Political Opinion

Why another early-in-the-morning raid, is this the new America,

It is not uncommon for early dawn raids to occur for a variety of reasons

Factors Influencing Raid Timing:

Investigation Stage: Police raids typically occur after a thorough investigation. Law enforcement agencies gather evidence, conduct surveillance, and assess the best time to execute the raid based on their findings. The timing often coincides with when they believe criminal activity is most likely to be occurring or when suspects are likely to be present.

Strategic Considerations: Police strategize to maximize the effectiveness of raids. This may involve choosing a time when suspects are least likely to resist or flee, such as early in the morning or late at night when they are likely to be at home and less vigilant.

Safety Concerns: Safety is paramount during police raids, both for law enforcement officers and the occupants of the targeted property. Raids may be timed to minimize the risk of confrontations or violence, such as when suspects are asleep or less likely to be armed.

Legal Requirements: Law enforcement agencies must adhere to legal protocols when conducting raids. This includes obtaining search warrants from a judge, which may specify the timeframe within which the raid must occur. Additionally, some jurisdictions have regulations regarding the hours during which raids can take place.

Surprise Factor: The element of surprise can be crucial in raid operations to prevent suspects from destroying evidence or evading capture. As such, raids may be conducted at unexpected times to catch individuals off guard.

Common Times for Police Raids:

While there is no fixed time for police raids, certain patterns may emerge based on the factors mentioned above.

Early morning hours, typically between 5:00 AM and 7:00 AM, are often preferred due to the element of surprise and the likelihood of suspects being at home.

Late-night raids, around midnight or later, may also be conducted for similar reasons.

However, raids can occur at any time of day or night, depending on the specific circumstances of the investigation.

What Time Do Police Usually Raid Houses?

Things don’t look good for Bob the Democrat

Gold bars and Sen. Bob Menendez’s online searches take central role at bribery trial

Prosecutors on Thursday showed jurors at Sen. Bob Menendez’s trial multiple instances when he researched the value of gold as he tried to help a New Jersey businessman who authorities say bribed him with gold and cash.

The evidence about the New Jersey Democrat’s online searches was prominently displayed to a New York jury as prosecutors traced the history of his text messages and internet queries as he allegedly tried to aid Fred Daibes, a prominent real estate developer who is on trial with him.

The evidence is considered crucial in the government’s effort to prove that Menendez and his wife received gold bars, cash and a luxury car from 2018 to 2022 from three New Jersey businessmen who benefited from favors Menendez is alleged to have delivered in return.

The gold bars found in the home Menendez shared with his wife in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, took a prominent role early in the trial when an FBI agent described a 2022 search of the residence the senator moved into in 2020.

The search found gold bars worth more than $100,000 and over $486,000 in cash, some stuffed in the pockets of coats hanging in closets, in bags and in shoes and boots. A Mercedes-Benz was parked in the garage.

On Thursday, the topic of gold came up repeatedly as another FBI agent described internet searches Menendez conducted when he researched the price of gold in April 2019, twice in May 2021, again in October 2021, twice in December 2021, once in January 2022 and again in March and May 2022.

Among the searches, agent Paul Van Wie said, were instances when Menendez researched the worth of a gram, an ounce and a kilo of gold. The agent said a search of Menendez’s internet history since 2008 showed that the senator had never searched for gold prices during that span until April 5, 2019.

Menendez’s lawyers have said gold bars found in the home belonged to his wife and that she kept the senator in the dark about gifts she accepted when she was in financial trouble.

Prosecutors sought to prove Thursday through emails, text messages and the online searches for the price of gold that Menendez was interested in gold as he allegedly sought to recommend a new federal prosecutor for New Jersey who could help Daibes get a favorable outcome in a criminal case against him.

The online searches also occurred as Menendez allegedly used his international clout to help Daibes secure a $95 million investment from a Qatari investment fund by taking actions favorable to Qatar’s government.

Daibes has been credited with the construction of a string of luxury waterfront buildings, known as the “gold coast,” in the New Jersey town of Edgewater.

Prosecutors showed the jury email and text correspondence Thursday reflecting that Menendez introduced Daibes to a member of Qatar’s royal family who was a principal in the investment firm and also met with Qatari officials and made public statements supportive of Qatar as the real estate deal was being negotiated.

After the deal was signed in May 2022, Daibes gave Menendez at least one gold bar, prosecutors say.

In the 2022 search of the Menendez home, FBI agents found two one-kilogram gold bars and nine one-ounce gold bars with serial numbers showing they had previously been possessed by Daibes, along with about nearly a dozen envelopes of cash with tens of thousands of dollars bearing the fingerprints or DNA of Daibes, according to the evidence shown to jurors.

