Political Opinion

Trump or his supporters are dumb, or perhaps both

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Sure, you do, and you keep embarassing yourself. Where is your pride, show some self-respect!

At least you know you are being played, Like a man running game on a woman, she believes everything he says

Speaking of shaken and stirredā€¦ Itā€™s like throwing peanuts to the monkeysā€¦ Just to easy ā€¦

ā€œLike a man running game on a womanā€¦ā€ What?? Get back on your medsā€¦

@SmallPaul Embarrassingly you spelt embarassing wrongā€¦ Trailer Park 101ā€¦

Are you really trying to clown me over a misspelled word? If this is an important milestone in your life, I would like to send you $100.00

This has zero to do with anything I posted, I am talking about those of us making a modest living while responsibly saving for our retirement. I am not asking for a handout or loan forgiveness, just fair tax rules on our retirement savings.

Is that too much to ask for?

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Anyone here commenting on US Tax law yet knows nothing about the Social Security Tax Torpedo, is speaking out of pure ignorance. Defending tax law changes with the argument that it only affects the rich is a whole nether level of ignorance.

If biden is re-elected middle-class taxpayers on average will see a 50% increase in their federal income tax bill. If you do not know this to be true then again you are speaking out of ignorance and just repeating democrat party propaganda

Here is my bipartisan approach to taxes and the federal budget

For every dollar of proposed tax increases by the democrats, they must agree to a matching dollar of republican budget cuts. And for every dollar of proposed budget cuts, republicans must agree to a matching dollar of democrat tax increase. This back-and-forth bipartisan cooperation will continue until we have a balanced budget

Am I dreaming, absolutely I am, but dreaming is about the only thing our government has not taxed

That is my rant for the day, you all ( regardless of your politics) have a great day

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on 737k i paid $255,504 thatā€™s 481,496 after taxes, I never set up a IRA or a 401k something I need to do asap

What should be the standard rate for single and marreid :face_with_monocle: people ?

List of countries by tax rates

I remember thinking my taxes would decrease when I got married! lol they went way up!
I guess the gov wants to encourage singles!

Itā€™s interesting to look at the numbers in the wiki and consider what the Democrats have planned. How many companies and people that can afford to hire people will stay in the USA as taxes rise?
But then, the government appears motivated to move jobs overseas. Why?

I suggest thinking about what taxes will look like in 2025 and beyond. Proposed laws are not yet in effect.
Imagine being taxed for wealth itself or for unrealized gains!

You will own nothing and be happier! Happiness is mandatory! :slight_smile:

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are you still marry and if so how long, if you donā€™t minde me asking

Yes! I only plan on doing this once!
Nearly 10 years and she has tolerated me for quite a while before that!

I recommend to young men to find a good woman. Donā€™t waste your time. I spent far too long filling my life with BS. Life is short and you donā€™t get those years back! This too is political opinion! lol

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The secret to maintaining integrity is valuing the internal more than the external.

Did The Raid On Mar-A-Lago Follow A Normal Processā€¦?

Some in this thread donā€™t have a clue what they are talking aboutā€¦ Former Federal Prosecutor James Trusty sets the record straight about the lead up to and the raid on Mar-a-Lagoā€¦

Only 20,000 out of 320,000,000 Americans are seeing thisā€¦ ā€œAt gunpoint they ordered everyone out of the building to stand all day in 90Ā°F heat while they arranged empty folders and a bathroom for media photo opsā€¦ā€ Then they demanded the CCTV tapes from Mar-a-Lago security and wore no body camsā€¦

Now we know why the FBI did not let Trumpā€™s lawyers werenā€™t allowed to enter Mar-A-Lago the day of the raidā€¦ A Merrick Garland temper tantrum for not being nominated to the SCā€¦

Did Trump follow the normal process? The man did it to himself, stop making excusing and find the tennis balls to call your boy out, In other words, you believe that everyone else is at fault except your boy.

Baby donā€™t even cry that much, Is accountability still alive?

@SmallPaul Complete BSā€¦ How about link this cut and paste tripe you continually postā€¦

ā€œBefore they conducted the search the last thing that President Trump said when he allowed FBI agents in Mara Lago in June was anything you need let me knowā€¦ā€

ā€œThe only communication that came from DOJ after that was a request to put a padlock on the door where they knew the boxes were which The President complied and did immediatelyā€¦ā€

It is greatly appreciated that Mike Pence handled his classified documents and the FBI in an adult manner.

DOJ closes Pence classified documents investigation with no charges

The Justice Departmentā€™s national security division, which looked into the discovery of classified documents at the former vice presidentā€™s Indiana home, informed his attorney that no charges will be filed.

Earlier this year, Penceā€™s lawyers said that a ā€œsmall numberā€ of classified materials had been found at the former vice presidentā€™s home in Indiana after the FBI discovered classified records were initially discovered at a Washington think tank President Joe Biden used after he was vice president. The FBI later conducted a five-hour voluntary search of Penceā€™s home, and uncovered another classified

Before I post the link, Are you still convinced that the FBI planted those documents at the Trump estate?

@SmallPaul Youā€™re off on one of your delusional trips againā€¦ The FBI knew the documents where on Trumps estateā€¦ They were there in June 2022ā€¦ They asked him to padlock the storage roomā€¦

Then came back with a search warrant and raided in Augustā€¦

After Mar-a-Lago Searchā€¦ FBI Agent Wondered, ā€œAm I Dreaming?ā€

*ā€œDid this really just happen? Am I dreaming? The FBI served a Search Warrant on a former president?ā€ wrote an incredulous bureau employee in an email that was sent to the FBIā€™s acting ombudsman, Chauncenette Morey, shortly after the Mar-a-Lago searchā€¦

"If he took documents, give him a call and ask for them back. Like ā€¦ Seriously? My own agency ā€¦ A bunch of democrat political hacks up topā€¦Iā€™ve lost just about all faith in our leadershipā€¦ā€

New FOIA documents reveal raw hostility inside FBI after Trump searchā€¦

Both Pence and Biden were only Vice Presidents and shouldnā€™t have had any documents outside the Whitehouse at allā€¦ And no charges were laidā€¦ Trump was a former President of the United Statesā€¦ He had permission to have documents in his chargeā€¦

Itā€™s just another stitch up likeā€¦ Russian Collusionā€¦BSā€¦ The Steele Dossierā€¦BSā€¦ The Sexual Assault trial he was found not Guiltyā€¦BSā€¦ The New York property crapā€¦BS

And now the Stormy Daniels trialā€¦ You simpletons are too stupid to see when your Government is trying to persecute a Political Opponentā€¦