Lago beginning around 10 a.m. At least two of Trump’s lawyers, Christina Bobb and Lindsey Halligan, are present, and Bobb signs a receipt listing the property seized by the FBI at 6:19 p.m.

Among the items taken by agents are Trump’s passports, which are later returned. The Justice Department says in its later filing that, consistent with the parameters of the search warrant, “the government seized the contents of a desk drawer that contained classified documents and governmental records commingled with other documents,” which included two official passports.

“The location of the passports is relevant evidence in an investigation of unauthorized retention and mishandling of national defense information; nonetheless, the government decided to return those passports in its discretion,” federal prosecutors write in the filing.

During execution of the warrant, the government seizes 33 boxes, containers or items of evidence from both the storage room and Trump’s office. An investigative team reviewing the materials finds that 13 boxes or containers contain documents with classified markings, including more than 100 unique documents with classification markings. Three documents marked classified are located in desks in Trump’s office, prosecutors said, and 76 more were found in the storage room.

A partially redacted photo included in the Justice Department filing shows some documents recovered from Trump’s office had colored cover sheets indicating their classification status. The records range from “CONFIDENTIAL to TOP SECRET information, and certain documents included additional sensitive compartments that signify very limited distribution,” the Justice Department says.

Aug. 11: Attorney General Merrick Garland delivers a statement about the search and reveals he personally approved the decision to seek the search warrant for Mar-a-Lago. The Justice Department also moves to unseal the warrant amid requests from media companies, including CBS News, for the magistrate judge to also unseal the underlying affidavit laying out the reasons for the search.


Trump explained why he didn’t hand documents over to National Archives.

Trump went on Fox News to defend himself. It didn’t go well. - Vox

Why is it that the long-term capital gains on our 401K and IRA’s are taxed as regular income, should this money not be taxed at the lower long-term capital gains rate? If President Sh-t-head really wanted to help the middle class he would leave the capital gains rate as it is and apply it to our long term retirement savings