Gold bars and Sen. Bob Menendez's online searches take central role at bribery trial - CBS News

The border crisis alone would seem to be enough to win Trump this election.

Death of 12-year-old girl in Texas fuels Trump-Biden debate on immigration

The White House and Biden campaign responded Friday to the death of a 12-year-old girl in Houston after two suspects charged with capital murder were found to be undocumented migrants.

Jocelyn Nungaray was discovered Monday in a shallow creek after being strangled to death, according to the Houston Police Department.

A White House spokesperson said, “Our hearts go out to the family and loved ones of Jocelyn Nungaray.”

“We cannot comment on active law enforcement cases,” the spokesperson continued. “But fundamentally, anyone found guilty of this type of heinous and shocking crime should be held accountable, to the fullest extent of the law.”

Death of 12-year-old girl in Texas fuels Trump-Biden debate on immigration

Ecuadorian migrant arrested in rape of 13-year-old NYC girl

Ecuadorian migrant arrested in rape of 13-year-old NYC girl walked out of precinct

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It really should. The Democrats deserve to lose this election. No Administration has ever encouraged this kind of illegal immigration. Obama prosecuted and returned criminals.
We shouldn’t let in any criminals. 0. None.
100% of immigration needs to be through legal means and we can debate how many people with what skills we let in. 0 criminals.
We need to stop the influx of criminals. All of us do. Shouldn’t even be a partisan issue.

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If any Democrat Supporter does not see this as a problem, then maybe you are the problem

Even if Biden wins this election, there must be pressure to fix this border crisis as soon as possible

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Sadly, I think the Democrat position on immigration is going to be permanently completely insane. There is a far left philosophy about open border that basically says borders are oppressive. They want to equalize the situation by allowing a lot of bad into our country. If Gavin Newsome (or probably anyone else) is the new Democrat talking head, there will be no change. Then add onto the philosophical reason the strategic reason of changing the voiting demographic, and there is little hope of change within the Democratic Party.
RFK is sane. He is a liberal that would fix the problem. Most true liberals have left or are leaving the Democratic Party.
I foresee a Trump/Tulsi ticket, which I will vote for. If miraculously RFK shows a better chance of defeating the Democrats, I will gladly vote for him. I think we should all vote for someone besides the Demorats, Trump, RFK, Libertarian, or Green. Just send a message that we won’t stand for this.

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During this election, I have no idea what will happen, but when FOX released its poll results something strange happened. It surprised me how accepting Trump supporters were of those poll results, It was as if FOX had sucked the life out of them, as they would normally not go for those poll numbers. It’s something I’ve never seen before. The reason I posted that.

Trump/Tulsi Administration would be a formidable combination… Strength and moderation…

November will determine who will win and lose, regardless of polls…

Perhaps you can explain this to your boy.

Trump Melts Down Over ‘Trash’ Fox News Poll That Shows Biden Ahead

Donald Trump is once again very mad at Fox News—this time over the conservative cable giant’s latest poll that shows him down nationally against President Joe Biden in the race for the White House.

The ex-president’s latest temper tantrum over Fox News comes just a day after he fumed that “nobody can ever trust” the Murdoch-owned channel because former House Speaker Paul Ryan, who recently sounded off against Trump, sits on Fox’s board.

“The latest Fox News poll is TRASH! They used a biased, Democrat-leaning sample of voters, polling more Biden 2020 voters than Trump 2020 voters to skew the results in favor of Crooked Joe,” Trump groused on his Truth Social platform on Thursday. “I am leading BIG in virtually every other poll, including in all of the key battleground states, like Wisconsin, where I just held a massive rally, and Pennsylvania, where I will be on Saturday.”

Besides fuming over the Fox survey showing Biden leading by two points in a head-to-head race, the twice-impeached former president took issue with the poll finding that the most pressing issue for voters is the “future of American democracy,” which Biden has made a centerpiece of his campaign.

Trump’s fury at the right-wing network he’s long had a love-hate relationship with has ramped up in recent days after Ryan said in a Fox News interview last week that the ex-president’s willingness to put himself “above the Constitution” made him “unfit for office.” (Since leaving Congress, Ryan has regularly blasted “proven loser” Trump, blaming him for the GOP’s lackluster electoral results.)

“Nobody can ever trust Fox News, and I am one of them, with the weak and ineffective RINO, Paul Ryan, on its Board of Directors,” the former president grumbled on Wednesday. “He’s a total lightweight, a failed and pathetic Speaker of the House, and a very disloyal person. Romney was bad, but Paul Ryan made him look worse. As a team, they never had a chance. Rupert and Lachlan, get that dog off your Board - You don’t need him. ALL YOU NEED IS TRUMP. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

Trump Melts Down Over ‘Trash’ Fox News Poll That Shows Biden Ahead

@SmallPaul You been reading that rubbish leftist media crap posted on Yahoo again…

Your DailyBeast link is from Nov 2020… Wakeup to yourself…

Once again you get sucked in by BS reporting… Meltdown… Really…

Now where in 2024

According to your leader, FOX news is not to be trusted due to Paul Ryan’s presence on its board

Trump - " Nobody can ever trust Fox News, and I am one of them, with the weak and ineffective RINO, Paul Ryan, on its Board of Directors."

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)

I would like to see RFK Jr debate, despite his liberal and radical left ideas he is being accused of, but unfortunately he did not meet the requirements.

Former White House physician demands Joe Biden take drug test before debate…

He already had a test, and he doesn’t have the mentality to face a jury… Must be close to the announcement that Biden has COVID…

7 days behind closed doors at Camp David… You know damn good and well that the psychologists and “see eye aye” will be pumping joey up with some really good drugs…

Sad Australia has to report the real news… The United States should be embarrassed…

This is a weird time. We don’t know who is in control of America or the world… Other countries take notice…
Anyone who doesn’t have concerns about Biden’s mental fitness needs to have their own mental capacity examined…


In Breaking News NATO attacks Russia killing Russian civilians in Russia on a beach using American weapons including drones… Talk about asking for it…

Biden lost his marbles long ago, I fear this guy is getting there and by the time he gets to the white house, he will be worse than Biden mentally.

Trump’s brain dysfunction goes mainstream, reporters noticing

Those who come up with these lies without any evidence are beyond pathetic.

Trump primes response in case of strong Biden debate showing

Former President Trump and his allies are laying the foundation to dismiss a strong debate performance by President Biden as a charade.

Trump and other conservatives have in recent days floated the baseless claim that if Biden does well at next week’s debate in Atlanta, it will be because he’s using some kind of performance enhancer.

The claims echo a similar strategy Trump and others used to downplay Biden’s well-received State of the Union speech earlier in the year. They also come as some Republicans worry Biden will defy the caricature that Trump and right-wing media have painted of him as a feeble, confused old man.

“Republicans would be wise to play down expectations,” one Republican strategist said. “Make the point that Biden is a good debater.”

Trump has so far declined to make that case. Instead, he’s fluctuated between claims that Biden is feeble and incompetent, and preemptively trying to create a narrative that if Biden does well, it’s because he had the help of some unnamed, mysterious substance.

“He’s gonna be so pumped up. He’s gonna be pumped up,” Trump told supporters Tuesday at a Wisconsin rally.

In response to questions about Trump’s debate prep, senior campaign adviser Jason Miller similarly implied Biden would be using some kind of substance during the debate.

“President Trump takes on numerous tough interviews every single week and delivers lengthy rally speeches while standing, demonstrating elite stamina,” Miller said in a statement. “He does not need to be programmed by staff or shot up with chemicals like Joe Biden does.”

Fox News host Sean Hannity, who is also friends with Trump, floated during his show earlier this month that Trump might consider skipping the June 27 debate and suggested Biden would be aided by Red Bull, caffeine pills or something else.

“Whatever Joe drank, ate, took before the State of the Union — maybe it was just Red Bull and caffeine pills. I don’t know. Whatever it was, that was not the normal Joe,” Hannity said. “We never saw it before, and we haven’t seen it since. But we will see it for the debate.”

The Biden campaign did not respond to a request for comment on the claims from Trump and his allies.

But at the same time Trump has sought to set the narrative around a strong Biden performance, he has also repeatedly lowered the bar for his opponent.

At his Wisconsin rally, Trump referred to Biden as “incompetent,” “weak,” “failing” and said he “has no clue” and “doesn’t know where he is.” Trump has claimed Biden “doesn’t know he’s alive.” He quipped at one point he’d also be debating moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, meaning he’d be facing “three people instead of one-half of a person.”

Republicans have in recent days shared videos of Biden, some of them deceptively edited or cropped, and claimed the footage shows Biden freezing up or wandering off.

Trump primes response in case of strong Biden debate showing

Are you justifying this action, they did the same thing to Jesus

This is not acceptable

I am not sure Mr Russell really said this but I am in 90% agreement

Had he said " government education" I would be in 100% agreement

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Dennis, these type of raids been going on for over 50yrs in America.

That does not make them right.

We should all stand together and call out these wrongs, no reason to take sides on this one